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"Come on! Hase-san, please go with me tomorrow night!"

Iori cried out, asking Kanna for the hundredth time today that she should go with him at a birthday party tomorrow at their classmate's house.

He had done already a lot of efforts just to convince her, but, unfortunately Kanna was still so consistent not to come.

"Just give up already! I'd rather stay and locked inside my room than to be with a pervert!"

She shouted feeling pissed off of the boy's stubbornness. This time she doubled her speed, walking fast enough leaving the pervert boy behind.

The two were already heading towards home, at Sakura dormitory from school.

"When will you ever believe me that I'm not a pervert?!"

The boy yelled, who was trailing behind her at a distance.

"Till when the sun shines in the west!"

Kanna reproached, closing their conversation.

Iori sighed in defeat. He decided to quiet down as he continue on walking behind her. It really scares him whenever Kanna is mad of him.

He then noticed the cold crystals floating in the air. He looked up and found snowflakes are falling from the sky. He smiled, knowing that winter season had just finally began.

Iori knew that he had a slight crush for Kanna. He admired her because of being a genius in their class and the top among the junior students. But, it would take time for Kanna to feel the same, if ever.

Soon, they have finally arrived at the dormitory.

The two junior students noticed the lights of the dorm are on and they could smell the food cooking. It seems that someone had arrived first than them.

They stopped and stood in front of the gate, wondering.

"That's strange. I wonder who's home already?"

Iori asked, standing behind Kanna. He was curious to know who just came first before them.

"Probably, Aoyama-senpai."

Kanna suggested, opening the gate. Iori followed her inside.

"Didn't she have her voice audition today?"

He asked.

"Maybe, it had finished already."

Kanna replied, calmy. But, still Iori wasn't convinced. He shrugged.

It really impossible to think if their seniors are already home since they left the school earlier than them.

Kanna was about to slide the door open when, suddenly she noticed that the pervert boy was very close behind her back and that she could almost feel his body. It made her goosebumps.

"Keep your distance away from me, pervert!"

She shouted angrily and blushing slightly.

"Right! Of course! Hehe!"

Iori lifted both of his hands by just the level of his head and he laughed nervously. He then made a few steps back.

Kanna sighed in relief. She just really hated Iori for being such a pervert. She then slid the door open.

"We're back!"

She shouted. The two then smelled the savory of the food cooking from the kitchen.

"Welcome home!"

Then, suddenly they heard an unfamiliar voice coming out from the kitchen.

The two stiffened at the moment when they saw before their eyes a beautiful blonde foreigner that came rushing to them!

"Oh...the new residents?"

Rita immediately stopped in front of them when she saw two new younger faces. She was wearing her Western dress under a white apron and a ladle in her right hand. She was currently making dinner tonight.

What a beautiful foreigner!

Kanna exclaimed with awe inside her thoughts. She blinked for several times just to make sure that what she was looking at right now is real!

She began thinking of what does this lovely lady doing in here and how did she get in?!

"Now that's a real goddess!"

Iori spoke in great admiration. He was stunned at the sight of her beauty and his eyes were sparkling!

Quickly, he rushed over to Rita. He immediately grabbed her free hand and kneeled in front of her. Kanna gasped and blushed seeing him do that.

"Hello, Miss Gorgeous! Mind if you come with me at a party tomorrow?"

He asked, eyes were sparkling, looking at the Western woman. Rita laughed at his cuteness.

"'re so nice. Sorry lover boy, but I have plans for tomorrow."

She said, smiling. She then took her hand from his. She bowed down a little and whispered something to his ear.

The junior gasped and blushed after that. Kanna blushed hard, and somehow feeling annoyed of what she's looking at right now! She was curious about what did the blonde just whispered to Iori.

Rita, then stood erect, put her hands to her waist and giggled seeing the junior's reaction.

"Uhmm....Excuse me, Miss? Mind telling us who are you and what are you doing in here?"

Kanna asked politely. Rita turned to her and scanned her from head to toe and back up to her head again.

It was then she remembered the names of the new residents that Mashiro once told her.

"Oh! You must be Kanna, right? A very smart girl."

She said smiling, looking at a younger lady who wears glasses in front of her.

Kanna got herself surprised after that.

How did she even know my name?! Who is she?!

She whispered to herself.

"And this could be Iori, correct? The pervert one."

Rita said looking down at the goldish-brown haired boy with a navy blue colored headphone around his neck.

"Oh! She even knew my name!"

Iori got himself amazed because of her right guess! His eyes sparkled in delight knowing that this beautiful lady knew his name! Not to mention that Rita also addressed him as a pervert.

