I felt my nose bleed and when I looked, it was it floating in a sphere. We were in space. I looked up and saw a mountain of dust. When I say mountain I mean if you looked at it from Earth, it would look like the moon was wearing a party hat. The janitors worst nightmare.Only the strong monsters were left, the titans, the giants, Typhon and a few lesser monsters. My whole body was at its limit. I could barely move. If it was not floating, I would fall down. The remaining monsters were looking around surprised and pissed of. They were so close to victory but then just got sent back so far. Typhon roared in frustration but he was shorter than the mountain of gold dust in front of him. They looked around and saw me. They growled and readied their weapons.
"You will die boy" screamed Polybotes.
"Then come get me" I said as I drew my weapon waiting for my inevitable doom.
Just as a Cyclops was stepping towards me, a lazer blasted him and he was added to the pile of dust. I turned around to see a massive space ship which had landed. It soilders up for us to see thousands of soldiers with weapons.
"FOR CHAOS" a warrior shouted before charging the monsters who were still in shock. I watched in awe as the slashed through all the remaining monsters. These were people who had seen battle countless of times and were not scared of it anymore. The monsters didn't stand a chance. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Chaos looking at me.
"Who are these people and how did they come?" I asked
"This is the Chaos army Percy. And we were coming to Earth to help with the monsters but with you bringing them here, it was a lot easier. Remember when I said I was busy? Yea I was organising this" replied Chaos proudly. He then started pointing out the commanders to me. He pointed to a girl looking about 16 who was solo fighting Hyperion and chaos said she was the 4th in command.
There was Adam 5th in command
Ava 4th in command
James 3rd in command and
Skye 2nd in command.
"Who's the 1st in command?" I asked. Chaos looked at me.
"I have a preposition for you Percy. How should you like to be first commander in the Chaos army? I was shocked. I thought it over and finally came to my decision. I looked up at Chaos and said

"Absolutely not. I'm sorry Chaos, I mean no disrespect but I want to live a fulfilling life back on Earth. I want to stay with my family. I may join your army next time in another book maybe (hint hint nudge nudge) but not this time" I said. Chaos looked sad but like he expected it to happen. He said it was fine and then I took nap right then and there. I couldn't stay awake any longer and the vapour travelling caused me to lose a lot of my energy. I woke up in the spaceship and after eating I asked Chaos to teleport me back to earth which he did. I was on Olympus but it was strangely empty. I went to the throne room and saw a golden statue of me holding riptide over a dead minotaur and a burial shroud. It was my funeral. I saw Thalia and Elliot crying along with Hestia. Poseidon looked sick and Hades, along with everyone else was greiving. The 6 were mourning about not being able to say sorry to me.
Then I decided to break the silence.
"So who's the funeral for?"

Thalia POV

2 days ago

The Hunters were fighting a losing battle. We had many injured on the ground and we all had ran out of arrows. Lady Artemis had left to fight Typhon and we were all tired. My spear was broken so I was using a bronze sword. I fought like my life depended on it, which it did, and then all of a sudden, all the monsters disappeared into mist. We were all confused. I contacted everyone and apparently the same thing happened everywhere. The rest of the day, we were tending to the wounded and mourning the deaths. I cried for my fellow Hunters. The next day, on the news, the freak hurricanes and destruction had suddenly stopped as fast as they had began and scientists were scratching their heads on what just happened. The next day, all the half-bloods were summoned to Olympus. I looked around for my cousin but couldn't find him anywhere. I started to panic. Zeus cleared his throat.
"Demigods. We are here to mourn the death of the hero of Olympus." Zeus announced and I broke down crying. My cousin was dead. How? Why? When?
The gods then explained what happened and Percy's plan. I shook my head. The fish face would protect those he loved even if he hurt himself in the process. Zeus summoned a giant block of celestial bronze and asked Hephaestus to make a statue. After half an hour he finished and it was amazing. It was beautiful and life-like. The fates then brought out a burial shroud. I was crying next to Elliot who was devestated that her brother had died. Just as we were about to burn the shroud I heard a familiar voice call out
"So who's the funeral for?
Everyone turned around and saw the familiar face of Percy freaking Jackson. People stood in shock for a while before Elliot rushed and hugged him while crying on his shoulder
Then everyone else came and hugged him. I ran up to him and slapped him before embracing him. He told us the story and I was shocked that he would decline such an offer but happy he would be staying with us.
"How do we know your not lying?" Asked my retarded brother Damien. Before I could murder him, Apollo said Percy wasn't lying while also glaring at Damien. People believed Apollo as he was the god of truth. Damien shrunk back at the glare and stayed silent. We had a party at Olympus as it was the most fun I had in a long time.

