Chapter 1 A New Life

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It was the summer of 1991 when my life changed. My name is Kelly Gibson and I am eleven years old. I just moved to Atlanta with my three cousins. Layla, Loren and Christen. Layla was one of my oldest cousins. She wanted a new start with her singing career. She thought a fresh start in a new city was just what they needed. Their dad has never been around and their mom, passed away from cancer a year ago. Layla was left with the responsibility of raising her two little sisters along with her two kids. We are from Texas, and being in Texas reminded her too much of her mother's passing. I guess you are wondering how I ended up here. I wanted to get away from everyone. My family life was complicated. Since Layla kelp me a lot when I was little. I asked Layla to asked my parents if she could live with her. For the first time I was in a new place away from my family, and everyone I knew. I grew up sheltered and shy. I'm hoping my shyness doesn't prevent me from making friends. Making new friends was difficult for me. I get a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach that makes me feel jittery, and my heart feels like it's about to jump out my chest. One of my coping mechanisms to feel normal is, I would smile. My childhood was a little different from most homes. Growing up my dad and mom didn't allow me or my siblings to go any where. The only place we were allowed was school. We wasn't allowed to talk to or, be around family. My dad was big on privacy. Neighborhood kids were not allowed to come over. The only friend I had that they allowed to come over was my best friend Christie. She lived in the house behind my house. They only let her come over because they knew her mom's boyfriend was beating her mother. Christie didn't like being at home when he was there. She saw my house as an escape from her reality. I never quite understood why my parents kelp us away from family. I guess they didn't want them to know the type of poor conditions we were living in. I never told anyone what I was going on with me. My dad would always tell us "Our business is our business". Which meant don't tell no one what's going on in our house. That was a serious thing that came with serious discipline. My dad would use not eating as a form of punishment. With it being summer time, I can at least get ahead start on making friends here. That way, it's not too hard on the first day of the school.

The neighborhood we lived in was quiet. I haven't seen a lot kids around. The people here are very friendly. I have been outside every day to sit on the steps a the top of the hill of our yard. The house on the hill was what they call our house. Our yard had a long driveway that went up like a hill. Today was different three boys were riding bikes up and down the street. I had never seen them before. I didn't know if they were from the neighborhood. I watched them until one of them slowed down, and headed towards me.

"What's up!? (Tyrone)
Hi! (Kelly)
My name is Tyrone. Are you new here? (Tyrone)
Yeah, I just moved here a couple months ago. (Kelly)
I stay around the corner. That's my big head ass cousin Andre. That water head is Malcolm, our best friend. You can call me T, my cousin Dre. Malcolm doesn't have a nickname just call him water head. (Tyrone)
Shut up! (Malcolm)
I'm just playing. (Tyrone)
Hey what's up. (Malcolm and Dre)
Hey. (Kelly)
She look mean. (Dre)
I'm not mean. People always think that about me.
She don't look mean. (Tyrone)
Yes she do. (Malcolm)
He saying that because he think she pretty. (Dre)
No I don't! I mean you're not ugly. I'm not saying that because I think you are pretty. (Tyrone)
Your eyes are pretty. (Kelly)
Thank you, I don't like them though. People are always staring at me. (Tyrone)
That's because you are stupid. Nigga that's how you get the girls. (Dre)

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