The Care-package #2

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Dear Sierra,

I love you.

I've always wanted to start a letter like that. I miss saying that to your face. Your eyes twinkle a little when you hear it and you half-smile dreamily.

I love you, See. That's the best care package I will ever receive. It arrived a little bumped on the sides from the postbox but otherwise okay. I read your letter last, which was a shame. I took everything out and stared at it lying on my bed. I wondered why did I ever do to deserve you. I didn't cry, though I know you would've been thrilled if I did.

I already read the book twice (I will read it many many times more). I can hear you laughing and gasping and sighing in my brain, I can even feel you underneath my head as I lay on my side, pretending you're here. It's still not the same. I miss you.

God, Sierra, I really miss you. Sometimes you're the only thing that keeps me going. I convince myself that the faster I go through the day the faster I'll get to see you again. I lie to myself.

I've also written a bit. Some poems. I want to show them to you, but I'm afraid you'll think they're too much. Too cheesy (I'm a big chunk of mozarella, you're right). I'll save them for when I see you again.

But let's get down to bussiness (to defeat the Huns) (you totally screamed HUAGH) to the carepackage.

I want to send you some scones, because they are heavenly good and I need you to try them. I try to eat less otherwise you'll have a fat boyfriend and neither of us want that. Unfortunately, I can't mail them for they will rot on their way, so I'm sending you a picture of me eating a scone with your name written in nutella. Don't ever show it to anybody (especially Charlotte. Promise me).

I'm also sending you a book. I bought it here and I'm 80% sure you haven't read it yet. It's amazing, its a murder mistery. I stole your idea and wrote down what I thought during my reading process (please don't kill me for using ink). If you already read it you'll pretend you haven't and just read it again.

I'm sending you some silver earrings for your piercings. They are small but cute and I really liked them (I liked how I imagined they'll look on you). Text me a picture when you wear them please. I hope you like them.

I'm also sending you flowers (look for them before reading on). Did you like them? I wanted to send real ones, then I thought of plastic ones, but hey, postcards of London flowers was a better idea right? Kinda made me feel like the bloke in Age of Adeline.

The jam in the package is delicious. I figured it would safely arrive to your hands and I really hope it did. It's orange flavored and its my favorite thing to eat with scones. Please try it and tell me what you think.

I wore the hoodie I'm mailing a whole week. It was a bloody cold week and I almost never took it off. You are weird.

I gotta say, this letter writing thing is really something. I feel like a hopeless romantic writing to you. Thinking of your face when you get this. Texting is a blessing but writing letters is poetic. I'll try to write more often. How cool would it be to collect them all in a box and read them in a few years, drinking coffee? I would love that deeply.

I hope this letter makes you smile. I really love it when you smile. We'll see each other soon, Love. I promise.

Yours forever,


pd. Please say thanks to my mom for me and never show this letter to anyone.

pdd. I love you.

Sierra and Aiden: AnthologyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin