Skater Love

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Amoly pov

I was in the living room on the ramp doing some tricks on my board. I loved to skateboard since I was six years old. Me and my twin sister are nothing alike. She's one of those girly girl that go to beauty pageants, sit popular kids at school and probably cheer caption. But, me I was an outside, I went to detention one or two times a week, I got bullied at school and skating was my way to be me and not have to impress anyone. I also love to graffiti. The bottom of my board had my own graffiti art on it. I'm a skater girl, it's in my blood. I LIVE TO RIDE! That's my motto. That's one out of a million things mikey, and I have in common. Mikey and I have been dating for 2 months and a half. He's amazing! Mikey started working as Cowabunga Carl's party survive. But, he has to wear a giant turtle head. I think he looks cute in it. But, I don't see him until 5pm and he gets up at 9am everyday except on Sundays. He's a big hit and we need money to support all of us. It's been kinda lonely without him around. I've been hanging out with lara a lot more. We've been friends since she was 10 and I was 9. We met when she joined the purple dragons. I remember our little schemes, I remember when we first stole a car. She was great at distracting and seducing guys and I would unlock the car and drive it off. My dad was proud of our work but, we've never seen the turtles when they would attack our gang. But, I believe them now when they said mutant turtles. I kinda miss being human, I had long brown like my moms. I had two tattoos on one of my arms that was the purple dragon symbol like my dads and the other on my waist was a butterfly and I had a nose and belly button piercing. But, I have to get over it, there's no turning back from what I've done. I felt going on my board of going back and forth, maybe it was time for some sewer action. I went out of the lair, I went down a tunnel and started to do some tricks like Ollie's, grinds and one of my favorites the Japan air.

As I went down further down the sewer, I smashed into someone or something. I fell hard on my shell and my head spinning, I groaned at the pain.' I should really start wearing a helmet' I thought to myself" ammie, are you okay? I didn't see you." Said mikey, worried. I opened my eyes to see 3 Mikey's." When did you get triplets that look like you?" I asked. Mikey chuckled. I shook my head to focus. Mikey helped me up." How was Matt's birthday party?" I asked him." Man, shredder never hit me, where these kids did." He said feeling tired out." Awe.. my poor baby." I said in a baby voice as I locked my arms around Mikey's neck. He smiled then kissed me. Then Mikey pushed me back to the brick wall. He grabbed my legs and lifted me up. He moved to my neck, this is the first time Mikey's ever done that. I felt passion through my whole body. I moaned when he hit a certain spot on my neck. He moved back to my lips, his tongue swirled with mine. We broke the kiss mikey put me back down but, our heads touched. We were out of breath. We looked at each other in the eyes." I'll race ya." I shouted pushing pass him, grabbed my board and skated down the sewers to the lair. Mikey wasn't far behind. We jumped grinned the stair case railing but, one of my wheels got stuck and Mikey crashed into me then we smashed into larota on the way down. I crashed the floor, I looked up and saw mikey fell on lara. Mikey's eyes widen and he was shocked. Larota looked pissed, she grabbed Mikey's wrist and kicked him off of her. He crashed to the floor once again. He groaned at the pain." HEY. You could of just told him to get off, larota!" I practically yelled at her for throwing my boyfriend." Where's the fun in that!" She said with a smirk. But, I smirked back, which confused her. She walked away until she tripped the trip wire I set up. Then glue came then pink sparkles. Mikey and I laughed at her. She turned around I could see flames in her eyes, we stopped laughing instantly and began to run. She chased after me." TALENA HELP! LAROTA GONNA KILL ME!" I yelled for help. Tally and donnie looked out of the lab door to find me getting chased by a hot head in sparkles. They started to laugh." Shut up or you're next!" She threaten the two. They stopped laughing, Donnie grabbed lara to hold her back, she's like a carnivore and I'm the pray. Once she was cooled down they let her go." Aren't you a pretty little princess in pink." Mikey teased her. Everyone tried not to burst into laughter. Then raph and Casey walked in. Casey started to laugh." Don't you look hot." Said raph with a smirk." Shut up!" Larota said back as she left to go wash off the sparkles. Raph sighed he knew she was gonna give him crap later. Mikey came behind me and hugged me." And that's why your girlfriend." Mikey whispered in my ear." I love you." I said while kissing his cheek. He kissed my nose." I love you too." He said back. I smiled, I'm so lucky to have an awesome boyfriend like mikey!

Amoly's graffiti board design

Amoly's graffiti board design

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