"Then, I'm Rita Ainsworth, Mashiro's cousin and Ryuunosuke's soon to be wife! And, I came here to visit."

She said proudly introducing herself with a wide grin in her face. Her cheeks are now dyed with pink.

The two juniors gasped in surprise as her voice echoed around the room.

Iori got himself stood up from kneeling on the floor and his jaw dropped. While Kanna found herself staring in astonishment at the blonde with her face now dark red.


The two juniors exclaimed loudly in chorus and both were shocked about what they just heard!

On the other hand

Sorata, together with Mashiro, Ryuunosuke and Yuuko were walking, heading straight to Sakura dormitory from school.

Suddenly, they stopped at the gate when they saw Nanami, who had just crossed from a corner and is walking towards them now. She had just attended another voice audition today.

"Hey, Aoyama! How did it go?"

Sorata asked about her audition as she approaches them.

"It's fine! I knew I did my best!"

Nanami said confidently, knowing that she had done her all in the audition. Sorata and Mashiro congratulated her, as well as Yuuko.

However, Ryuunosuke remained silent as he stood behind them. He still wore his usual cold face, while watching his jolly friends talking. He had an umbrella to cover only himself from the raining snowflakes.

When he sensed that these people will probably stay here for a while for chatting, he decided to walked over inside the gate. He just didn't want to waste his time doing nonsense things.


He called out for their attention as he stood by the door. The snow was raining hard this time.

"If I were you, I'd better continue those chitchats inside than to stay here and get frozen."

He said, feeling a bit annoyed and bored, but somehow trying to sound compassionate for his friends.

He watched them as they started to walk over towards him. He turned around and slid the door open.

"We're back!"

Sorata shouted behind Ryuunosuke as they started to stepped inside one by one. Ryuunosuke was in front.

"Oh! Ryuunosukeeeee!!!"

They all jumped in surprise hearing a very loud scream from inside the building.

Then as fast as the wind, Rita came rushing from out of nowhere and quickly dived in, embracing Ryuunosuke into a very tight hug and they both fell on the floor!

Ryuunosuke didn't get the chance to ran away from her.


He cried out in full embarrassment as he wriggled vigorously under the blonde's body. He could feel all the female parts of her making him feel so terribly disgusted! He was all out red this time and his face was in great terror because of what just happened!

"I've missed you!"

Rita landed on top of him. She then positioned herself sitting at the programmer's stomach. She quickly cupped his face and planted a sweet smack kiss on his lips!

Then just after that, Ryuunosuke went out cold.

"Ahhh! Help! An intruder!"

Yuuko blushed and cried out in horror like she had seen a ghost when she witnessed what just had happened. While the other residents just gasped in surprise.

"What's happening here?! And why is there some noise?!"

Miss Chihiro stepped inside the dormitory, sound a little upset. Then the first thing she saw was Rita, who was sitting on top of Ryuunosuke, who was lying unconsciously on the floor.

Fast forward

They were altogether having dinner tonight around the table. Even Ryuunosuke, who had himself unconscious a while ago, was currently eating with them right now.

He had a bitter reaction in his face, and still felt super embarrassed about what just had happened earlier. Worse is that, these juniors had witnessed everything!

He was so scared to know of what they were thinking right now between him and Rita! Also, what if they were aware of him now having gynophobia?!

He kept himself silent and isolated as he listens to their conversation and laughter.

He sat between Iori and Kanna, in front of him across the table sat Mashiro between Rita and Nanami. While, Sorata was sitting beside Yuuko on the other end of the table, and Miss Chihiro was on the opposite end.

"But Rita-san, Christmas is still two weeks away, right?"

Nanami asked after Rita finished on telling them her purpose of visiting today. She told them that she wanted to celebrate the holiday with them. And, this made Nanami a bit confused because the holiday was still two weeks away.

Rita flashed a smile to them, but only Ryuunosuke knows that it was a fake.

"My dad just won't allow me to celebrate Christmas here with you guys, so I decided to come here in advance!"

She said smiling. Ryuunosuke looked at her, and examining the probable reason behind the fake smile he's seeing.

Then, suddenly, Rita's phone rang. She looked down on it and she was surprised knowing that her father was the one calling her. Immediately, she excused herself for a while and went outside.

"Wow! You're very lucky to have someone like her, Akasaka-senpai!"

Iori spoke in great admiration as he watched the British woman stepped out of the room. He was just so amazed of her beauty and thinking that someone owned her already make him wished to have someone like her someday too.


This time Ryuunosuke's jaw dropped because of what he just heard! He was about to express his protest when quickly, people started to speak consecutively.

"That lady scares me! She looks like a living doll!"

