Chapter 7 Keep It A Secret

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We laid in bed holding hands. Both discussing our disbelief in what we had just done. The more we talked the more I had an over whelming feeling of guilt. I was wondering how were we going to keep everyone from knowing. I suddenly wanted to leave. The longer we laid there the more I felt like we were going to get caught.

"I think I should go. (Kelly)
Why? It's only five thirty. (Tyrone)
She probably going to be calling to see if we're done. (Kelly)
You can tell her no. Come on chill with me for a little while. (Tyrone)
T, I think I should go. (Kelly)
Are you okay? Why you rushing?! (Tyrone)
Why are you trying to chill? I really think I need to go. (Kelly)
We always chill. Now because we had sex you want to rush and leave. What's really up? (Tyrone)
I just don't think we shouldn't be laid up like this. We could get caught. (Kelly)
Ain't no body here. (Tyrone)
You know what I mean. (Kelly)
No I don't. Why are you tripping all of sudden? (Tyrone)
I don't know. I'm nervous, and keep feeling like we are going to get caught. (Kelly)
The only way we get caught is if we tell them. Are we telling them. (Tyrone)
You know we are not telling them. (Kelly)
Well what does this mean? (Tyrone)
What do you mean? (Kelly)
What are we to each other? (Tyrone)
I told you before we did anything. We are still friends. (Kelly)
Is that all you want to be? (Tyrone)
Why are you asking me that? I explained all of that. The situation hasn't changed. (Kelly)
It has changed. We had sex. Don't tell me you don't feel different. (Tyrone)
What are you talking about? I feel the same. (Kelly)
Well I don't, and I know you don't either. (Tyrone)
I told you in the beginning we are going to stay friends. You know we can't be together. (Kelly)
I know that's what you said. That was before we did anything. I wasn't expecting to feel anything, but I did, and I know you did too. (Tyrone)
What difference does it make. We can not be together. (Kelly)
That meant nothing to you? I don't mean nothing to you? (Tyrone)
That's not what I'm saying. You know why we can't be together. We can't act any different. (Kelly)
I didn't think I would feel anything. I didn't expect to feel anything. I definitely didn't think you would act like this. Your not some random girl. (Tyrone)
Act like what? How am I acting? Now you don't want to keep this between us. (Kelly)
Your acting like I'm nothing to you. Like you didn't feel anything. (Tyrone)
What difference will it make if I did? (Kelly)
It would make a big difference. We could go about this differently. I have never felt like that with anyone. (Tyrone)
I don't know how I feel. It just happened. I haven't given it much thought. (Kelly)
You should feel something. I know you do. (Tyrone)
What do you mean? (Kelly)
You don't want to be more than the girl I had sex with? (Tyrone)
What difference does it make, we still can't be together". (Kelly)

I do want to be more than friends. I have always wanted to be. Me having sex with him knowing he is not my boyfriend was not my ideal way of loosing my virginity. It was just how I imagined it would be. I wanted to be with him, but not like this, with all the pressure of keeping it a secret. At least I know after the fact it wasn't just about the sex for him. He leaned to kiss me, but I dodged his kiss.

"Why you do that? (Tyrone)
I don't know. I think because I'm nervous. (Kelly)
Why? No one is here but us. (Tyrone)
I keep feeling like we are going to get caught. (Kelly)
I don't know what it is. (Kelly)
The only way we can get caught is if one of us say something. (Tyrone)
Don't tell nobody! (Kelly)
I'm not going to tell anybody. What I look like? I won't, unless you want me to. (Tyrone)
We cant tell no one. We have to keep it a secret. (Kelly)
I heard you damn! I knew you felt something? Trying to front like you didn't. (Tyrone).
What do you mean? Why do you keep saying that? (Kelly)
I am your first, and you supposed feel something from that. Everybody does. It's something that keep you connected to your first or something. (Tyrone)
Did you feel something with Tiff? (Kelly)
I felt something with her, and I'm sure she did too. (Tyrone)
You didn't act like you did. You still don't. (Kelly)
Our relationship ran it's course. That don't mean I don't still care about her. You called my name, scratched up my back, and I think, my ear is bleeding". (Tyrone)

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