Songs. Chapter 2.

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The first night went well, lance and hunk changed by their beds like it was normal and I snuck into the room bathroom to change into my PJs saying it be best since their wasn't enough room for all three of us to change at the same time and it wasn't really a lie. We talked and laughed for a bit before we all decide to go to bed ready for her real first day in training. Hunk was a snorer and a loud one while lance just sleep talk about his dream, he said something like oh baby and I hoped he wouldn't say any more. I fell asleep all huddle up and before I knew it all three alarms went of making us all jump out of bed and turning them of. 

We all got dressed and ready before heading down to the mess hall for breakfast. We all dressed differently even tho we all had the same uniform on. Everyone had different hair styles or socks, some had buttons all the way undone showing their vest and some only had a couple undone. I had my crazy short hair with green lion socks on and only the top button of my shirt undone since its bugs me if its done up. I had a short sleeve shirty instead of a long sleeve like a couple of the others in our group. We got a tray and a bowl of what looked like poop before sitting at a table. All around us was different soldiers and even some other training soldiers. This was the second mess hall out of four on the base so I didnt expect to see everyone in base as we ate. Lance had a smooth hairstyle with bright light blue socks and the top three buttons undone with a short sleeve shirt. Hunk had elbow sleeve shirt but all his buttons was done up and dark yellow socks with a yellow head band around his head. (Elbow sleeves are the tops or shirts where the sleeve ends at your elbow so its not a full sleeve. That what we call them from where I'm from so sorry if you dont get it).

We ate sitting together and I noticed another soldier sitting two seats down from me, he was right on the edge just eating in silence. He was taller then me well everyone taller then me sadly. Tho I think he would be shorter then lance and hunk, well everyone was shorter next to hunk. He had midnight black hair that shines a little, his eyes was a light purple with a hit of danger but they shined taking my breath away a little. He had short sleeves shirt but with two of his buttons undone and had bright red socks making me giggle a little and making him turn to me. I sat just staring at him before lance tapped my shoulder making me jump and turn away, I'm such an idiot. I'm sure he thinks I'm a freak or its worrying over why a stranger suddenly started before laughing at him. 

"you ready to go, we got ten minutes till roll call" hunk said with a smile and we all stood up to carry our trays. "yeah sorry I was just daydreaming, not use to this place look yet" I smile hoping the guy would hear and not worry over me staring at him. "oh really, so you weren't just checking out the girls in uniform" Lance smirked and I just frowned. "I'm not you lance" I sigh and hunk laughs as we walk away. 


As pidge, lance and hunk stood at the far end of the room they notice their fellow trainees were all chatting and staring at someone by the door. "isn't that shiro, he famous for his missions success" hunk said with a grin and a little excited and pidge remember seeing him on the news a couple of times and when she went to surprise matt at work she met him a couple years ago. "shiro the hero" Pidge said with a smirk and her two friends turned to her shocked. "did you just make a pun with shiro and Hercules" lance said amused and pidge just smirked. "bless my show, shiro was on a roll" Pidge sang with a smile just chancing Hercules name into shiro and making her friends smile but she also heard a small snicker from someone behind and went to look but was stopped when the captain walk in and yelled at them to line up. 

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