Yuuko cried out, expressing her first impressions about the foreign woman. She somewhat amazed of her beauty and envious of her at the same time.

I guess, I agree on that.

Ryuunosuke blinked several times, blushing while looking at Yuuko across the table.

"And, she's a good cook too. Good for you, Akasaka-senpai."

Kanna complimented, while looking down at the dishes on her plate. She was just so astonished at how good that lady cooks!

Ryuunosuke turned immediately to his left, where Kanna sat next to him and gasped in surprise and in horror.

This is nightmare!

He felt himself trembling this time and his heart was pounding fast inside his chest!

"But, I can't still believe that she was your girlfriend!"

Iori blurted out. He was sitting beside Ryuunosuke's right side.

This time, Ryuunosuke was as red as his favorite food, tomatoes.

Sorata bursted out into laughing seeing his face like it's going to explode!

Chihiro-sensei was just smiling while drinking alcohol.

Mashiro was just calm as ever, eating her own food.

While Nanami had an apologetic smile in her face, feeling a little nervous that the gynophobic boy might freaked out already.

Ryuunosuke was completely frozen in his seat as Iori's words echoed in his ears! He was literally screaming deep inside his thoughts!

They said she was my girlfriend?!

My girlfriend?!


He felt like his soul had seperated from his body and that his going to faint any moment now!

"SHE. ISN'T. MY-!"

And just like what Nanami was scared of, the young programmer quickly stood up and freaked out furiously, but immediately stopped before he could say the word 'girlfriend.'


He continued! Everyone watched him as he rushed himself outside the room, leaving his plate half finished.

"Oh? Where's Ryuunosuke?"

Rita asked when she returned inside the room. She immediately noticed that the introvert boy was not at the table.

"Your lover just gone wild and left."

Miss Chihiro spoke out before she took a huge gulp of her alcohol. Rita quickly glanced at the programmer's half-finished plate as she sat down on her seat by the edge of the table, beside Mashiro.

There was a bit of a disappointment in her face. She didn't get a minute in her seat when suddenly she stood up madly. Everyone looked at her surprised.

She excused herself once again. She snatched a tray and everyone watched her as she put the programmer's food on it. She decided to bring this to him upstairs.

Soon, Rita found herself standing in front of Ryuunosuke's door, lifting the tray in both of her hands.


She called out.

"Go away, freeloader! And, don't you dare pick my door knob!"

He shouted angrily. Rita got herself surprised of his rude attitude. This time, Rita can't stop herself from getting mad.

"It isn't nice to leave your food unfinished, you know! Especially, I was the one who made it for you."

Her voice slowly turned soft as she spoke the last words. Rita just couldn't stay mad at him. Her madness was slowly fading away now.

Rita came early from England just to see him, but when she arrived at the dormitory, people had already left, including him. So, she decided to went and shop in the market. She was tired all day and still haven't got enough rest from her flight but she managed to cook for their dinner. And, too bad, he just didn't know that.

Rita sighed and swallowed looking down at the food she just made. She waited outside his door but there was still no response from the programmer.

"I will be very grateful if you just finished this. I'll be leaving this outside your door, Ok?"

She said, trying her best to be sound alright, but her voice somehow cracking a little. After that, she went downstairs.

Soon after she left, Ryuunosuke discreetly opened his door a little. There was a sudden guilt in his eyes as he looked down on the tray outside his door. And, without second thoughts, he immediately scooped the tray and muttered 'Unbelievable!' as he closed the door behind him.

Back at the dining

"Rita-senpai, sorry if I asked this. Is Akasaka-senpai really your boyfriend?"

Iori asked shyly, while scratching the back of his head. He got so confused now because of Ryuunosuke's behavior that they saw lately.

This time, Rita chuckled because of the junior's question. She was sitting in front of Iori across the table.

"The truth is the feelings are still one-sided. And, we're not. Not yet."

Her fake smile flashed across the table as everyone's eyes were drawn to her.

Iori nodded an 'Oh!' meaning that now he understood, that goes to Yuuko and Kanna as well. Then the three junior students returned to their plates.

Rita noticed Mashiro, Sorata and Nanami's stare at her in sympathy. It was like they have sensed the unhappiness behind her voice and smile. But, she didn't like it when people are pity of her.

Immediately, she clasped both of her hands in front of her just to drive those negative vibes with a huge grin in her face.

"Anyway! I've got presents for you guys!"

She exclaimed with her cheeks turning pink! She rushed outside the room again and when she returned, she was pulling her blue luggage.

She pulled it towards her seat and one by one from her luggage, she distributed her presents to everyone, including the three new residents.

Yuuko screamed in joy when she handed her over a new edition of Mashiro's manga.

"Hehe, Mashiro told me that you really want that so I bought it for you!"

Rita said giggling. While the other residents gasped in delight holding their presents and after that Rita was filled with 'thank yous.'

"Oh, Rita-san, you didn't have to, you know."

Sorata said, feeling grateful for Rita. She had just gave him a pair of eyeglasses with the right grade of lens for his eyes.

Mashiro had told her that lately, Sorata had experienced a little difficulty of his eyesight. That's why she decided to give him these.

She also gave Nanami some new clothes, for Kanna are two self-study books, for Iori was a black leather jacket, and for Miss Chihiro was a bottle of champagne. While for Mashiro, was a scrapbook she made by herself.

"I bet Mashiro told you about this too, huh."

Chihiro-sensei said smiling while lifting a huge bottle of a classic champagne made from Italy, France. It was one of her favourite alcohol.

"Yes, Chihiro-sensei! In fact, I've consulted Mashiro and she told me about what presents I should give to you guys. And, I'm very grateful that everyone likes it!"

She then chuckled and her cheeks turning dark pink.

"Oh! Rita-san! Thank you for this!"

Nanami dashed and gave her a friendly hug. She was really emotional and grateful because of what Rita brought for her.

"Credits to Mashiro."

She said, while rubbing Nanami's back.

Mashiro, on the other hand, kept her stare at the scrapbook for a while before opening the cover. She gasped at what she saw on the front page.

It was an old picture of her and Rita when they were still six, both wearing the same white flower dress, sitting together on a swing.

It was then she remembered that day. They were playing together on that swing, and both have a wide smile in their faces.

"Wow! You two really looked like twins!"

Yuuko exclaimed seeing Mashiro and Rita as cute little girls. The others rushed behind Mashiro, and wished to look at the pictures in the scrapbook.

"Alright, finish your plates first before you could continue on that."

Miss Chihiro said as she stood up, carrying her champagne and put it inside the fridge.

Her students immediately listened to her. They went back to their proper seats and finished their plates.

Fast forward

After the dinner, Rita excitedly went upstairs. She wore a very big grin in her face and her cheeks were dark pink as she strolled the hallway heading towards Ryuunosuke's dorm at the end.

She was very happy when she couldn't find the tray from where she left it a while ago.

One thing is certain, Ryuunosuke had listened to her. Because of that, she giggled silently.

She knocked, called out his name once, then twisted the door knob. It was surprising because the door was not locked.

"I'm coming in!"

She greeted joyfully as she stepped inside the dark cold room. She was cautiously lifting a little red box behind her. She walked over and found his chair empty.

Oh, where did my Ryuunosuke go?

She thought. She then found the tray on his desk. She smiled, because Ryuunosuke had just finished his food.

Suddenly, she heard the door knob twisted. Immediately, she turned around, hiding the little red box behind her back, grinning.

"What are you doing?"

Ryuunosuke saw how she quickly turned around to face him and her hands were hiding behind her back. He looked at her suspiciously as he closed the door behind him.


She replied fast, still grinning at him and cheeks blushing.

Ryuunosuke examined her smile this time. He sighed in relief, knowing that it wasn't fake anymore.

"If you come here just to get the tray, go on. I'm done eating."

He said coldly, as he started to walk towards his computers.

He stopped, when Rita blocked his way. She stood in front of him, and her face remained the same.

"Ugh! I'm busy now, Freeloader."

He groaned, feeling annoyed of the British woman and her creepy grin.

Rita giggled and her blush darkened.

"Ryuunosuke, can I have a handshake?"

She asked grinning and eyes sparkling. Surprised, Ryuunosuke quickly crossed his arms and looked away from her gaze.

"Stop your indecencies, woman!"

He spoke, feeling upset. He could feel his heart was beating fast right now. And slowly, he could sense the heat rising up to his cheeks.

He just remembered the last time he was tricked by her with that the same statement and stole his first kiss! So from that day, he swore to himself that he will never fall to her feints ever again!

"You're mean!"

Rita pouted, but she smiled again. Quickly, she lifted her hands in front of his face, showing him a little red box with a red knot on top of it.

"Look! I've brought you a present!"

This time, Ryuunosuke's cheeks went pink as he stared at her little present.

"What's this? Another trick?"

He asked, ironically. This time, his blush darkened. Shyly, he slowly lifted up his hands to receive it.

But, Rita quickly grabbed one of his hand and placed the box on his. He gasped at her sudden action.

"Merry Christmas! Come on, open it!"

She commanded, feeling super excited! Ryuunosuke blinked his eyes to her, still shocked! Slowly, he lifted the lid of the box.

This time, he was astonished when he saw what was inside of the box.

It was a silver classic watch.

"It's a watch?"

He said, calmly trying to keep his face emotionless. He started to wonder what was this freeloader thinking?!

It's not that he couldn't accept it, it was just he couldn't find any reason of why she thought to give her something like this.


Rita exclaimed joyfully, like a little child in a candy store.

"Come on, let's try it!"

She quickly pulled the gynophobic boy and they sat by the edge of the bed. Rita then snatched the box from his hand and picked the silver watch inside of it. Ryuunosuke gasped and blushed when she grabbed his left hand and placed it on top of her hips.

He wished to pull his hand away from her because he's having goosebumps already! But, he tried his best not to. Just this once, he wanted to win over his phobia.

He watched her, silently as she fixed the watch to his wrist.

"There! It looks good on you!"

She said, after she fixed the watch. She raised his hand in front of their faces so that both of them could see it. Even though the room is quite dark, the watch still glows.

Ryuunosuke looked at the watch in his wrist, still surprised. He just couldn't believe it that someone will give something like this for him. It was like he didn't deserve to be given such gifts like this.

When he blinked, his eyes found the British woman's beautiful blue eyes behind his lifted hand.

Why to all the woman in the world, why it has to be her?

He asked, in his thoughts. His heart was vigorously beating inside him as he stared at her blue eyes.

"Do you like it?"

It was then he returned back to reality when he heard Rita spoke.

"Yes.....I-I mean is! I didn't ask you anything like this!"

He said nervously. Quickly, he pulled away his hand from her grip and stood up keeping a distance away from the freeloader. He was blushing as red as his favorite food right now!

"But, t-thanks, anyway."

He muttered shyly, looking to his side feeling so fluttered! And, he just couldn't keep a straight face to her.

"Ryuunosuke, could you wear that thing for me wherever you go? Pleeeease?"

Rita asked, while making puppy eyes on Ryuunosuke.

Ryuunosuke grinned in disgust seeing her did that to him. He looked away, immediately from her and ignored her question.

He just couldn't simply say 'yes' to her. But, he found her so annoyingly cute!

Rita pouted when he refused to respond. She crossed her arms and said.

"Actually, I was thinking to brought you a wedding ring instead-"

"F-Fine! I'll wear it!"

He yelled cutting her off, as he carefully undid the watch from his wrist.

Hearing the words 'wedding ring' scared the hell out of him! And, it sounded so indecent for him too!

This time, Rita giggled seeing how adorable her lover was! His blush just didn't leave his face!

Suddenly, she stood up and walked towards him, making the gap between them a little closer.

"D-Don't tell me you're going to ask something in return?!"

He asked, feeling terrified of her seductive stare. It was like he knew what's going to happen and it terrorizes him!

"I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep with you tonight, Ryuunosuke. Mashiro asked me to stay with her instead."

Rita said, ignoring his question.

"T-That's fine!"

Ryuunosuke gulped, scared of what will happen next! He stepped backwards as Rita walked forward to him.

"Hey! Freeloader?!"

He shouted, hoping to stop her from doing what she's doing right now.

But, Rita just remained her stare in his dark maroon eyes.

He gasped when he had his back against the wall. His heart doubled the speed of his heartbeat when he felt that her front touched his!

He wanted to push her away but he couldn't! It was like his body had been paralyzed by her big blue eyes!

He blushed even darker when he felt her warm soft hands held his arms! Then, he trembled, nervously.

It was then, Rita noticed that Ryuunosuke grew a little taller than her. She lifted her head up a little more in order to reach his lips.

Then, softly she kissed him.

Ryuunosuke's heart skipped a beat when he felt her lips touched his! His eyes were still open in shock!

He wanted to move, scream or just faint already, but he remained awake and frozen!

Rita then quickly pulled away, afraid that she might make Ryuunosuke faint again!

She opened her eyes and found Ryuunosuke's face as dark red as she already was!

"Good night!"

She said, nervously and face blushing.

Immediately, she rushed outside and closed the door. Rita felt the hotness of her cheeks as she leaned outside of his door, panting. She couldn't keep herself smiling as she placed a hand in front of her heart, feeling the quick and crazy beating of it.

Thank you, Ryuunosuke.



I didn't know what to say about this. Just....I'm crazy!😂

Hope everyone's doing fine!

Till next time!😊

                                    Ultimate Introvert

"I realized I was thinking of you, and I began to wonder how long you'd been on my mind. Then it occurred to me: Since I met you, you've never left."


I'm In Love With A Gynophobic Guy (A Ryuunosuke X Rita Fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now