~ Like the old days ~

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»Fivestar gone, Mom, that wasn't a joke.
Let's ride, no idea where to, out of the city, but never ever broke again.
Mom, that wasn't a joke.
Fivestar gone, Mom, that wasn't a joke.
Let's ride, no idea where to, out of the city, but never ever ever broke again.«

Isak didn't really know how to respond to Jonas' text message.
Even advised him to go with a "Fine, I'll help you out. Going to drive over to your place now", which was probably the best response.
Today was June 2nd, Fredag.

Isak went to school.
Since today was Friday, the day was shorter than the other ones.
As soon as the bell rang at 1:15 pm, Isak ran out of the building.
Luckily he already had explained his situation to the boys.
After the 10-minute long walk to Jonas' place, Isak knocked at the front door.
But no one opened.

He then remembered that Jonas' house had one window, that was almost too well hidden behind the bushes.
Isak carefully climbed through the window.
The room, which was a bedroom, looked different from everything Isak had seen at Jonas' house.
Suddenly, Isak heard voices from the corridor.
"Damn, I feel like a bugler", he mumbled before hiding under the bed.
Isak could hear Chris' voice.

"Okay baby boy, remember the rules or you will get-", Chris asked, waiting for Jonas to say it.
"Spanked", Jonas said, his voice sounded worn out.
"Be a good boy for daddy. Our guests will be here soon", Chris said, stepping closer to the bed.
The bed moved, Chris must've pushed Jonas onto it.
"You remember how to lay down for your daddy, right?", Chris whispered, his voice sounded seductive.
"Yeah, I do", Jonas said, laying down on his back, spreading his legs a bit.
Chris' hands pushed them apart a bit more. "Let Daddy see your panties", Chris whispered.

Isak heard Jonas sigh before he heard a gasp from Chris.
"You look so beautiful in those panties, my love", Chris complimented and Jonas purred.
Isak lifted one eyebrow up. That was why Jonas wanted him to come here? To listen to their bedroom activities?
While Isak was contemplating getting up and leaving, the doorbell rang.
Chris walked away to open the door.
That was Isak's chance.
He got back up.

"Hei Jonas", Isak said and Jonas gasped.
"Halla! You scared me to death", Jonas said and Isak smiled.
"You texted me, saying that you've gotten yourself into something dangerous. So, I came here like the good friend that I am and what's going on? Your bedroom activities? I didn't leave my Even to listen to this", Isak said, not realizing that he got a bit mad.
Jonas sighed.
"Isak, I'm so sorry for cutting off your time with Even, but the danger is about to happen. Chris, he invited some people over to my house and they're dangerous. I know that eavesdropping isn't the finest thing to do, but I heard him say 'Okay, take the coke and your gun with you. My baby boy is going to entertain us'. And I don't know what they're about to do", Jonas said, his eyes were full of fear.

Isak took a deep breath.
"Okay. I suggest, that we get out of here, before Chris and his friends will come back. God knows what's taking them so long", Isak said and Jonas nodded.
Jonas climbed out of the window.
Isak was just about to do the same, but then Chris walked it.
"Halla! Were you trying to escape?", Chris asked, his voice filled with dominance.
Isak let go of the windowsill and dropped to his knees.
"Shoot", he mumbled before getting up.

A group of 6 guys surrounded Isak immediately.
"My god, I need to go and get help", Jonas said before he ran away.
He made his way to Even's place, where he ran up these horrible stairs.
"Even! It's me, Jonas! I need your help! Please!", Jonas screamed while knocking on the door.
Even opened the door and his smile froze as soon as he saw the panic in Jonas' eyes.
"What happened?", he said.
Jonas quickly told him everything. After that, Even grabbed his coat.
"Let's go and save my Isak", Even said while locking the front door of his apartment.

Meanwhile, the 6 guys had tied Isak to the bed that Jonas' had been sitting on earlier.
Chris was sucking on Isak's nipples, which made the younger one squeal.
"Let me go! You had no right to keep Jonas in here!", Isak screamed, his voice sounded more and raspier.
Chris just laughed.
"It's not my fault that he's so manipulative", Chris said, he went further down on Isak.
Isak kept on screaming, but it didn't help.
When he saw, that one of the guys was unzipping his pants and pulling his dick out, Isak screamed even louder.
"Relax", Chris said, "you like sucking dick, don't you? So calm down". His grin was so mischievous, it disgusted Isak.

In the meantime, Even and Jonas arrived at Jonas' house.
"Luckily the front door is open", Jonas said while walking through the front door.
The two walked downstairs to the basement, where Isak's screams were coming from.
Even couldn't control himself any longer.
He almost jumped down the stairs, pushed the door open and shoved the guys aside.
Jonas came in as well, knocking some of the guys out.
The other guys, including Chris, ran upstairs and drove away on their motorcycles, that was parked in the back of Jonas' house.

Even quickly removed the ropes around Isak's wrists, pulling him closer to himself.
"My god Issy, are you hurt?", Even asked and Isak shook his head.
Even smiled relieved.
"Jonas, thanks for alarming me immediately. Who knows what could've happened if you didn't get help", Even said and Jonas nodded.
The three went back upstairs, where Isak and Even said goodbye to Jonas.
"That was an adventure! Like the old days, huh?", Isak said, already smiling again.
Jonas smiled shyly. "Almost, almost", he said and Isak grinned.

Back at Even's apartment, Isak and Even took a bath together.
Isak told Even everything that had happened.
"Do you want to press charges against them?", Even asked sternly.
"No, but Jonas wants to press charges against Chris for bringing him in such a danger. Plus there were drugs involved and all that jazz", Isak said while washing his hair.
Even smiled. "I'm so happy to have you back in one piece. Next time, we better get ourselves a backup. Our friends or the police for example", he said while washing his hair as well.

"Hopefully there won't be the next time, though", Isak said.
"Hopefully, yes", Even said and Isak came a bit closer to him so that the two could cuddle for a while.
That a normal week could be so adventurous, who would've thought?

(Wortcount: 1155 words)

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