She waited

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Rita's POV

"Good night, Mashiro."

"Good night, Rita."

Then we both lied down on the foam.

Mashiro had kept on telling me to sleep on her bed but I insisted and preferred to sleep on the floor.

We just don't fit together in her bed. It was too little for the two of us. So, she decided to sleep beside me here.

I just didn't know what had gotten into my eccentric cousin that she just wanted to lie beside me.

Well, who am I to say no?

I knew she just missed me so badly. I felt the same too for her, of course.

Together, we pulled the sheets up to our shoulders. We faced on opposite sides. Then, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

Until hours later

My eyes were still wide open.

But, I knew I'm tired!

But I just couldn't make myself to sleep!


I just couldn't forget about him.

His handsome and blushing face, making my breathing heavy!

His dark maroon eyes, that stares back at me, making my heart beat fast!

And, omg! His soft, tempting, kissable lips making me go crazy!


I screamed and blushed as I buried my face against my pillow!

"Rita? You can't sleep?"

Mashiro asked, suddenly.

Well, how could I?! That moment which happened earlier between me and Ryuunosuke was still bugging me! Keeping me awake for hours!

"I'm so fluttered! I can't sleep!"

I shouted against my pillow, blushing.

Wait, she's still awake?

"You can't sleep too, huh? Mashiro?"

I asked, assuming that she couldn't sleep the same as I am. I lifted my head up from burying my face in my pillow.


Sorry? Confused, I rolled over and faced her back. This time, she rolled over and now, we were facing each other.

"For what?"

"For everything."

She replied, calmly. I raised an eyebrow. Now, I'm a lot confused of her.

"I don't get you, Mashiro."

It was then she got up and sat down. I watched her as she made a deep sigh.

I'm In Love With A Gynophobic Guy (A Ryuunosuke X Rita Fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now