"Love you" Henry's voice whispered and Virgil didn't think he could smile any wider, giving Henry that ever so tighter hug. "I love you too" he whispered and Henry smiled before he was set down onto the ground, climbing back onto his bed.

Once the kids were busy with their toys, Virgil turned to Mia and smiled at the girl who was reading from her book. Sitting down opposite he gently caught her attention, she looking up at him curiously. "I have a friend who likes books too" Virgil began to explain, drawing a slip of paper from his pocket. "I asked him books he'd suggest for someone like you so.." he slid it over to her with a grin, "pester William to buy them all, promise?" And she was nodding hurriedly, looking over the titles giddily.

Then she let out a gasp, "I've read the last one!" She commented enthusiastically and Virgil grinned widely, he was sure Logan would appreciate that very much.

"See you at Easter, yeah? With a new list?" Mia nodded hurriedly, sitting up on her knees to give her uncle a hug.

"Daddy said not to tell you but he said he's proud of you" Mia murmured and Virgil's heart clenched yet again. Drawing back, Virgil smiled, eyes rimming with happy tears. "Well, make sure to tell him I said thanks - but only when you're driving home, okay?" She nodded with a giggle, sitting back down on her bed to carry on reading, all of her stuff had been packed and put into the car already so she was just passing the time.

He left the basement after that, knowing exactly where he was going when he wandered down a hallway and opened the garage door. He spotted Aria and Aiden lifting four suitcases into the trunk of their car - they were leaving in a few days so he assumed they had separate bags filled with the stuff they'd need for those days until they left for home.

"Sup" he greeted, casually leaning on the other car beside theirs. "Nothing much - what brings you here?" Aiden responded, shutting the trunk of the car to lean on his opposite Virgil.

"I was planning to beat you up and steal your car" Virgil replied without missing a beat, grinning when the married couple both let out a laugh. "I'd like to see you try" Aria replied, swinging her arm around her nephew's shoulders, dragging him into her chest and rubbing her knuckle on his head roughly. "Alright, alright!" Virgil laughed, pushing away.

"I'll get better, one day, you'll see" he eyed them both but they merely laughed, Aria standing beside Aiden, leaning on him with crossed arms.

"You're already good - you'd have to be to live in America" at this Virgil rolled his eyes, "thankfully my area's not that bad" he shrugged, for a split moment he imagined Roman as a kid, innocently speaking Spanish to his neighbour and then- he shuddered. Life could easily be taken away. Just like that.

"Yeah...anyway" he continued, "keep Henry and Riley safe, those Griffin brothers are still on the loose" he teased, the two smirked in amusement, both standing so similarly, leaning on each other instead of just one on another, they both supported the other in everything and Virgil admired their relationship very much. They were perfect for each other. And he was glad he was able to witness it again.

"Eh, they don't stand a chance" Aiden brushed off and Virgil believed him.

Leaving them to continue, he crossed the house to the other side, quickly finding Camila and Samuel admiring the Christmas tree that stood in the corner of the room, the lights twinkling, creating a serene feeling.

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