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Me and jungkook get in his car and then I get a random call.

"Hello?" I answer

"Is this Kim Yinshi, sister of Kim Yosung?" The lady on the phone asks

"Uhm. Who is this?" I ask

"This is the hospital, we need to know if this is Kim Yinshi"

"Y-yeah this is she. What's going on?"

"Your brother is here with us in the hospital, with major injuries. Is there anyway you could come see him?"

"Omo... I- I'm on my way! Is he Okay?"

"We are still trying to save him... We are unsure."

I gasp and my eyes start to water.

"O-okay I'm coming." I say then hung up

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asks then starts the car

"M-my brother is in the hospital... There unsure if they can save him...
I dont know what's wrong with him.
W-we got to get to the hospital now!"

"Okay. Okay." He says as we speed to the hospital

Almost there, I put my hand on my mouth and try not to cry.

We shortly arrive and I quickly get out of the car.

Jungkook and I sprint into the hospital and go to the lady at the counter.

"Hey, we're hear for Yosung!"

"Alright." The lady check her computer.

"Sorry he is not ready for visitors. But he is in room 61b upstairs. There should be seats for waiters near his room." The lady informs

I sigh "Okay thanks."

I grab jungkooks hand and hold it tight then quickly run upstairs, finding yosungs room.

As we see his room, I knock on the door. Then a nurse opens the door. I glance behind her shoulder and see my brother in the hospital bed witI blood covering his body and his eyes closed. I gasp and put my hand over my mouth as tears run down my face.

"Sorry ma'am we are in the middle of something, no others can be in here at the time, give us about an hour or so." The nurse says then closes the door.


Me and jungkook take a seat on a near bench.

"How are they gonna call me to see him, but now they wont let me?!" I say pissed and worried.

Jungkook holds my hand tightly.

"What do you think happend?" He asks

"I don't- wait... I think I know."

Jungkook looks at me confused.
As I just let the tears roll down my face.

"Baby. Please don't cry. I- I dont like when you do."

I wipe my tears and sigh.



"He is the only family I have left... And
If he is gone, I will have no one to go to, I'm only 17. I would be put in foster care."

I burst in tears and jungkook holds me as a tear drops down his cheek.

"Stay with me" || JungkookWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu