~ Doctor's appointment & a sweet surprise ~

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»Russian roulette, I'm gone.
Luck, bad luck, everything's the same for me, break.
Click clack, don't give me your hand, give me the Colt instead.
Russian roulette is just a click, and I'm home.
Want a Patek, pop a few Tags,
I've got the sauce, I've got the sauce.«

After Isak had left the house, Even took a shower.
He needed to clear his thoughts.
His fear of going to the doctor had kept him from even considering a visit.
But since he needed to check if his medication even did anything, he couldn't avoid seeing a doctor any longer.
Frustration was spreading out inside of his chest, Even didn't like that feeling.

While drying himself off with a fluffy white towel, Even looked at his reflection in the mirror.
He had lost some weight, his ribs were visible again. His arms had gotten thinner, his whole body was close to being emaciated. Even got goosebumps, despite the warm fluffy towel that was running over his pale skin.
"Fy faen, hopefully this won't trigger Isak back into his eating disorder", Even mumbled to himself before blow drying his long hair.
Back in his bedroom, Even put on a black pair of pants, black shoes, a black long-sleeved button shirt and a silver necklace.
He walked around the apartment, making sure that all the windows were closed and that he didn't forget anything.
While walking to the front door, Even threw a quick look at the to-do list, that Isak had written for him.

To-do list for Evy:
- Please take out the trash on your way to work
- Pick up some new kardemomme cheese on your way home
- Don't forget to check the windows before you leave! And close the door this time, please!
- Maybe, if you have the time, pick up some flowers for your apartment
That's it. Have a nice day, baby. I love you! - Isak <3

Even smiled at the list.
He pulled out his phone and snapped a photo of the list, so he wouldn't forget the flowers on his way back home.
But for now he had to go to work.
The 22-year old left his apartment, checking twice if the door was locked.
At work, he put on his dark blue apron and went straight to work.

Isak couldn't sit still in the last lesson before the lunch break.
As soon as the bell rang, Isak got up and ran outside.
He quickly picked up some flowers from a flower shop next to the school and walked back to his school.
"Hei Eva!", Isak said as he saw Eva on the schoolyard.
"Halla Isak!", Eva greeted back, sounding very happy.
"How are you? How are things with Noora?", Isak asked, he was very curious.
Eva smiled. "Great! Thanks for your advice yesterday! I confessed my feelings to Noora and she's feeling the same way", she said happily.
"Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!", Isak said happily before he hugged Eva.
"I have to go now and find my friends, but I'll see you around. Bye!", Isak said before he walked away.
"Bye Isak!", Eva said before the 17-year old Norwegian was gone.

Luckily, he found his friends very quickly.
"C'mon boys, let's go down to Kaffeebrenneriet", Isak announced and the boys followed him.
They understood what Isak had planned.
A bouquet of flowers plus Kaffeebrenneriet could only mean one thing - Isak wanted to surprise his boyfriend Even at work.
The group of friends arrived at Kaffeebrenneriet.
"Okay now, you all come in with me. But don't come too close", Isak said and the boys nodded.
Mahdi intertwined Magnus and his' hands before they all walked into the Café.
Even stood at his usual spot, his back turned towards the entrance.
Isak put the bouquet of flowers behind his back, before he approached the older man.

He cleared his throat.
Even turned around.
"Issy! Baby, what are you doing here?", Even asked, surprised about seeing his boyfriend here at work.
"I wanted to surprise you. I've got something for you", Isak said, smiling softly.
He gave Even the bouquet of Sunflowers.
"Since your smile is brighter than the sun, I thought these flowers would fit you the best. Plus I've heard that you really like them, so here you go, baby", Isak said before he pressed a kiss onto Even's cheek.
Even hugged Isak before kissing him deeply. The two almost looked like one of those couples, who just got married and were now kissing in front of the pastor.
"I love you so much, sweetheart", Even said before they kissed again and the friends clapped, causing everybody around them to clap as well.
Magnus snapped a few photos, so that they could print them out later.
"I love you all so much", Even said and the friends clapped once again, before they said goodbye to Even.
Isak said goodbye to his boyfriend as well, before he had to go back to school.

After school was over, Isak quickly headed home.
The doctors appointment was in about 30 minutes, enough time for him to make lunch.
"Baby, I'm home", Isak heard a voice - it was Even, who usually came home 6 minutes after him.
The two hugged each other before they kissed.
"I'm going to make lunch now, sweetheart", Isak said and Even nodded, before he went to take another shower.
It didn't take Isak that long to get done with making lunch.
They ate their salad, kardemomme toasties, fish and vegetables in silence.
Even was way too anxious to talk anyway.

On their way to the doctor, the two talked about how their days went.
Even was still amazed by the sweet surprise, that he had gotten from Isak.
At the doctors office, the both had to wait for about half an hour before they could see their doctor.
"Hello, I'm so glad that you both are here today", the doctor, named Dr. Handsen, said.
After Isak and Even had went through some checkups, Dr. Handsen began to take a closer look at Even.
"Hmm, you have to keep an eye on your diet. You've already told me, that you tend to starve yourself during your depressive episodes. I'm prescribing you this medication, it's a bit stronger than the one you're prescribed to at the moment", Dr. Handsen said and Even nodded.

Now it was Isak's turn.
"Good, your body is slowly recovering from the damage that the starvation caused. It won't recover back to its original starting point, but at least you will be able to go swimming soon. Your muscles need to heal up a bit and grow before you can do that. So I suggest you eat more fish and definitely stick to eating vegetables", Dr. Handsen said.
"Okay, I'll do that", Isak said while putting his shirt back on.
The two left Dr. Handsen's office.
"See baby? That wasn't too bad", Isak said to Even while they were exiting the building.
"M'yeah", Even said, snuggling up with his boyfriend.

The two took the next tram that came and drove back home.
Back at Even's apartment, the two cuddled up on the couch.
The day had been so nice, but also so exhausted.
Before the two went to bed, Even took his new meds.
They were stronger than his old ones, but they should make the depressive episodes less dangerous.
Dangerous as in him getting suicidal.

Isak gave Even a goodnight kiss.
"Sleep well, darling", Isak whispered softly before he turned the lights off.
"You too, sweetheart", Even said while he closed his eyes.
And that's how another successful day filled with a bit anxiousness, but also lots of love, ended for the two men.

(Wortcount: 1290 words)

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