Battle. Chapter 10.

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"so this really is your life dream, being a soldier and using your brain on the front lines" matt asked with worry. "yes, i know mum and dad dont agree but this is who i am" Pidge says proudly and keith smiles at her with a nod. "i see, well we all have dreams and your the only person who hasn't been able to live their dream since our pride came first but if its as pidge then go ahead" Matt smiled and Pidge turned to Keith to make sure she wasn't dreaming. "its not a dream" keith laughed and pidge hugged matt. "thank you" Pidge grinned and matt hugged her back. "no worries siblings need to have each other back right but if i find out you got really hurt during battle then I'm pulling you out" matt said with worry. "matt i be fighting on the front lines, i could die at anytime but i be happy" Pidge smiled and matt sighed.

"fine but just dont die, ok" Matt said with a small smile and pidge nodded. "dont worry i make sure nothing happens to her" Keith smiled and ruffled Pidge hair. "you better or i make you a test rat" matt warned and keith took a step back with his hands up. "he scary just like you" Keith said with worry. "but i scare you more .. right" Pidge said with puppy eyes. "yes you do" Keith smiled and pidge giggled. "ah now i know why your so protective over her" Matt smirked and started walking leaving the other two confused. 

"oh shiro calling" keith said as his watch started to ring. "i wonder if they found them" pidge said with hope. "lets hope so" matt smiled and keith answered. 


"you found them" matt yelled as the three ran over to the other four. "yeah but we were too late, a higher up already caught them and they in his office as we speak" hunk said with worry. "why would they disobey the base rules now after just becoming a soldier" keith hissed since they just wasted three years of training and the rest of their unit or friends hard work. "it seems the couple was sneaking out because the women was pregnant, he was trying to sneak her out so she could raise the child while he stays as a soldier and works, he was gonna sneak back in but they both got caught before they could leave" James said with a frown.

"pregnant" Pidge said shocked. "yeah, they begged the higher up to look away and let him return as a soldier while she leave with full shame but that anger the higher ups more" Shiro said with a frown and looked to the ground. "she should be around six months pregnant, they were hiding her during training so the captain or others wouldn't see her belly, its not gonna end well" lance said with a sad smile and everyone looked down. 

"we cant feel ashamed, it was their own fault for not using protection like others, she could have just ask for leave or tell our captain and it would have been settled with less shame but now they fuck themselves over" James hissed since they got others in trouble by trying to hide it instead of coming out while they could. "yeah the captain would have yelled at them but he would let her leave with some money and no one else would be fired but since they hid it and broke many rules they gonna get others fired just because they knew them" hunk said with a frown. "dont forget they put shame on all your class, after the fired at least eight more soldier in your class the news will be told around all the base as a warning to others, no one will respect you guys anymore" shiro said with anger. 

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