Chapter 31

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The veins of Dhruv's neck and hands popped out, they were so bulged that even they could be seen on his skin popping out as the blood exerted its pressure on them. He was fuming in anger, his eyes turned greyish staring at the two soo close and calm. Their bodies sticking to each other however the thing that irked him the most was — her smile.

His blood boiled at the sight, Dhruv have left no second for her to be alone so that she could meet this blood sucking disgusting animal anyway then how was he able to do that. He was, to be precise jealous of him, his luck and fucking fate. Though he should not be jealous of him for her presence here in his life was not meant to spell him, Turn him weak in the knees but— to kill her and destroy that destiny she held.

Alas, it seemed inevitable. Dhruv may have tried to keep on his decision and focus on the crucial matter yet this girl attracted him and her close proximity with his arch enemy made him feel alien. Dhruv growled loudly enthralling their attention while he upped his head facing the sky that was seemingly visible through the gap between the trees and their branches.

"Dhruv!" Nandini took his name stepping aside from manik. She was amazed to see him there for according to her, she should be asleep in his tent. But having him there standing few meters away from them with strange expressions and shivering body she batted her eyes.

And before she could utter another word in order to let him know who this guy (manik) was and where did she meet him Dhruv approached her with long steps. He pulled her towards him by her elbow over protectively, "What are you doing here!"... He authoritatively questioned that intrigued her to another level of anticipation.

Like, the way he pulled her away from manik and the way his fingers dug into her skin not leaving her at all, it seemed so possessive and unexplainable. Nandini twisted her lips pursing them in a thin line while as she gave a nervous glance at manik who was by then glaring hard Dien on the ground with a fixed gaze.

Anger and disappointment could easily be seen on his face. At least, nandu could see them. It has just been few hours she met him now and only a night earlier, yet she was able to search those expressions. "Ummm Dhruv, this is my friend Manik. You know I've had narrated you that incident where I and Clifford were kidnapped by a group of anonymous people, Manik was the one who saved us both."... She informed, her voice laced with appreciation towards him however, he was still rooted in his place staring into the thin air without blinking.

" He is here for some work and we met by chance. And you know, I didn't remember him earlier until the last night when we collided with each other."... Dhruv rolled his eyes, she was praising him for nothing good.

'Why will she recall anything, this animal must have erased his memory!'

He mocked him in his mind, and when he did that manik looked up from the ground at Dhruv with deadly glares. He heard that. But the very next moment Manik deviously smirked and walked near nandini. "Umm nandini you are coming with me or not!" he asked with the looks 'I know you can't talk, but I just want you to know that I ain't no going anywhere as long as she is here, you see' in his eyes and a smile on lips making him look both dangerous and sexy.

Dhruv lightly chuckled, it was not audible but manik could hear it. If it has been any other day then they would have killed each other, inopportunely their hands were tied with helplessness. They cannot do anything in front of nandini. Where these two enemies were bust silently fighting to each other with their eyes nandu spoke, "Ohh Dhruv, umm I and manik have decided to spend a night together"

"What!!!!!!"... He was baffled enough to have his heart thinking loudly at the thought.

They've decided to spend the night together..... Now what does that mean! She can't sleep with him just like that, she cannot give her virginity to him... Or to be honest, she cannot give him the opportunity to be the one and acquire the demonic powers. She us joking right!!!

Regardless, nandu bit her lips, it sounded more like insinuation and double meaning talk. Her cheeks have gone all red by then, what Dhruv must be thinking! She facepalmed hersekf mentally. "Ohhh no no, I meant we'll go out there and sit together, talk, share information of each other's life, yeah that's it!"... She cleared the air.

This made Dhruv sigh, gosh he have thought definitely about THAT only when she mentioned of 'Spending the night'. Regardless, Dhruv tightened his grip on her elbow getting on manik's nerves. He so wished to seperate his head off his body or for that matter stab a wooden dagger through his heart and kill him yet he maintained his cool letting him touch her, when accordingly she belonged to nobody right now.

"Okay I understand that, but I don't think you should go anywhere nandini. Have you forgotten that attack! There are dangerous animals roaming around"... Dhruv glanced manik from the corner of his eye, he was indeed getting tempered. Notwithstanding he'd do his fucking best to not let her go with him, not in the night at least.

Why, even he didn't know!

Nandu pressed her like in a thin line, he, was, right. She should not forget about that attack even though there eoikd be manik with her but what's the gaurantee that the animals won't attack on them! In fact, they hunt in pack in the night's darkness and work in unison.

"Yeah, you are right. Manik we will meet some other day. Dhruv is right, we shouldn't roam in the forest in the night. There are wolves here"... She said roaming her pupils in her surrounding whipe Dhruv smirked at manik over her remark. Indeed, there wolves everywhere— including him, the alpha. "And I have heard they hunt in pack. Stupid growling dogs!" She hissed in irritation while this time, it Was manik to smirk.

What goes around, comes around.

"Yeah whatever, let's go now nandini."... Dhruv pulled her in the opposite direction, he was about to take a step forward when he experienced a slight jerk. And when he turned around to see, he found manik holding Nandu s other hand such that she was standing in between the two with both of her hands being gripped by them, obviously with confused looks.

"We are not finished yet." it was enough, Manik had enough of this dog that he forcibly freed her elbow from his grip and pulled her close by the wrist. "Don't you trust me nandini!" He asked her, she had no idea what to say and there Dhruv balled his fingers in a fist all set to smash his face.

This was not going good.

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