The Elevator

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He is so cute, Si.

Charlie, please tell me that at least you've smiled at him.

I have I swear. He's my friend.

He is? wow, congratulations.

Ha ha. Are you here yet?

Yeah, just out of the car.

Charlie has been waiting for me to go to lunch for the past hour. I was stupid to think 20 minutes would be enough to get to her office. My hair is still a little puffy for all the humidity and I am starving. I barely park between the lines and I sprint to the elevator.

This building has two elevators, one from the parking lot to the lobby and one from the lobby to the rest of the floors. That means I have to get out the elevator and run like a crazy person to the next one. There are two elevators, but one is always on repair, so it takes forever to get back to the lobby.

When I get there, the elevator is almost closed.

"Please wait!" I scream as I'm reaching for it. I already think I'll have to wait, when the door opens again.

There's 4 other people on the elevator. An old business man talking on the phone about something I don't understand, a lady that looks like a secretary, a janitor and him.

He's tall, lean and wears a suit that fits like a second skin. His tie is green, just like his eyes.

He smiles at me as he pushes the door open.

I probably look horrible as I step in.

"Thank you" I manage to say between my heavy breathing and a smile.

"No problem"

I push the number 13 and the door closes again.

We drop the business man and the lady on the second level and the janitor on the fourth. After that, we were alone.

I am conscious about his tall presence beside me and I try to smooth down my hair a little. My phone buzzes as I get a text from Charlie.

I. Am. Starving. Where the hell are you?

Going up in the elevator.

As I hit send, the elevator shakes a little and then stops.

The guy and I share a concern look and then


The elevator drops  and I loose my balance and fall. The lights go out and an emergency one turns on.

He rushes to my side and helps me stand up.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." I don't know why I apologize.

He laughs. I realize we're still holding hands and I let go.

There's an emergency button on the elevator, but it does nothing. I check my phone but I have no reception. I ask him if he's phone is working and he says no.

I sigh. This is not happening. This is not happening.

I'm trapped. In the elevator. I start to get anxious and walk in circles while the guy stares at me. What if we're stuck for days? What am I thinking, a couple of hours and I could die of starvation. I have some water in my purse so I pull it out and drink a little.

He's looking at me. I don't say anything but I offer him the bottle and he just smiles and shakes his head.

He likes to smile a lot.

Sierra and Aiden: AnthologyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt