My Treasure

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*the same day*

Donnie Pov

After breakfast, I went to my lab to finish my gift for talena. I know, I am the best boyfriend or what. But, anyway when me and my brothers went down the wrong tunnel of the sewers and we found tons of junk. I found something I always treasured, a crystal that I think tally would love to have. She's my new treasure and I think she deserves." Hey, donnie." Tally said walking into the lab. Making me jump and knock the necklace off the table. I quickly turned around to face her." Hey, what are you doing?" I replied." Just thought I'd come and see what my handsome boyfriend was up to, that's all." She said while pecking my lips. I smiled, she was beautiful." I was just cleaning up." I lied. I didn't want her to get nosy into what I was doing." Need a hand?" She asked with a smile." Nope, I think I got it covered." I replied." Alright, just give me a shout when you need me then." She said walking out of the lab. She always respects my space when I work. That's what I love about her she understands where I come from. 'Shit', where's the crystal now?' I asked myself. I looked under the table and desk. I tore the whole lab apart to find it.

Talena Pov

Donnie has been in his lab for 2 hours now, I guess I have to drag him out. He seemed nervous when I walked in, but why? I walked into donnie's lab and it was destroyed but, donnie said he was cleaning the lab." Donatello, what's going on in here?" I shouted. I hated to be lied to. Just a second donnie's head popped out from behind the desk." Um.. tally." He stuttered in between his words." I think you have some explaining to do, mister." I said placing my hands on my hips. He got up and rubbed the back of his neck. I walked towards him but, I stepped onto something sharp." Ouch!" I yelled at the pain on my foot. I moved my foot to find a crystal, it was beautiful. I picked it up by the chain that hold the stone." There it is!" Donnie yelled as he looked relief to find it." Tally, I've been looking for that to give it to you as a gift, cause your my one and only turtle that I care about." He explained, I felt bad for yelling at him. I should have known he was just being a sweetheart like always. I ran into his chest and gave him a hug that tells him I forgive him. He hugged back while placing the necklace around my neck. I looked down at the stone, I loved it just as much as I love him." Thanks sweetheart, I love it." I said while looking up at him. He smashed his lips onto mine, things got a bit hot. Donnie lifted me on the desk without breaking the kiss. I had my arms around his neck while his were wrapped around my waist. His tongue licked my lip for entrance. I let it and my heart blasted with so many feelings. After a few minutes passed by we broke apart breathing heavily." Talena, I just want to say I love you." Donnie said with a smile on his face. I stroked my hand on his face." I love you too donnie, always have and always will." I said back to him. Everything felt so right between me and him. I really did love him since the day I met him. After I said that, donnie raced his lips on mine again. Oh man, I love being a turtle!

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