~ P R I D E ~

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»And I never believed it, but it's a fact right now, ahaa.
Yeah, nobody knows, how serious this is to me.
Felt the pain for so long,
don't feel it anymore, aha, yeah.
Fivestar gone, Mom, that wasn't a joke.
Mom, that wasn't a joke.«

A week later - Onsdag
Even hadn't had a depressive episode since almost two weeks, which sounds really great at first.
But he knew, that once he'd fall into one again, it'd be twice as intense.
Even was on medication, but medicine can't save one from everything.

Today was a sunny day, 3 pm.
Isak was at school with his friends.
The bell rang at 3:30 pm, signaling the end of the school day.
The boy-squad left the building.
On their way outside, Isak told his friends about the pride festival that he wanted to attend today.

"Do you have time to join me?", Isak asked Jonas.
Jonas smiled. "Of course I have time! I'd be happy to join you", Jonas answered and Isak smiled.
"What about you guys?", he asked Mahdi and Magnus.
"I actually have to-", Magnus began, but Mahdi cut him off.
"He has a little brain damage. We'll join you", Mahdi said, grinning at Magnus.
"Yo, we'll have to tell them first. Did you forget that?", Magnus whispered, only Mahdi could hear.
"Yeah, let's tell them right now", Mahdi said, smiling softly.
"Gutter! Do you have two minutes?", Mahdi asked, Isak and Jonas turned around.
"Yeah, what is it?", Jonas asked.

Magnus cleared his throat before saying: "Mahdi and I have something to tell you. We-, eh, we're dating."
Mahdi nodded, intertwining his hand with Magnus'.
"Congratulations!", Isak shouted, hugging both of the boys.
Jonas did the same, but a bit more calmly than Isak.
On their way to Even's apartment, the four talked about different things and Isak gave them a guide to pride, which he had wanted to do all week.

Even walked through his apartment, whistling along to "Careless Whisper" by George Michael.
He was done with getting dressed, his makeup was already done and his hair looked amazing.
The sound of the doorbell pulled him out of his thoughts.
Even opened the front door, seeing his boyfriend and the three boys.
"Halla!", Even chirped and Isak kissed him.
"Hei baby! Guess what happened today", Isak said excitedly while walking inside.
The five sat down in the kitchen.

"Magnus and I told Jonas and your boyfriend something", Mahdi said, smiling at Even.
"We told them that we're dating", Magnus added, pressing a little kiss on Mahdi's cheek, which made him smile.
"Aww, that's cool! Congratulations you two!", Even said before he leaned over to shake both of their hands.
Isak cleared his throat.
"Umm Evy, we need to leave for the pride festival now", he said and Even stood up.
"Wait! Let me put on your makeup", Even said and Isak nodded.

Even had fun with putting makeup on and painting his nails recently, so Isak got a taste of that as well.
Isak didn't mind, he actually really liked it. Plus, Even was very good at painting nails and their conversations while he was doing it had become so precious to them, Isak wouldn't trade it for anything else.
Right now Even's nails were painted in the colors of the pansexual pride flag, he had a bit of mascara on his long eyelashes and he had drawn a small pansexual flag onto his left cheek.
Even walked back into the kitchen, a bunch of stuff in his hands.
"Okay Issy, sit down please. I'm ready now", Even said and Isak sat back down.
Luckily Isak already had gotten his nails painted, so now there only were two things left - the mascara and the gay pride flag.

After Even was done, he gave Isak a kiss.
"There you go, sweetheart! All beautiful and ready for pride", Even said, his smile was radiating happiness.
The five left Even's apartment, walking to Mahdi's place.
Magnus and Mahdi needed to get their flags first before they could go to the pride festival.
After a short drive with a cab the group arrived at the heart of Oslo.
Isak proudly waved his flag around, it was so big that he could warp it around himself.
Even molt at that. "Issy you're my favorite little gay burrito!", Even said happily, snapping a photo with his camera that he brought with himself.

Even waved his pansexual pride flag around and Isak made a little video with his phone.
Mahdi and Magnus both had bought gay pride flags, which they wore like superhero capes.
Isak also snapped a photo of that, posting it on Instagram with the caption "My two best boys are gay superheroes! 🏳️‍🌈" under it.
Jonas also posted a picture of the pride festival on Instagram. It was a group selfie of himself with his friends on it. "God pride peeps! 🏳️‍🌈💖🏳️‍🌈" was the caption.
Jonas had made sure to put an emoji on the few faces that were visible. He didn't want to be responsible for anyone getting bullied, because some people that attended pride festivals weren't out of the closet yet.

After the pride festival was over, Mahdi and Magnus went back home.
Isak and Even returned to Even's apartment.
The two spend the rest of the evening cuddling on the couch.
Even's fingers were going up and down on Isak's arms.
"Oh Even, do you how proud I am of being with you?", Isak asked, slowly leaning his head against Even's chest. Even smiled.
"Yes, I do know that. I'm so proud of being with you too, my dear", Even replied, gently kissing Isak on his soft lips.
The younger one giggled.

"I am so proud of how far you've come, Isak. From battling and defeating your inner struggles with yourself and your sexuality to going out on the streets and celebrating who you are and who you love is such a far way, that you've gone. I'm so proud of you for not giving up and I am thankful that you've let me into your life. Thanks for letting me be a part of your amazing life, Isak", Even said after Isak had turned around.
Now the younger one was laying on Even, his head was resting on Even's chest.
"Aww, Thanks Evy! I am proud of you as well. I can imagine that it was difficult for you to leave someone you've known and loved for years for someone, that you've met and fallen for.
I'm so glad that you made that step, because it has made me the happiest man on earth.
I love you with all my heart, Even", Isak said and Even smiled.

A few tears were shining in his eyes.
"I love you with my entire being, Isak. You're making me the happiest I've ever been", Even said and Isak cupped Even's face to kiss him.
Their kiss deepened a bit, filled with all the love and passion that the both felt for each other.
While watching a movie, Isak fell asleep.
When Even saw that, he smiled. Carefully he tried to grab his phone from the table, that stood between the TV and the couch.
Since the both were wrapped up in their pride flags, Even thought that this was a cute photo to print out someday.
The way Isak laid on his chest, his lips slightly pouting and his peaceful facial expression, it made Even fall even more in love with Isak.

These little moments were so precious to him.
They were his treasure.

(Wortcount: 1260 words)

I'm on a roll with uploading recently! Don't get used to it, though!
Today's song recommendation is "COLD (25)" by Kidnfinity, an awesome German song.
Have a good day everyone and remember to stay hydrated, bye!!

Cuts and Coffee - Isak Valtersen Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant