Chapter X

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Everyone stopped what they were doing and ran outside as the cool air mixed with light wind tickled our skin to meet up with everyone else to see what happend. While we were all running I felt as if we all were being watched by not one but multiple people, but I was soon taken out of my thoughts when we reached the others to see the most gruesome sight ever, another person is now dead right in front of our eyes.

"Is she really dead?" Elizabeth asks putting a hand over her mouth as Jacqueline crouches down and takes her pulse.

Sighing she stands up ready to tell her the bad news. "She's dead." she says

"Why are you all just standing there?! Call the police or something!" Elizabeth yells bursting into tears, so I walk over to her giving her a hug as she cries in my shoulder getting my shirt slightly damp, but I ignored it and held onto her hoping it calms her down a little.

Elizabeth finally calmed down wiping away her tears as I let go of her. "Are you okay, Elizabeth?" I ask as she nods indicating that she was okay now, but before I could even respond to her Jason started to speak.

"I just got off the phone with someone from the police department, and they said they'll send someone over, but until they show up you all should head back to your cabins and get some rest and I'll come back out when the police makes it here." he says as we all make our way back to our cabins.

Putting on my sandals as I get weird looks from the others until Keith speaks up.

"What are you doing?" he asks walking over to me.

"I'm going to look at the body because it will give us some information to how she died, you can all come with me if you want to." I say getting up making my way over to the door.

"What'll happen if you get caught?" Ashlee asks crossing her arms.

"Trust me I won't get caught, and Jason said that he'll be inside until the cops arrive which means I can go out and investigate a little before they arrive." I say as Amaya, Natalie, Elijah, Noah, Nathan, Ashlee, and Keith walks up to me making me smirk.

"I guess we're coming with you then." Elijah says as I open the cabin door making sure that no one was outside. Walking out of the cabin with the others we make our way over to where the body is. Turning on my phones flashlight crouching down to investigate the body. Touching the side of her as I start to feel a warm liquid on my fingers. Looking at my hand I see blood on it indicating that she either died from a blow to the head or got hit right before she died, but I can  confirm that she was struck on the head with a blunt object. Taking my attention away from the body I hear a rustling noise around the trees that we were near making me stand up quickly. "Let's go!" I whisper yell at them as we all quietly made our way back to the cabin.

Making it back inside the cabin I close the door quietly. "When I was examining her body I found out that she was hit on the side of the head with a blunt object, but there's always a chance that may not be her cause of death." I say while grabbing my washcloth wiping the blood off of my fingers. "Even though we know this much information we'll need a lot more to unmask who our killer is." I say heading into the bathroom to clean the cloth off.

"What will we do if we actually find out who the killer is?" Kevin asks as I pop my head out of door frame.

"We could either call the police or we could just take matters into our own hands and deal with them ourselves." I say stepping out of the bathroom running a hand through my already messy hair.

"I mean if we have to take matters into our own hands we all will have to be prepared for what could happen." he says right before we the sound of police sirens heard. As everyone climbs into bed as I run over turning the lights off soon climbing into bed with Amaya while the sirens grew louder as the red and blue lights flashed through the windows making me cover my ears and face with my pillow attempting to get some sleep.

Thirty minutes later I finally fall asleep along with everyone else.

Slowly my eyes started fluttering open as I sat up rubbing my back. Looking at my surroundings I realized that I was in the middle of a forest. No one was seen, no one was heard, and not even a single animal was in sight. Standing up I brush the dirt off of my clothes with my hands as I notice that there was now a beautiful marble path right in front of me, so I decided to follow the path out of curiosity. My head starts pounding as I continue my best to walk to the end of the path, but a few seconds later I soon collapsed on the marble path as I try my best fighting to keep conscious. My vision was blurry and my head is pounding. " I can't regain my consciousness." I thought to myself as everything went black, but not before I felt something or someone pick me up.

I slowly open my eyes letting out a groan I noticed that I wasn't in the woods anymore, but in a cabin tied up to a bed. I began panicking as I tugged on the tight bounds that kept me tied down on the bed. I looked around to see someone wearing a mask hunched over the small desk as they turn to look at me

"Finally, you're awake I was literally starting to die of boredom there, but since you're awake now let's have a little fun shall we?" the masked figure said as they stabbed a syringe into my arm injecting whatever was in it into my own body very painfully making me scream out in pain. "Well my dear my time is up I hope I'll see you again." they said putting their gloved hand on my cheek as my vision goes completely black once more.

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