Chapter XI

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I begin opening my eyes as the rays of sunlight beam through the window making me squint my eyes and turn on my side. Feeling something moving next to me I fully opened my eyes to see Amaya sitting rubbing her eyes trying her best to stay awake. Slightly closing my eyes attempting to get some more sleep, but before I could do, so I felt a sharp pain in my arm making me sit up as fast as possible grabbing onto my arm.

"Are you alright Nessa?" I heard Amaya say as I shake my head no. "What's wrong?" She asked sounding concerned.

"My arm hurts so bad and I don't know what to do about it." I say rubbing my arm in a circular motion.

"Try soaking it in some warm water." Amaya says climbing off the bed almost stepping on Noah's head.

"Hey, watch where you're stepping next time." He says while standing up stretching tiredly as Amaya quickly apologizes to him causing  both me and Elijah to roll our eyes at the two.

Climbing off of the bed the door opens to reveal a tired Jacqueline. "Good morning everyone I hope you guys slept well last night." She says rubbing her eyes. "I came by  to tell you all that the police basically shrugged off what happened yesterday and ruled it as a possible suicide due to the fact that there was a note found in her pocket." She says closing the door.

"Was it a suicide note?" Keith asks sitting on his bed, as Jacqueline just shrugs.

"None of us except the police know what the note really said, but I'm pretty sure you all know that this wasn't a suicide, but another murder." She says.

"Is it just me or are we missing someone?" Ethan says causing us all to look around. He's right, we are missing someone, but who? Ashlee's missing!

"Ashlee isn't here! Keith where is she?" I ask looking over at Keith.

"She said that she wanted to go swimming at like six fifthteen in the morning, so we both went out to the beach until I got bored and went inside and went back to sleep.

"You idiot! Going outside before breakfast is forbidden!" Jacqueline yells at him. "Get up everyone we have to go find Ashlee." She says leaving the cabin while we all follow her out to look for Ashlee. Making it to the beaches shore Jacqueline stops causing us all to stop too. "Alright, so we all will split up into groups and try to find anything that could possibly lead us to Ashlee, understood?" She says glaring at Keith, as we all nod in response.

We all split into our groups to try to find any clues to where Ashlee could possibly be at.

"Does Ashlee know how to swim?" Nathan asks Keith.

"Of course she knows how to swim, why else would she want to go swimming?" He says scoffing. While thinking for a bit I begin to question something.

Walking over to where Jacqueline was I started to ask her the question that was on my mind." Hey Jacqueline do you know when high and low tides occurs?" I ask making her turn to face me.

"The tides can sometimes be random at times, why do you ask?" She says.

"If high tide was to occur before we came out here and when Keith came back inside any evidence would be washed away completely." I say causing Jacqueline to stare at me with wide eyes.

"You're right! Listen up everyone change of plans, we're going to check everywhere except for the beach due to the fact the anything that could lead us to where Ashlee is probably now washed away. Now follow me please." She says as we all begin to walk away from the beach into the forest, but I start to get an uneasy feeling about it like as if something terribly awful happened within this forest. Splitting into our groups once more we all began to walk around the woods for any clues that could lead us to Ashlee's disappearance. After searching for a while my group had no luck in finding things regarding to her.

"Guys we found something!" Natalie yells from a short distance making us all stop searching and run over to where Natalie's group is.

"I found this bag hidden in a bush, but I think that it might be very useful to us." She says holding up the bag.

"Open the bag I want to know what's in it already!" Serenity yells, as Natalie simply rolls her eyes in response opening the bag.

"Here look at this guys." She says pouring out everything that was in the bag on the ground. We all begin to go through the items that were in the bag until we found something that could be of use to us.

"Guys look! I found this journal and there's a lot of stuff about some of us like Vanessa and her friends. Whoever wrote this made some seriously detailed profiles on us." Kevin says handing us the journal to read. So, we're all key threats to our killer or killers now. I have to say that I'm truly impressed.

Before anyone could speak on our finding a loud scream was heard from the cabin.

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