~ Summer holidays ~

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»All these dark thoughts tryna mess with me.
So I put them on a beat with a melody.
Recently I've been looking for the remedy.
Cooking up every day, found the recipe.«

The summer holidays were only a day away.
Today was Thursday, June was almost over.

"Evy?", Isak asked as he walked into the apartment.
Even walked into the entrance of the apartment, one eyebrow cocked up.
"Have we talked about where we want to go for the summer holidays yet?", Isak asked while taking his shoes off.
"Umm, nei, we still need to talk about that", Even answered as Isak walked towards him.
He pulled him into a hug.
Even wrapped his arms around Isak's waist.
"You smell good, were you cooking dinner?", Isak asked and Even nodded.
"Yeah. I went home earlier today because of the weather today. I'm making a salad with some strawberries", Even answered.
"Yeah, almost 40 degrees. For real, I almost died in the school. How can they keep us there while we're melting away with 38 degrees outside? Insane", Isak said as he let go of Even and walked into the kitchen.
The two finished cooking dinner, Isak had added some fish to the salad.
Even was against adding the fish at first, but Isak was stubborn. Very stubborn.

"Thanks to my stubbornness, this salad got the nicest touch in the history of our dinners", Isak proudly said.
"I have to admit, that it tastes really good", Even said with a smile on his face.
"Baby, do you want to stay at home during the summer or do you want to travel somewhere?", Isak asked after a moment of silence.
"I'd love to travel somewhere. I don't know where yet, but somewhere", Even said.
"Oh, umm, how about Sweden? Or the Netherlands? Or Belgium? Or Germany?", Isak asked, the excitement basically shot out of him.
"Woah, slow down baby!", Even laughed, "Belgium or Germany, these two sound really interesting. The others as well, but we'll be traveling to Sweden in autumn."
"Okay. I would really love to see Liège, that's a city in Belgium. But I'd also love to see the Cologne Cathedral in Germany", Isak said and Even nodded.
"Liège sounds good. We also could combine the two. Two weeks in Belgium and two weeks in Germany. Then we could spend the other two weeks here in Norway", Even suggested and Isak smiled.
"Yeah, that's a fantastic idea! We'll do that. I'll take care of the hotel booking and train tickets after dinner", Isak said and with that, the two continued to eat their dinner.

After Isak was done with taking care of their summer vacation trips, he vacuumed the apartment.
"Okay", he said as he walked into the bedroom, "Evy, I'm done now. We can leave now."
The two walked around Oslo, enjoying the sun outside.
Well, if that was possible, considering the extreme heat.
Even was wearing a straw hat, a whine red shirt, vanilla-creamy shorts, and his Converse sneakers.
Isak was wearing sunglasses, a pink shirt, grey shorts, and vanilla-creamy shoes.

"Do you want to sit down on that bench? There's no sun shining on it", Isak said as he pointed to a bench.
Even nodded and the two sat down there.
"Issy? Have I ever told you how much I love you?", Even asked while looking at Isak, his Isak.
"Ja, you have. I will never get sick of hearing you say it, though", Isak answered with the widest smile ever, causing Even to grin.
Isak couldn't believe it sometimes. That this was his life - being in love with Even, feeling better mentally and finally feeling comfortable in his own skin.
A few months ago, he'd never thought that he would ever be able to stop cutting himself.
That he wouldn't have to do that to himself in order to feel real.
Even made him feel real, in so many ways. He loved him, he shared an apartment with him and he helped him whenever he needed help.
Isak's could rely on Even, which was the best feeling ever.
Even could rely on Isak, could trust him. He always could ask Isak for help, he knew that Isak would be there for him.
For Isak, that was what true and raw love were like.
One day, when Isak was done with school, he'd become a biology professor at a university. From the money, that he'd earn then, he would travel around the world with Even.

Even had given him everything - love, time and trust.
The least Isak could do was showing his boyfriend the world.

After it got too hot outside, the two headed back home.
Usually, it wasn't that hot in Norway. The two had to get used to this new level of heat first.
But the longer the heat lasted, the more they got used to it.
Back home, the two took a cold shower to cool down a bit.
"Baby, I got a call from Jonas. He suggested that we could hang out at his place. Are you up for that or is that too much?", Isak asked as he walked out of the bedroom into the kitchen, where Even sat at the dining table.
"That's fine with me", Even said, closing his laptop.
And with that, the two left the house once again.

At 6 pm, they arrived at Jonas' house.
Mahdi and Magnus were there as well.
They all hang out, chatting and playing video games until it was dark outside.
At almost 10 pm, Even and Isak said goodbye to their friends.

The two went to bed quite early.
But since it was still a bit hot outside, falling asleep became a challenge.
Even could fall asleep with or without a blanket, which blew Isak's mind.
How could one fall asleep without being wrapped up in a blanket?
Well, while Even was asleep, Isak was trying not to drown in his own sweat.
Luckily, the air cooled off at 1 am.

Finally, Isak could cuddle up with Even and fall asleep.

(Wortcount: 1013 words)

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