Chapter 73

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Vladamir Vaz, could be anything but a king.

The cunningness of his face. Th e hatred in his eyes. The cruelty on his cheeks. That pathetic greedy smile. All in all, that entire countenance could be of anyone but a king.

He was no king. Even if it was of a mythical creature like Vampires, he could NOT be a king.

Because, no matter what, a king does not sentence anyone for a penalty worse than a death penalty as that was given to Prince Manik, his adopted prince.

And a king does not harm people who had once been his loyals.

The court was filled. There were ministers wearing their black long, pointed collared, cloaks with end number of people standing at the sides while the soldiers guarded by the side of the wall.

The king was seated in his seat, in his hall of assembly, as his only Prince that was available at the moment, Unwin, sat by his side in his throne.

They were impatiently waiting. Waiting for the one who had once freely roamed in the castle. Shared dinners and lunches with them on the royal table. Amazed everyone with his unfathomable energy and skill.

Alas, the wait was not of positive pursuit. But a negative one. It was a wait that was being done for a traitor.

All of them were waiting with their heart throbbing inside their chests, their eyes hesitantly awaiting at the entrance of the assembly room as a slow eerie wind rolled over.

"Why is it taking so long????" Wailed the king once again.

He flared the end of his long ember cloak and swung his head to his right, at his minister. Aniruddh's teeth clamored as he fearfully looked at his highness. His eyes were already red... And when he ever had a change in mood, they turned pitch dark red. It was rather a combination of the darkest dark and the blackest black.

All of his eyes, including the whites and the irises, all dark  blackish red.

"M-my lord,"

"Sorru for the delay, but They are here, your grace. Prince Manik, I mean, the traitor to the king's throne... is here!" Aniruddh escaped a breath as he saw the guardian he had sent to bring Manik was here.

"The-they are here... Your grace." He repeated his soldier's word with a bow of head while there.... In the air, an ironically intense staleness lingered.

No sooner did it happen then their eyes twirl back to the entrance. This time their tympanic membranes quivering with rush of boots. Rush of boots among one that were dragging and rubbing against the floor. Except for that particular walker, they can sense all of them had a nice confident striding.

The room hall was veiled with dark maroon light. It was on as it provided them soothe and power during the day light as their enemy, the ball of brightness, topped Earth with its aureate glimmering sheet of luminosity.

The red light spreading in the room darkened as they, finally, appeared at the entrance.

Gasps... They welcomed him with gasps.

Their mouths hanging open. Some getting clutched in their palms. Some biting on their lips whilst looking at the mess across them.

One thing that remained constant was the undying flush on their faces. They were all... Baffled.

Baffled because the first thing that came into their view could not be recognized by them. He's not too far away yet their eyes with heightened visibility could not recognize him.

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