~ H E R ~

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»I'll tell you what I need.
Yeah, I'll tell you what I need.
Yeah, I'll take everything I want.
I'll tell you what I want.«

The first thing that Isak did after he woke up was checking his messages.
He read Eva's message twice before he walked into the kitchen.
While he made breakfast, he thought about what he was supposed to help Eva out with.
"Halla", a tired voice spoke. Isak turned around.
It was Even, who looked very sleepy and exhausted.

"Halla baby. You look very pale and tired", Isak said before he put the scrambled eggs on the two plates he had put next to the stove.
"Yeah, guess I'll stay home today", Even said and Isak nodded.
"If you're feeling better, we can go out for a walk later", Isak said while he took a sip of his glass of orange juice.
Even nodded, a weak smile ran over his lips.

Isak picked up Even's fork, scooped up some of the scrambled eggs and fed them to Even.
Even's eyes were glowing a bit. Usually, Even hated it when Isak tried to feed him, but it was okay right now. It felt right.
Isak was so loving and caring, sometimes Even felt bad that Isak was with him.
While Even was thinking about that, Isak got up and kissed him.
"I have to go now, babe. I don't want to be late to school again", Isak said and Even nodded, understanding.
"I'll see you later, sweetheart", Even said and Isak smiled.
While Isak was gone, Even tried his best to clean up his apartment a bit.
He took care of the laundry, vacuumed the rooms and took care of the dishes.
After he had cleaned the windows, he took a shower.

The lunch break came around, thank goddess.
Isak immediately ran off to go and look for Eva, since she had said that she needed his help.
He found her sitting on the stairs that led to the second schoolyard.
"Hei Eva!", Isak greeted his longtime friend.
Eva stood up. "Halla Isak!", she chirped, hugging Isak tightly.
The two walked around the school.
"So, what can I help you with?", Isak asked after they had reminisced the old times.
"I- Uh, I have a crush. But not on anybody, on two people", Eva began nervously.

Isak took a deep breath.
"Okay, and who are the two people?", Isak asked.
"Uh, Noora and here comes the problem, Jonas", Eva said, covering her face with her hands.
"Wait! Jonas! But you guys broke up", Isak said and Eva nodded.
"Yeah and that's the problem! I do love Noora more, but how should I say that to her?", Eva asked, her voice cracked midway because she was so desperate and sad.
Isak pulled her in a hug. "Hey, listen. You can love who you want to love. I suggest that you ask Noora about her sexuality, not too obvious though. And who knows, maybe you'll get together", Isak said while slowly letting Eva go.
Eva nodded. "Thanks, Isak, I've missed you. Maybe we can hang out sometime again", Eva said.
"Yes, I'd love that", Isak said excitedly and smiled.
The bell rang, signaling that the break was over.

After school was over, Isak offered Eva to come to Even's apartment.
Eva was okay with that, and Isak called Even.
"Hei Evy! I hope you're feeling better. Is it okay, if I bring Eva over?", Isak asked.
"Halla Issy! Yeah, it's fine if you bring Eva with you. I'm feeling a bit better now", Even said and Isak smiled.
The tram drove the two to Even's place.
The two walked up to the horrible stairs.
"Oh god Isak, do you have to go through that every single day?", Eva asked, catching her breath after she arrived at the door.
"Yeah, but I'd do it for the rest of my life if that gives me the chance to be with Even", Isak answered, being well aware of how corny he just sounded.

After Isak had opened the door, the two took their shoes off.
"Evy, I'm home!", Isak said.
A few seconds later his boyfriend stood in the doorframe.
"Halla Issy!", Even said, kissing Isak's lips.
"Hey, Eva! Glad to see you again", Even greeted Eva while hugging her.
Eva smiled. "Halla Even! I'm so glad to see you again. We may haven't really talked, only small talk here and there, but I'm still grateful for knowing you! Here's to getting to know you better", she said before the two stopped hugging.

After Isak and Even discussed their doctors' appointment, which they had settled for tomorrow, the three chitchatted about different things like how the school year went and what was next.
Eva planned on not letting the stress get to her like it did this year.
She didn't tell Even about her confusing love-situation, but she was glad that she talked about it with Isak.
While the three were talking, Even made some kardemomme toasties.
Later at 5 pm, Eva decided to head back home.
"Thanks for having me you two and thanks Even for the delicious kardemomme toasties", Eva said politely.
Even smiled. "No, problem. It was lovely having you over", he said, smiling happily.
"Yeah and you can always come over again", Isak said and Eva smiled.
"Takk", she said before hugging them both again. "I'll see you tomorrow at school. Goodbye", Eva said and Isak nodded.
"Goodbye Eva", Isak said before he closed the door.

The two spent the rest of the evening with cuddling.
Since Even wanted to go back to work tomorrow, he needed to charge his battery again.
"Baby, come and lay down please", Isak whined, because Even had gotten up to take his meds.
He came back and pulled Isak closer to himself. "I'm here now, sweetie", Even whispered softly and Isak hummed in satisfaction. He loved falling asleep, all safe and sound in Even's arms.

It was the most magical and beautiful thing to him.

(Wortcount: 1007 words)

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