Day One The First Day of Paradise

Börja om från början

Bottoms it's time to meet your tops. Outside standing by the pool are five sexy men lined up for you. One by one you'll have the chance to pick the hunk you want. Don't get too confident once you've chosen, one of the other boys can steal your man! It's all to play for!

"Oh wow, so who is going first then?" Ethan asked. Right on cue my phone bleeps telling me I have the first choice. "I guess that settles things, bye guys I'm off to get me a man!" I say waving and leaving the room as the other boys cheer me on. I felt slightly nervous but privileged to be choosing first.
I step outside onto the grass and my eyes widen seeing five stunning men stand before me next to the pool. The other boys giggle and gossip together in the distance on the patio but only I was allowed to meet and speak to the boys at this stage. I decided to work down the line to meet each man.
The first man standing in front of me was blonde with thin short blondish hair, blue eyes and a muscular but not toned body. I happened to notice just how large his legs were. His arms were also fairly sized too but his main feature seemed to hone his legs. "Alright I'm Matt" he said with a fairly deep voice. "I'm Jake" I said and smiled looking cutely at him.
I step to my right and look at a light-skinned black boy. He was quite tall, I guessed he was around six foot two or three. "Hi I'm Samuel but Sam is fine" he said with a fairly quiet voice. Sam had black short hair with thick eyebrows and prominent abs. He looked down and I could tell he was a quiet person and perhaps a little nervous? I said hello to him and he smiled at me not saying anything.
I stepped to my right again and greeted the next man. "Well hello beautiful" he said eyeing me up and down with a smile on his face rubbing his hands. I giggled and looked at him up and down. This man had black short hair, a couple of small tattoos on his body with green eyes and a toned figure. He had a masculine deep voice but a scouse accent meaning he was from Liverpool. "What did you say your name was beautiful I'm Alfie?". "I'm Jake" I smile politely as I move to the next man.
I then look up to see a tower standing over me. "Bloody hell, your tall" I laugh looking up at the sky. "That's right baby, six foot six of pure man," he says smoothly and makes a kissing face towards me. I look at the rest of him an see he has a ripped body with nice strong legs and arms. He had brown curly hair, blue eyes, tanned skin and big lips. "I'm Hayden, it's a pleasure to meet you baby" He said smoothly once again. I giggle and smile looking up at his face as I move to the final man.
"Hey beautiful I'm George" He said politely. I looked at a black man with a what looked like very smooth silky skin, short black hair and a cute smile. Suddenly my phone vibrates and I read out my message.

Jake, now that you have met your tops please ask them to step forward if they would date you. From those that step forward you can choose who you would like to couple up with.

