Chapter 10 The Games We Play

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Every week Megan is showing up at Tyrone's locker. Tyrone has been trying to prove to me that Megan means nothing to him, but all he is proving is how toxic we are. The fights between them us are getting worse. Megan provokes to him to argue with her. Which causes us to argue because of how much attention he is giving her. I have been trying to to come up with a way to mess with her. Something that would make her leave us alone for a while. So on some weekends Tyrone mom would have him spend some weekends at my house while her and my cousin go out. Tonight my cousin is performing out of town. Now that Tyrone is fighting his dad back his mom is scared his dad will do something to hurt Tyrone really bad. We were hanging out in the media room watching movies. It was late and everyone had gone to bed.

"Do you think about us? (Tyrone)
What do you mean? (Kelly)
What we did? (Tyrone)
Yeah, why? (Kelly)
Cause I do. A lot actually. (Tyrone)
You think about that all the time? (Kelly)
Yeah, I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want you to feel pressured". (Tyrone)

I shyly looked away with a slight smile. Tyrone was staring at me the entire time. I was hoping he thought about me all the time, but to hear him say it. With all the arguing we have been doing. It felt good to hear.

"Did that bother you? (Tyrone)
What? (Kelly)
Me asking that? (Tyrone)
No, why? (Kelly)
You looked away like it did. (Tyrone)
You were staring at me. (Kelly)
I was watching your response. (Tyrone)
It caught me off guard. I didn't think you thought of me.
I think about you all the time. (Tyrone)
We been arguing a lot lately. I'm surprised you think of me at all. (Kelly)
I don't like fighting with you. I think about everything I miss about you. Even though you get on my got damn nerves. (Tyrone)
Like you don't get my nerves. (Kelly)
Oh I'm sure I do. But I still think of my lil tiddlywink at night before I go to bed. (Tyrone)
Awww, You have a nickname for me? (Kelly)
I wasn't gonna tell you I call you that. (Tyrone)

He kissed me on my lips. I kissed him back because this was one of the only time I could kiss him without people standing around judging us. The he put his hand up my night gown. I stopped him before he could go any further. We wasn't exactly at home alone. My cousins were here watching us. They have to wake up periodically to check on us. Kissing him was one thing to risk, but having sex was another.

"You know we can't do that. (Kelly)
Everyone sleep. (Tyrone)
She told them to keep an eye on us. (Kelly)
I thought since you thought about it. It was okay. (Tyrone)
You should have asked first. (Kelly)
You should have said that in the beginning. You knew I was gone try. (Tyrone)
I did, but I thought you would still ask first. We will never have sex here! Are you crazy! (Kelly)
Never say never. (Tyrone)
She would never leave me at home alone long enough to give time to have sex with you. She don't trust us. I think she don't trust you more than she don't trust me. (Kelly)
What I do to make her not trust me? (Tyrone)
Your mom knows you have already had sex. She told my cousin you did. (Kelly)
She don't really know that. She thinks I have because of Megan. I don't think she liked her. She would always call her a fast. Megan would always try to be in my room with the door closed. (Tyrone)
So, I'm always in your room with the door closed. (Kelly)
That's different. She never liked her coming in my room. (Tyrone)
Megan is a hoe. Your mama was right to not like her. (Kelly)
I guess my mama know a good girl when she sees one. (Tyrone)
She think that? (Kelly)
I never heard her say nothing bad about you. (Tyrone)
Once again your mama be right about some things. (Kelly)
Okay, since we can't do it here how about at my house next time you come over? (Tyrone)
You just gone change the subject like that. (Kelly)
Nah, you changed the topic and I was bring you back. I wanted to remind you just in case you forgot. (Tyrone)
I'm not making any promises. (Kelly)
Your not making any promises? Yeah alright. (Tyrone)
Do you get tired of Megan coming up to you? (Kelly)
See, there you go. Hell yeah! I'm getting ready to strangle her ass. (Tyrone)
You won't let me beat her ass. I think I should come up with a way to mess with her. (Kelly)
What you want to do? (Tyrone)
I don't know yet, but when I do I'll let you know. I have to think about it and figure something out. (Kelly)
Don't kill her. (Tyrone)
Do I look stupid. I'm not your mama? She is not worth all of that. (Kelly)
Okay dang you didn't have to go there. (Tyrone)
You shouldn't say stupid shit. I'm making sure you get the picture. (Kelly)
I get it. (Tyrone)
Y'all still up? Y'all need to go to bed. (Loren)
We ain't babies! We teenagers and this what we do. You forgot you were one once a upon a time. (Tyrone)
Boy shut up! You might as well be one since I have to watch y'all like babies. Y'all need to go to bed. I don't feel like getting back up watching y'all all night. (Loren)
What you watching us for? You don't have to watch us. (Tyrone)
You the main one I need to watch. (Loren)
Why you have to watch me?! (Tyrone)
Your manish ass will be up in here trying to get in my lil cousin pants. (Loren)
Ain't nobody trying to have sex with her! (Tyrone)
Why?! What's wrong with my cousin? She pretty and smart. (Loren)
How you gone accuse me of trying to have sex with her, and then turn around and ask that? (Tyrone)
I'm just saying, you said that like something was wrong with her. (Loren)
That's not what I was saying. She my best friend, and I don't see her like that. (Tyrone)
Yeah whatever! I'm about to go to bed, and I'm not getting back up, so y'all behave yourselves. (Loren)
You can go to bed, we straight. (Tyrone)
Alright goodnight. (Loren)
Says the boy who just tried to have sex with me. I told you, they are watching us. (Kelly)
They need to let you grow up. You are about to graduate. This is what girls do your age. (Tyrone)
She don't want me having sex, or having any babies. Teenage girls do that too you know. (Kelly)
This why girls graduate, then wild out. Their parents be too strict on them. (Tyrone)
She not that strick on me. She let's me go places, and go to your house. Plus I'm always in your bedroom, and she know I be. (Kelly)
See I don't get that. How she gone let you come to my house and be in my bedroom, but she don't trust us to be together at her house? (Tyrone)
You spend a night at my house. I don't spend a night at yours. I'm just over there a couple of hours once a week. Over night gives us plenty of time to have sex. Especially if she is not here. (Kelly)
First of all, my mom is always gone when you come over, and a couple of hours is plenty of time to have sex. She at least need to trust you and give you the benefit of the doubt. (Tyrone)
I think she trusts me to a certain degree. (Kelly)
She just don't trust us together at her house. I have never given her a reason not to trust me. (Tyrone)
Neither have I. (Kelly)
I guess you made your point". (Tyrone)

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