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And the victory goes to me!

"Mmm. Victory tastes really good." I say

"Well done, doll." Says jimin.

"Yes Indeed. I'm pretty narly."

Jungkook covers his Mic so the others cant hear.
"Yin, can we get off now?"

"Yeah sure."

"Guys. Me and Jungkook-ah wanna leave the game now. We'll play another time."

"Ouououo. Okay. Have fun but not too much f-"

Jimin got cut off once I turned off the console.
Me and jungkook laugh.

"So why did you want to get off?" I ask

"We have to talk." Jungkook replies.

We stand up and he grabs mr wrist and we go to sit on my bed.

He puts his hand on my thigh and looks straight into my eyes.

"So. W-we met at the bridge, right? And thats was when we decided to hang out more together. And since then when I am not around you, it kinda makes me feel like I'm missing something. And most girls arnt like you which makes you special to me. When I see you I want to hold you in my arms and have you all to my self. I like you so much Yinshi.

"Jungkook, I-"

"Its alright if you dont feel the same way, but I really needed to tell you.
And I will learn to accept your-"

"Jungkook! I like you so much, too. But I thought you liked girls who I wasnt like, so i was alittle sad that I could only be your friend and nothing more." I say holding his hand that was on my thigh.

I saw taers forming in his eyes but no tears fell.
I felt my heart running a marathon and my cheecks on fire.

He slides his hand to the back of my neck and we get closer, eventually kissing passionately.

Is it me, or is it just hot in here. I say to myself.

He broke the kiss and we caught our breath.

"Yinshi, will you be my girlfriend?"

I just smile and nod my head, giving him a peck on the lips.

"Oh. What time is it?" He asks as I stand up to get my phone from my computer desk. "8:56,
Do you have to head home?" I ask

"I could but..."

"Wanna sleep over?" I ask

"I thought you'd never ask!" Jungkook says happily huging me, squishing my face in his neck.

"Oh but you dont have clothes." I say looking up at him.

"Nah it's cool, he says taking his shirt off, leaving him with just shorts and socks on, as he has a cute bunny smile.

"Ahaha..." I awkwardly laugh. Then licking my lips

"You like it?" Jungkook says, grabbing my waist.

"Pffft, wuuuuut. Uhm. I'm gonna go take a shower."

I try to get out of that conversation and grab a towel and clothes and rush to the bathroom as jungkook just chuckles at me.

After shower

I get out of the shower and dry off, I hang up my towel on a shelf and put on my casual pajamas.
A sports bra, socks, and basketball shorts.

I walk back into my room, as I see jungkook laying down on his phone.

"Omo... Yin-ah you look so cute." He says grabbing my waist and pulling me onto the bed with him. And he starts to tickle me.

"o-OkAy nO mOrE! No MoRe!" I say

Jungkook just laughs and finnally stops.

-yawn- "I'm tired and its like 9:30." I say

"C'mon lay down." Junkook says.

I lay down next to him, and he puts the blankets over us as we get closer he puts his arm around my waist. And I start to doze off.

"Stay with me" || Jungkookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें