Chapter II

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I groan rolling onto my side trying to grab my phone to turn off the alarm but I fail miserably, so I finally give in and sit up rubbing my eyes grabbing my phone and turning of the alarm. I guess there's no point of trying to go back to sleep since i'm now wide awake, so I guess I'll get ready then. I get out of bed lazily stretching out my arms before heading to my closet to pick out the outfit I'll be wearing for the trip today. After a few minutes passes by I finally decide on what outfit I'll wear which is just a simple peach colored halter dress with a pair of white sandals. After getting dress I decided to see if Amaya was up yet.

I began walking to her room as quiet as possible trying not make any loud noises reaching her room peeking inside. She's still sleeping, so I might as well pull a little prank on her before she wakes up. I tip toe into her room grabbing her phone unlocking it. Thank god that she gave me her password. I set five back to back alarms that will basically make her get up no matter what. I giggle before putting her phone gently on her night stand before making my way out of her room and back to mines. I laid on my bed and acted as if nothing even happened a minute ago.

A few seconds later I hear her alarm go off as I try my best to hold in my laughter as the alarms go off. A moment later all of the alarms stop as I start to hear footsteps coming towards my room. Well I'm done for....

"Why, just why?" she asks clearly still sleepy as I look over at her.

"Oh whatever do you mean?" I asked playing dumb.

"Don't you dare play dumb with me." she asked sounding a little bit aggravated.

"But I'm not playing dumb!" I say as she lets out a quick sigh.

"What time is it?" she asks as I look at the time.

"It's nine ten." I tell her as she looks like she's about to murder me in cold blood.

"Why did you wake me up this early?!" she says sounding very angry.

"Well I got bored, so I decided to prank you." I say smiling like how an innocent child would if they'd do something wrong.

"I literally hate you now.." she says as she started to leave, but she suddenly stops and looks over at me.

"By the way since you did that today your either making or buying breakfast .

" she says with a smirk while leaving the room. Getting up I begin to make my way to the kitchen to make breakfast.

"I have  the perfect thing to make for breakfast." I said while grabbing two bowls and spoons before grabbing the box of frosted flakes.

"A quick and easy breakfast for two." I say pouring the cereal into the two bowls as I look around the kitchen realizing that I forgot to get the milk out of the refrigerator.

"Breakfast is ready come get it while it's still hot!" I say while grabbing the milk out of the refrigerator pouring some milk into my bowl.

"You've got to be kidding me." I said as I can practically hear Maya facepalming as I begin to eat my cereal.

"I didn't feel like cooking today, so I did the next best thing." I say with a small shrug as I continue eating.

"Whatever." she says pouring some milk into her cereal and begins to eat it.

After we finished eating breakfast we both decided to relax until it was time for us to leave for the trip.

"Amaya come on we're gonna be late and miss the trip if you won't hurry up!" I yell at her from the door.

"I'm coming just hold on a second!" she says running to the door pulling her suitcase behind her.

"You take way to long, now let's go." I say as we both make our way to the car.

"Can I drive please?" she says while we both put our suitcases in the trunk.

"Sure, but just don't crash the car please." I say getting into the passenger's seat buckling my seat belt as Maya gets in the drivers seat buckling her seat belt starting up the car.

"Get ready because we're going to Labadee, Haiti!" she says putting on her sunglasses as she starts to drive to the school. During the ride I decided to turn on the radio which ended up making us have a sing off.

Finally, arriving at the school we take our suitcases out of the trunk heading into the school we grab onto each other so we won't get separated  within the large group of people.

"This looks probably about half of the entire school." she says still clinging onto my arm.

"I know right." I say looking around.

"Attention students." I hear a voice say as I realize who it is. It's Mr.Wilson the Headmaster.

"Welcome students to the annual Erinsburough school trip where you all will be spending a two week trip in Labadee, Haiti to experience one of the many different cultures of the world. Now you all will divided into different travel group, so some groups will be traveling by plane while some will travel by train and boats." says Mr. Wilson as each of us gets a small envelope.

"Those envelopes contains a ticket that decides on how you will be traveling to Haiti." he says as everyone begins to open their envelopes. Thank god that I get to travel by plane.

"I'm going by plane, what about you Nessa?" she asks in a nervous tone.

"Well you see I got a plane ticket also so guess we'll be together." I say as she happily claps about to say something when she suddenly gets interrupted by the Headmaster.

"Now students with plane tickets please form a line to the left."  he says as we all begin to form a line to the left.

"Thank you, now you all will be escorted to the airport in the first five buses so please follow a professor to bus and remember to be on your best behavior." he says before having us escorted to our buses.

"I wonder what we'll do when we get there." says Amaya.

"Honestly same." I say looking out the window.

After arriving to the airport we all began to board our flights because some people have to catch multiple flights to get there. Before boarding our flight we were all told that when we arrive there will be a tour guide already waiting for us there.

Entering the plane we all put our suitcases and bags away soon being seated. I start to see Amaya beginning to feel a bit nervous as the plane started to take off.

"You okay?" I ask as she turns to look at me shaking her head no.

"I hate traveling with a large group of people especially when traveling on a plane like this." she says grabbing her phone.

"Don't worry nothing won't happen while we're on the plane I promise." I say holding my pinkie out as she intertwines hers with mines.

"I'm gonna take a nap okay?" she says letting out a yawn as I simply nod in response. Plugging my earphones into my phone and begin to listen to some music while looking out of the window.

After being on the plane for five hours straight we finally landed in Haiti. Shaking Amaya awake letting her know that we have arrived in Haiti we grab our suitcases and get off of the plane with everyone else to get greeted by the other groups and a few tour guides.

"Welcome to Labadee, Haiti everyone!"

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