He nodded. "I see. So, now you've told me, am I supposed to be scared?"

"You should be." I turned to him with a smile. "Or not."
My hand snaked up his shoulder and he simply raised the glass of dirty Martini that has just been delivered to his lips and took a sip. He seemed unaffected by my touch. That's Lucas Odama. He is never affected no matter what.

"How's your secret crush?"
I asked.

He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. "Secret crush?"

"Melanie. Haven't seen her in a while."

He chuckled. "You're not her fave kind of person. So, don't get worried about not seeing her in a while."
He said and shrugged.

"The feeling is mutual. Well, I don't hate her. I just don't want her with us. What's the point liking her? When she finds out what we did, she will hate us anyway."

Lucas was silent. He knows how right I am. But the truth is, he won't say it.

"Sam used to be the peacemaker and the trouble maker around here."
He said.

I froze. Yeah, I could never forget Sam. I smiled. "Yeah. What would he say, if he were here right now?"

Lucas snickered. "Y'all are bunch of chickens. Tell the babe the truth and let her hate. Later we apologize and we all good."
He said, mimicking Sam's voice.

I laughed. A tear appeared at the corners of my eyes and I blinked them off. But Lucas saw them.

He leaned forward. "You don't have to keep bottling it all in. We all miss him too."

"Do you?"
My voice was broken. I was trying to keep it in check. "I don't think they do."

Lucas's hand covered mine. "Let him go, Jenna. I'm sure they all miss him too. Derrick does."

I had to laugh at that one. "Derrick? Why are you defending him? He's not your best person anymore."

"He's not. But, I can't keep hating now, can I?"

I looked at him for a brief second and looked down at my drink. "I always want to let go, Luc. But when I think of what she did to me, all I feel is the need to make her pay for what she did."

"You already did that, Jenna. You broke her up with Barry. Isn't that enough?"

"No! She can't feel half as hurt as I felt with just Barry. She has to feel more than what I felt. When the time comes, I will make her pay. Revenge is sweeter when patience is exercised."

"What do you think Sam will think if he were alive? You think he wants you to take revenge for him? Jenna, listen. Enough."

Enough! I haven't even done anything yet!

The thought ran through me and all I felt was anger. I snatched my hand off his and turned to give him daggers. "It is never enough until I say so."

"You know everyone hates you now. What are you gaining from all of these? The same hate that increases every day."

"Like I said. The feeling is mutual."
And I stood up to leave.

Lala's POV

It didn't take long. I knew something would happen tonight. I could feel it, somehow.

Melanie had invited me to the Jacobs' for a small get together at Derrick's. Normally, I won't need an invite since I was dating Ken. But not anymore.

Heart and I have been hanging out often. He is really sweet and not the kind of person anyone would think of as a jerk like Ken is.

I won't say, I haven't been thinking about Ken. I have and its annoying. I'm supposed to be over him by now. Especially, since I met Heart and things are moving smooth. Don't get me wrong. I'm not dating Heart yet.

GAMES BY DIM LIGHT || Mature ||Where stories live. Discover now