LX. Small Town, Big World

Start from the beginning

I exhaled, "Sarah." She burst out in tears. I extended my arms and held her.

"I like him too. But Av, you liked him first, so I didn't say anything. Then, she came and-" she sobbed harder, stomping her foot on the ground.

I pull her outward, seeing her mascara in ruin, making it look like she had black eyes. "I know it hurts." I smiled, "But, that's just how life works. It sucks."

Heartbreak is a life dosage of dull humor. We all know it's going to happen, but we're never prepared for it.

I live my life in heartbreak, and it never brought anything but bitterness.

I don't want the same for Sarah.

I don't want her to walk down the same path that I did.

I look into her glossy eyes, seeing my reflection, "But, life only sucks when you make it that way. The world can offer you so much more than just the high school football quarterback. It's-" I felt like I was choking on my words, "It's so much more than just Luke Parker. You don't want to settle in a small town when it's such a big world."

Sarah smiled, and she wiped off the tears. She held me firmly, "You're right, Av. There is so much more than just Luke Parker."

I lift my hands and place it on her back. The wind crashed against my face as I allowed the tears to drop. My whole life, I was in denial as long as I didn't feel it. No, I force myself not to feel it. It didn't happen.

Now, I felt it.

It's quite odd, but I like it.

My teary eyes opened only to meet with a pair of emerald ones. Sarah released me, "I'll message you later? We can have like shakes or something?"

Silently, I nodded, and Sarah wiped off the rest of her tears before walking past me. There weren't many people where we were located; no, there was no one around us. Sarah's footsteps disappeared.

A bang caught my attention, and I walked around the building. The tightening sensation emerged when I saw him pressed against the wall with a cursed look on his face. "Hey," I said, "What are you doing here?"

"I...I was just passing," he replied, eyes casting on the floor.

"Luke," I exhaled.

"Life is much more than Luke Parker," he laughed tensely. "That's a first."

I took a step forward, "Luk-"

"Am I really that horrible?" He asked, gripping onto the bag around his shoulder.

"Luke, don't say that."

He exhaled, rushing his fingers through his hair, "This upcoming football game, someone is coming to see me." He changed the subject. "If I do well, I get a full scholarship to the University of Chicago. They are covering everything from tuition to dormitory."

I pondered on my words, "That's good."

"Then, I get to go away; from this...small town."

I smiled, "You can do it."

"Is that it?"

"Am I supposed to say something else?"

He looks downward, shoving a hand into his pockets. "I don't know."

"Luke, what's going on? Everyone is worried about you, you know."

"No one is worried about me, Makee. They are worried about the superstar quarterback."

I place a hand on his bicep, "Don't say that." I held the words at the tip of my tongue. I shouldn't say it. I know I shouldn't," I care about you, Luke."

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