With you

453 19 10

Rita's PO

I heard the voice from the intercom saying that the train is leaving not less than five minutes! Oh no! That was Ryuunosuke's train!

I started panicking. I can't miss that train!

Quickly, with a huge last bite, I finished my strawberry bread roll and then immediately run into the train station. I saw the guard who was collecting the tickets from the passengers before they could let them pass. I run over to him, quickly handed my ticket and hurried myself to the train, pulling my baggage with me. I saw it fell from his hands seconds I passed by him. But he then caught it before it flew away.

My heart was beating fast especially when I spotted the last person that boarded the train. I dashed myself into the train as the doors starts to close. I must reach it no matter what. No matter what, I will cross the distance between me and...


With all the strength I got, I leaped far and strong enough as if my entire life depends on it. I forcefully close my eyes, hoping for a miracle. I didn't think of anything or anyone. My only focus at this moment is straight to my goal.

To reach Ryuunosuke. My Ryuunosuke.

I felt a great impact against something with my whole body, and I think I bumped my head into something very hard. It was painful! Then my surroundings begin to filled with 'Aah's!' and 'Whoa's!'

But despite these noises around me, I heared a low groan of pain below me. It was then I realized that I fell onto someone's body with my arms around him. I can say he's 'him' because I couldn't feel anything feminine.

You know what I mean.

I began to remove my arms and pinned them to his sides uttering a soft 'Ow!' because of the pain I had in my head. I lifted up my upper body above him.

Slowly, I open my eyes to see Ryuunosuke before me. His presence instantly melted my heart away and tears of joy began to creep in my eyes.

I was so glad; I was able to reach him!

He started to move slowly with his eyes closed and is grunting because of pain. With his sour face, he reached for his jaw and held it as he sat down. I knew it! I got bumped my head to his jaw pretty bad!

I held my breath as he slowly opened his eyes. Those dark maroon eyes...


His voice raised in shock and in anger. His eyes were glimmering in amazement and surprise staring straight to mine. He never expected me to appear in front of him. He never blinked.

Thank the heavens!

Finding him so cute with that reaction, I couldn't resist myself not to chuckle. As I give off a gentle smile, my tears flowed like waterfalls.

It was embarrassing, but I'm just very happy. So much. Words can't express how much I do.

People are watching us but I didn't mind. Ryuunosuke is all that mattered to me.

But, Ryuunosuke just stayed speechless, staring back at me.

It took a couple of seconds before I had the urge to get up. I offer him both of my hands because I didn't want him to think that I'm planning for indecency if I offer him only one hand.

He stared at my hands for a while. Until he decided to take my help. I felt so relieved! He didn't shove me away.

People are now starting to mind their own business.

I'm In Love With A Gynophobic Guy (A Ryuunosuke X Rita Fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now