Chapter Twenty-five 🐉

Start from the beginning

I am aware of the family he is referring to, and they are good people. The Fallen are viewed rather poorly due to their pure black wings. Humans believe them to be Fallen Angels. While, in reality they had Fallen from the Fae Kong's good graces. He curses them to lose their colorful wings, and not be able to return to their homeland. I am willing to help because their are omegas on the line.

"What will the family leader do to protect them? They managed to pass his borders, and it is a matter of time before someone is captured," I say.

"For the time being Lachlan, the family's leader, is planning to send flowers to reside with me," says Ambrose.

That is rather surprising since Ambrose does not have guests over. It was an honor when he invited me to dinner with his coven. I believe I am one of the only regular guests in his home. However, it makes sense considering they have not managed to pass his borders. For the time being his home is the safest place for these omegas.

"I see and that is a rather good plan. If you and Lachlan need assistance please call me. We can meet in your home to discuss things," I tell him.

We speak for a few more minutes before saying our farewells. Ambrose needs to speak with his coven, while I need to complete my paperwork. I place my phone on my desk, and focus on the pile in front of me. My eyes scan the documents, and I sign where it is required. I decline several proposals, and leave a note for that sections manager. They will give this information to their team to make corrections. I receive a text message in the middle of working from Avalon. She informs me that Ember picked her up, and they are on their way home. I make sure to contact Ember, because I do not recall her being in the city today.

"Ember, did you pick up Avalon from work?" I ask her through our family bond.

"Yes I did big brother, and we are on our way back home," replies Ember.

I wish them a safe ride home before returning to work. Once I am done with my paperwork I file them in the correct place. Afterwards, I lock my desk and shut off my computer. I make sure to lock my office door after stepping out. I walk across the dark and empty floor to my personal elevator. My palm presses against the keypad, and the elevator arrives quickly.

It does not take me long to get into my car, and begin my drive home. The city passes by in a blur of bright colorful lights. Before I know it I am driving down a quiet Forrest road. It will not take me much longer to return to the den. Once I return I will change my clothes, and run a patrol before training. I would love to spend time with my mate, but my duties have to come first. Perhaps after we settle into our roles we can take a small vacation. We could go somewhere that has a nice beach where Avalon could swim.

After changing into a pair of black shorts, and sneakers I head outside. My team should be waiting for me on the patio near the garden. Hopefully, I will see Avalon since it is one of her favorite spots. Mother would not tell me where she and Avalon are. If I wanted to I could easily track her down, but I do not. Patrol starts in a few minutes, and Avalon should focus on her own task. She has been starting to take over duties from mother, and has almost completely settled into her role. I am very proud at how quickly my mate is progressing.

Qullian laughs as he pats one of the newer warriors on the shoulder. "Thing will get easier Lahar, so do not worry," says Qullian.

While he may appear to be a jokester Qullian can be serious. He enjoys mentoring the hatchlings that are transitioning to be warriors. The teens like him because he can be fun yet strict. He also makes it competitive by starting friendly contests with rewards the teens want. I chuckle at the last context where two teens almost flew into a tree. They were fighting to see who could get an extra hour on the PS4.

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