The Previous Ending

852 31 8

TEMPUR-A Headquarters
(after Captain Kaizo saves Boboiboy)

Boboiboy's POV

Footsteps. All I can hear is footsteps.

I feel numb and broken. I cannot see myself. I think... I'm getting colder every second. It is a good thing I was lying on a comfy stretcher and I am covered with a silky blanket. Even though I am feeling comfortable, my head is not. Someone is dragging me back and forth to somewhere, making me nauseous. And even more colder.

"Everybody, get back... back..." Captain Kaizo's voice seemed to be in a well.

The others too. "Boboiboy... Boboiboy..."

"Is he alright?... right?..."

I try to open my eyes but I am instantly blinded by the white light above me. I try again and I can only see swirling figures surrounding my weak body.

The tall one, Captain Kaizo I think, is explaining my critical condition with a lot of scientific words. But all I can hear are "emergency room," "low oxygen," "slow heart beat," "left lung," "punctured holes," "frozen internal organs," and "blood loss."

Oh, God. What have I done to myself?

I hear a few mutterings of "No..." and my name in anguish. I want to tell them that everything will be alright and I will get better after this. After all, hope is always in the good side. Right?

But I end up coughing hardly, spilling some watery substance out of my lips. Wait, this doesn't taste like my normal saliva. It's tasteless... so then this must be—

"He's coughing out blood... Boboiboy's... coughing out blood..."

I slowly turn to the one speaking. It is someone in pink clothes. Yaya... I can imagine her worried face even if I cannot see it. Her scrunched eyebrows, her teary brown eyes, and her red cherry lips muttering my name over and over again. I really wish there was more time for me and her.

"Kaizo," an unknown voice called. "The Emergency Room is ready..."

"Good, I will assist the medics too..."

And then finally I close my eyes, diving deeper to the awaiting darkness.




I open my eyes. I am face-to-face with a boy like me. But his face, his clothes... they're all in the shade of dark purple. Is this Fang, or someone I knew before?

Take my hand.

The boy in front of me hold out his hand. His hands are coated with swirling shadow. The same as Fang's but it feels much more stronger, darker, and tempting.


Take my hand, Boboiboy.

He repeat his words then he reach out to gently grab my left hand. But I quickly pull it far away. I fear the mysterious power inside him might harm me.


He look at me perplexed. Then he tries to persuade me.

It is now over. Your fight is over.

I can't. I cannot leave my friends behind. I still need to protect them.

If you stay, you will regret it. You will just create misfortune to your loved ones.

The boy's right. But still I refuse to believe the words of a stranger, even if I have this sort of deja that I know him.

That will never happen.

Boboiboy, listen to me. I've seen the future. Your future. You'll just make them suffer more than your enemies could. You'll harm them. We don't want anything to happen to them, right?

I don't care. I can change the future.

Yes you can, but—

Then, from a far distance, I can hear the squealing peals of laughter. It comes from my friends. I realize they are waiting for me. Fang, Ying, Gopal, Ochobot and Yaya. They're waiting for me to wake up.

I'm sorry. I have to go now. Thanks for, erm... warning me.

But— *sigh* fine. But always remember: if you ever need me, reach out to the darkest depths of your sorrowful heart.

You'll find me there, wherever, whenever...

Then I chase after the blissful laughter, leaving the boy wistfully watching me disappear.


I slowly open my eyes and find myself lying on a soft and fluffy bed. My orange clothes are changed into a hospital gown, and somehow I feel light-headed today.

I am greeted by a disturbing prank from Gopal and Fang, who were obliged to wait for days? just to prank me and Admiral Tarung.

I am also greeted with surprising praises from my superiors Captain Kaizo, Commander Koko Ci and Ramenman. They say I did a good work on protecting both the crew and the power spheres, though I always thought it wasn't because I destroyed TAPOPS headquarters.

But I quickly change the subject by worrying about my precious cap. I always wear it with me, but somehow it was gone. Probably hidden by Gopal and Fang; they were dying to see my horrible reaction. I always panic when I don't have my cap, and everyone just sweatdrops in front of me.

Aside from that, I am now looking forward pranking Admiral Tarung who was about to wake up. Fang already gave me a shadow beard so me and Gopal are ready. Heheh... I can feel my excitement growing. Even Papa Zola, although I'm guessing he won't do good in pranking. The girls had warned us that we'll be in so much trouble, but let me have this once-in-a-lifetime enjoyment since I've slept for too long.

As I prepare to play my part, I glance back at the large window and see a shadow of a boy disappearing.

A boy who looks like me.


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