Chapter 6

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"John?" I said, shocked.

"Long time, no see! You miss me, dollface?" he said as he stroked my cheek.

I slapped his hand away quickly.

"Don't fucking touch me!"

"You're still mad I see .. Typical Jessica."

"How could I not be?"

"Don't wanna bring the situation up, you might storm off & cry again." he said as he & Melina began to laugh.

"You're such a fucking dick. Blake, let's go." I said as I grabbed Blake's hand.

"Whooa, wait. Introduce me to your friend!"

"He's my fiance, dumbass!"

"You play basketball, right. Dude, huge fan of yours!"

"Thanks man!"

They dapped each other up.

"Hey, tell ya girl she needs to stop holding grudges on people."

"Yeah, who are you? You know her?"

"Oh, I'm John. We used to date a few years ago."

Blake's smile disappeared.

"So you're the one that embarrassed her! That was a real bitch move, bro." Blake said as he got in John's face.

John & Melina started moving back.

"Dude, I'm sorry. That was a long time ag- (gco)"

"I don't give a fuck, that's no way to treat a good woman! Ya know instead of giving ya a fist pound, I should've pounded ya face in ... with my fist!"

Blake balled up his fist & rose his arm up. I quickly pulled him back before he started a brawl in this fancy place.

"Baby, let's just go!"

We headed out of the door. Blake stopped in his tracks & got in his face again.

"You better hope & pray that I don't run into you anywhere!"

"Bro, I'm not afraid of you!"

"Oh, whatcha gonna do? Wrestle me? I don't wrestle, I fight. Remember that!"

Blake got out of his face & walked out the door. I followed behind him. We got in the car & left.

I was kinda thrilled that Blake stood up for me. When we got home, I let out a huge breath. What a relief? I went upstairs & got ready for bed. Blake came along with me.



"I'm sorry about how I acted tonight. He was making me angry with all that shit he was talking. I wouldn't even blame you if you hated me."

"Hate you? I could never! I'm not mad at you, sweetheart. I actually wanna thank you for sticking up for me. It's nice to know you got my back when it comes to embarrassing situations like this."

"You know I gotchu babe. You're still comfortable with going back to the WWE, right?"

"Oh yes, I'm cool."

"Okay, good! Goodnight baby!" he said, kissing me on my forehead.

"Goodnight sweetheart."

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