Annabeth POV

During the party, me along with Jason, Piper, Frank and Hazel were looking for Percy. We found him outside in the garden looking down at the city. We walked up to him.
"Sup guys. What do you want?" He asked in an I-dont-really-wanna-talk-right-now voice.
"The deal we made?" I told him. He looked up and stared at me. Then he shouted "Hades" and the god of death appeared in front of us.
"Yes Percy?" He asked.
"How many casualties did the demigods have in total?" He asked.
"257" he announced. As he said those numbers, my heart dropped.
"Thank you Hades. You may leave" answered Percy and the god shadow travelled away.
"Come on Percy! Please. It was just 7 away" begged Hazel disbelief in her facial features and voice.
"A deal is a deal daughter of Pluto" he answered in a monotone voice.
"Please Percy just listen to us" asked Piper staring at him with her kaleidoscope eyes.
"I know your angry at us Perce, but please listen to us" Jason said. "What we did to you is something not anyone should go through. We're trying to make it right, so please let us"
"I'm not angry I'm indifferent" Percy said. "Theres a difference. Besides, I have no obligation to allow you to make amends, so tell me why I should listen to you when I've got other things to do?"
"Because we need to move on", I said staring him straight in the eyes. "And you need closure. So please"
Percy held my eyes for what seemed like forever and then released a deep breath, and replied with "fine" and then he snapped his fingers sending us to his cabin in Camp.
My heart was beating. Even if I didn't admit it, I still loved Percy and I would always have a special place for him in my heart. But I long ago gave up the hope that the two of us could be together again.
Jason started first "we know what we have done and were not trying to shift the blame to Damien for tricking us. No words can explain the amount of guilt we feel towards you. No amount of pain we ensure will compare to the way we treated you." He looked like he was about to say more but then his voice cracked and looked like he was in pain.
Then Frank continued "We accept the responsibility of being one of the reasons you left. It was our fault for believing in Damien rather than the person who has done so much and even continues to do so even after all we have done. We are truly sorry and no one should be betrayed by those who you considered family.
I'm sure forgiveness is the last thing on your mind" added Hazel. "We get it, we really don't deserve it, but we still want to thank you for everything you have done for us"

"We are sure you never want to see our faces ever again" Piper chimed in. "But we want you to know that we hope you are happy, from the bottom of our heart. We never meant for what happened to happen and even now and forever, we will regret what we have done"
I was going to talk to Percy later when we were alone so I let him speak first. He took a deep breath as if he needed as much air as he could get for his part. "At first I was angry. But slowly overtime I became indifferent. What had happened had happened and nothing could change that. After our quest together, the lump of hate I had towards all of you slowly began to melt. It's been a while and we should all move on with our lives." And then he said the words the immortal demigods never thought they would hear "You are forgiven". We all pulled him into a group hug which he returned akwardly and soon everyone went out except me and Percy.
"I took pride in being the smart, proud daughter of Athena" I began shakily. "But I am an idiot. I couldn't see what Damien was doing to us and I let it happen. Ny idiocy prevented me from seeing what Damien was doing and it cost me the greatest thing in my life, you.I ran scenarios in my mind, the days leading up to the event thinking what I could have done to change it. I can say sorry for the rest of my immortal life but even that wouldn't be enough to erase what I had done to you. I do not deserve your forgiveness and that is ok. You just listening to my rant is enough.

"I thought the world of you Annabeth" he started. "If it was up to saving the world or you, I wouldn't be able to choose. I fell into Tartarus and turned down godhood just to stay near you. That day I saw you kissing him, something broke inside me. I was broken. I ran away thinking that time would heal my wounds but it never did. I have lived with my heart broken and will continue living this way until someone can fill the hole in my heart. I promised that I would always be with you and in sorry I can't complete that promise. I hope you find someone you truly love some day, but until then" he held out his hand as if wanting me to shake it.
"Friends?" He asked. I was shocked but shook it firmly.
"Friends" I said with a grin starting to appear on my face 

The end

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