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Me here, standing on the edge of a bridge, ready to end it all. Although, I have always hated the thought of dying alone.

I see movement in the corner of my teary eyes. I turn my head and see a guy, he seems to be crying, also ready to jump.

I walk over to him, slowly, dragging my feet. The more I get closer to him, I can see their face more clearly. He looks familiar, and looks about my age.

"Hey" I say wiping tears.

"Oh, h-hi" He replies, also wiping away his tears.

"So you're ready to leave this world huh?" I ask looking down at the water.

"I think so, but I am A little scared."

"Yeah me too."

"Whats your name?" He asked looking at me.

"Yinshi" I quietly say, turning my head to look back at him.

"Yinshi? Seems like a familiar name." He says, pushing his hair back, and looking at the sky, while I just look straight ahead.

"Your name?" I ask.

"Jungkook" He replies.

"Ooooh. Yeah I know you. Alot of people know you." I say.

"Huh? What do you mean?" He asked.

"We both go to XXX high school... I think." I say.


"Yeah, I uh... Am not really known at that school." I say.

"I see... I am... A little." He says.

"Alot... You mean 'alot'?" I say slipping my hands in my pocket.

"Sorry..." He said.

"No. No need to say that..." I say.

A few seconds minutes pass, as we both just stand at the edge, looking around.

"Good bye Jungkook." I say.

I take a deep breath and step my foot out, off the bridge and begin to lean forword.

My sweater sleeve gets tugged and pulled all the way back. Then my eyes go wide as I thought about what I was just about to do. My legs begin to shake intensely from shock and i fall to the ground. I ball my eyes out, crying harder than I ever have. I start breathing much faster and begin to have a panick attack...

Jungkook croutches down and looks at me. He pulls me into a tight hug as he tries to calm me down.

I finally stop crying after a few seconds and Jungkook pulls away too look at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked

I stay silent and nod my head.

We just sit on the ground of the bridge and extend our legs out, looking ahead.

Jungkook puts his arm around my waist, tightly.

"Um..." I say, looking at his hand around me

"Just making sure you dont go anywhere" he says looking foreword.

I take a deep breath and sigh. I put my hands into my pocket and yawn. I leand my head onto Jungkook's shoulder and try to fight my sleep...

"Stay with me" || JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now