I stand back a few steps and look at all five men standing before me. "Ok boys, which of you would like to couple up with me" I ask cutely. I may have had a confident tone and stance but inside I was dying. If no one stepped forward this would not only be embarrassing but my time on the show could end before it started. I wasn't sure what the rules were if no one steps forward.
The first guy to step forward is Matt. Alfie also follows with Hayden at the same time. Finally, George steps forward leaving Samuel as the only man to not step forward for me. I felt I should speak to the guys more and hopefully I could make a decision based on their responses. "Ok, four out of five is great to me. Matt, why did you step forward?". "You look good, basically my type which is always a positive. I always want a boy who takes care of the way he looks. Judging by how you look now, I could see you being like that" He replied. I felt that Matts answer was very laddish, he seemed like the kind of guy that would want a pretty boy on his arm to take care of and treat well as long as he could also spend time at the pub. I quite liked laddish and masculine guys so this was a positive for him.
"Hayden, what about you?". "Yeah, you are quite petite. Which most boys are to me at my height but you look quite cute and innocent too which I like". I also liked Hayden's response and from what I could tell he seemed to be quite interested in me.
"And George?" I asked turning to him. "I think you need a guy that can make you laugh and have fun with. That's me all over". George's answer didn't impress me too much, perhaps it was because he didn't want to repeat what Matt and Hayden said. An original answer is better than a copied version of someone else's but unfortunately for George, his answer wasn't impressive enough.
"Finally Alfie why did you step forward?". "Of course I did, I reckon we could have something special" he smiled. I felt that Alfie gave a very confident answer but sadly this I didn't consider it to be the best of the four.
"Ok well I know I have only just met you guys a few minutes ago but I am honoured to have the first pick. To choose from four hot guys is also great. The guy I would like to couple up with is... Matt". I said and smiled looking over to Matt who grins and gives me a cheeky wink. "Decent mate, I look forward to getting to know you better" he says as I walk over to him and give him a hug.
The two of us stand together, I was required to stand slightly behind Matt because he was still eligible for another bottom to steal him from me.
Tyler then storms overlooking more than ready to choose his guy. Tyler confidently walks over to each guy and looks them all up and down. "Ok guys step forward if you want me" he calls. Alfie practically jumps forward as no other guy moves. "Well I guess one is better than none" he says shrugging. "I'm being brutally honest I was kind of hoping Mr.Blonde on the end was gonna step forward" Tyler continued looking at Matt. Matt smiled and I looked at Tyler but didn't move from his spot. "But I'm glad he didn't, the reason for this is because Jake and I agreed that we would put our boys first and I respect him for that. Therefore I'm more than happy to couple up with you... I don't even know your name" he laughs. "I'm Alfie" he chuckles. The two greet one another and Tyler stands behind him in the lineup. I then exchange a quick hug with Tyler for what he said about me in his speech.
Just as Colin walks over Matt whispers to me, "What do you think of the other couple?". "Not sure if it's a perfect match but who knows" I respond as Colin speaks.
"What a set of hunks in front of me. Let me look at you all!" Colin calls excitedly. He walks across the line inspecting the guys and stopping at Hayden. "Wow, I love how tall and masculine you are" Colin flirts playfully. He continues eyeing up the guys and stops in front of Matt. "I like the look of you but it seems Jake got to you first and I respect that" he says as he then asks the guys to step forward for him.
The first and only person to step forward is Hayden but it seems Colin wasn't bothered by that. Colin smiles and looks Hayden up and down. "I definitely want to couple up you babe" Colin calls as he walks over to Hayden.
Matt turns to me again, "I've been getting on Hayden, he seems like an alright lad. You've met Colin, reckon they will work?". "To be fair they do look like a very hot couple. They could be competition".
Tyrone then stands before the boys and walks straight over to Samuel. "What's your name?" He asks cheekily looking very interested. "I'm Samuel or Sam if you like" he explains. "I'm basically weak at the knees for you sexy" Tyrone flirts. Samuel smiles and Tyrone speaks, "I don't want to ask for others to step forward I want to couple with Samuel" he demands as the two then exchange a hug and Samuel gives him a kiss on the cheek.
Before Matt can turn to me Ethan is standing in front of us and he looks a little overwhelmed by the guys in front of him. "Hey Guys, I guess it would be easier for me to ask you to step forward first," he says and no one steps forward. For a moment Ethan looks embarrassed and then looks down. "What! Guys, he's stunning! Any of you would be lucky to have him!" Tyler yells sounding annoyed. "Yeah come on guys!" I call out. Ethan smiles at us both and feels a small sense of reassurance. Alfie goes to step forward and Tyler puts his arm out stopping him, "I didn't mean you" he told him firmly. I took hold of Matt's swim shorts waistband and whispered in his ear, "not you either". Matt grinned and didn't move.
George slowly steps forward. "Honestly mate,  I think your hot but I didn't think you'd be into me". "Oh babe, right now your my knight in shining armour" George smiles and introduces himself. "Well then it's settled I want to couple with my knight on the end"  he continued as the two introduced themselves.
"So is this it then. We're done?" Matt asked as everyone looked at each other. "I guess so, but isn't there usually an odd number? Each season starts with an odd number but there is ten of us so it's even?" Ethan explained looking puzzled. "I wouldn't worry about that, there will be more tops and bottoms joining the villa later on. Let's just enjoy the peace while we can" Hayden suggested.
The rest of the guys settled into the villa. The bottoms finished up the last of the unpacking and the tops began making themselves at home.
Eventually, by early afternoon everyone was outside gathering around a couple of bottles of champagne that we were given to us to celebrate our first day. I stood within the group looking around the garden. I didn't quite take in its beauty when I was choosing my man. The grass was elegantly short, the patio had black wood to walk on and a few small tables to sit on. The sun loungers looked soft and luxurious, like the ones you see in five-star holiday magazines. Over to the left, we're a bunch of day beds lined up, they looked like bigger versions of the loungers but four-poster with light curtains. The pool was a good size, not too small but not oversized for the garden. I also liked it was curved and not a basic rectangle.
Matt pops the bottle open and starts to pour the glasses out, he gives himself a small glass and fills everyone else's to the top. "You not much of a drinker?" I ask looking puzzled. "I'm not really a fan of wine or champagne. Give me a cider or beer any day". "Oh that's such a masculine response" Colin says holding his glass and biting his bottom lip slightly at Matt. I frown at Colin for a moment and then look back to Matt. I wasn't sure if that was a flirtatious comment from Colin or it was a joke. He had just made a big deal about how much he liked Hayden despite liking the look of Matt and respecting me and my choice.
Soon everyone stands around talking to one another in small groups when Hayden spots the outdoor gym next to the pool. The tops all decide to explore it which gave Tyler an idea. "Come on guys let's have a quick moment to chat about our men" he calls and hurries over to the day beds.
I decided to not follow the tops to the gym despite it being the option that would most likely be more fun. I sat next to Tyrone on the beds and I asked the group, "who do we all fancy then? I want all the goss". "Indeed come on, what do we all think about our men?" Colin asked looking excited. "I'm a bit overwhelmed really. I'm not sure if George is right for me" Ethan spoke honestly. "I like Hayden a lot, he seems like a confident joker but I think I'm looking for more of a laddish guy perhaps. What do you think of Matt, Jake?" Colin asked. "He seems like a decent guy to be honest". "Is he solid dependable Matt?" Tyler says not looking impressed. "Too vanilla for you then Tyler?" Tyrone asks. "Well I'm quite interested in Alfie" he responds. "I need someone who treats me like a prince" Ethan says nicely. "I totally agree. I want to be spoiled and treated well in public and he can have the same in bed" I laugh as well as the boys and Tyrone speaks, "I agree with being treated well but I'm not interested in money. I want to see if he cares about me from the heart". "I find someone who's athletic but smart attractive. There are so many dumb jocks out there" Colin says. "I think for me money matters" I giggle as Ethan high fives me. "You say prince and I say gold digger" Tyrone tells me and looks away looking unimpressed with my response.
The tops at that moment rejoin us on the beds and suddenly Matts phone bleeps and he reads out the message.

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