Win Or Lose. Chapter 5.

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"dont you think the two teams seem a little one sided" hunk said as the half group four smaller teams so two could play in the funky crazy room and the other two be playing in the woods room. Pidge, hunk, lance, Keith and shiro was in the two teams who be playing in the woods theme. The only probably was they noticed how the two teams was half and you could tell this wasn't gonna be fair. Team 1 had all the stronger or faster runners and most likely be better players during the lazier game. While team two had the more normal or useless looking lot. 

"well we only had one day of training so far so no one knows their real skills yet, we could have all the good fighters on our side" lance said since no one trained accept from the first day, so everyone on even skill grounds right now. "they have shiro" Pidge sighed and pointed to the older friend who just waved from the other team. "we fucked" keith said a little depressed as Pidge just nodded. "its only a game guys and just like lance says we all starting with the same skills, just have fun" shiro said with a smile trying to cheer them on since he could guess what they were all depressed about. "oh dont be all holy and cheerful now" Pidge hissed. "yeah your on that team, be all happy when your on our team" keith hissed and high fived pidge. "we better get to our team starting point, the count down gonna start soon" hunk said with a smile. "we be fine as long as we dont get shot" lance said proudly and everyone on their team glared at him like an idiot. 


"so what should we do" hunk asked as they waited for the count down to finish so the game could start. "we need a plan since they got some stronger and taller players and since no one knows each other skills level yet that gives an uncertain air" keith said as they looked around and the team nodded. "we need to take them out singly, we go round in pairs of threes and take a small amount out at a time because I'm sure they gonna come rushing in just shooting us down" pidge said with a small smirk and everyone nodded to her plan. "we should leave the leader to last since they have shiro near to protect them, if you get spotted or cant handle the other team number then lets call out birdy, whoever is closer should head over to help you escape" lance grinned and everyone put their hands in the middle and cheered a little. 

"stay with the trees, the tree can help hide us" hunk grinned. "dont forget to use trigs, you can snap a couple to distract the other team and lead them into a trap" Pidge smirked. "lets win this" lance grinned. "like hell we lose so easily" keith smirked. (Their six people in each team but I cant be bother to name everyone. )


"hey nerd" keith whisper as he and pidge sat in two trees waiting to shoot the other team if they walk past. "yes emo" pidge whisper back. "do you think we can really win this" keith asked a little worried. "as long as we try and hope then I think its possible, as long as one person dont give up then we can always win" pidge smiled proudly and they heard footsteps coming. Just like they guessed the other team was all walking around alone instead of pairs and keith shot the other team member making him out. "nice work" pidge grinned and they decided to climb down and move to different trees in case someone comes looking. "it was your great idea" Keith smirked. 

"hey lance" hunk said nervous and the two of them decided to hide behind a couple trees and just shoot as the opposite team walks back. "yes hunk" lance sighed since he had to put up with hunk nervous talking for awhile now. "what happens if we get shiro and the leader come pass" hunk said with fear. "then we dead" lance sighed trying not to think about them being so unlucky to get shiro. "oh well why dont we meet up with the rest of the team and just surround their leader and shiro" hunk said with worry. "because shiro would still kill most of us before we get a good shot in now shut up and trust pidge plan" lance said with a small smile and they soon heard a trig break near by. 

By My Side (Kidge - Keith x Pidge)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang