Chapter Twenty-Nine

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 "Can it feel heat?"


 "How do you move it?"

 "There's a bio-microchip now in my brain that coordinates the movement."

 "Do all Starks have the best technology?" Fitz walks back over to where my suit is laying on the large center table.

 I laugh and hold my tongue on correcting him that I am a Potts. I am thankful that the parrhesia has begun to wear off. Tony has been actively avoiding me. Four hours ago, he told me to go hang out with Fitz-Simmons and not to speak to him until the drug has worn off. In those four hours, Fitz-Simmons have asked nonstop questions about Reinforcer. Fitz was very hands-on with the suit whereas Simmons tended to observe the details from the holotable. I've enjoyed this morning with the two scientists. I haven't had a peaceful afternoon with friends in months, not since Alex was kidnapped.

 "Monica, what is your biggest fear?" Tony unexpectedly saunters into the lab.

 "Monkeys and fire," I answer simply.

 "Okay, the parrhesia has worn off, hasn't it?" A look of relief washes over his face.


 "Come out here, I want to talk to you," Tony walks out of the R and D lab into the hangar bay. I follow him out. "I want to talk to you about-"

 "Wait," I cut him off, "If you want this conversation to be private, they can hear you."

 "Ugh," Tony scoffs and rolls his eyes. He walks up the stairs and gestures for me to follow him. We walk into the empty lounge. I assume the upcoming conversation is going to be short considering Tony does not bother to sit down.

 "You're scaring me. Are you going to ground me or something?" I smile uncomfortably.

 "No, no, it's not bad at all," Tony shakes his head, "Really? I'm that bad of a father where I would ground you right after you were in captivity and you helped destroy Black Dwarf?"

 "Well, I didn't know," I wave my hand.

 "No, but what I want to talk to you about... well, it's more of a question for you," Tony crosses his arms, "What do you think about changing your last name?"

 "Like when I'm married?"

 "No, to Stark," Tony looks at me.

 "Wait, are you being serious?" I raise my eyebrows.

 "It's completely up to you," Tony raises his hands, "Considering you are my daughter and all, I thought it made sense." I don't respond immediately as I think about his offer. "You don't have to decide right this second, but what do you think?"

 "I don't know," I admit, "I was raised by Potts. It's mom's name and I feel like I'd be betraying the name."

 "Well, I'm hoping that won't be her last name for long," Tony mutters under his breath badly audible.


 "Nothing. Just think about it for a little bit. Maybe when we get back to Los Angeles in six hours, you will have an answer."

 With that said, Tony walks away. I am left to my thoughts. I cannot help but be surprised that Tony would ask if I would want to legally change my last name to Stark. The thought of Monica Stark has never crossed my mind, so why has it crossed Tony's? I am perplexed why Tony would even care. I thought he was still barely used to me being his daughter, but now he is thinking about changing my last name? I feel as if I'm overthinking all of this, but it is a big deal.

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