Forced to the Foot

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Larota pov

I woke up, I was chained up to the wall by my arms. I looked down I was wearing a foot uniform. I never felt so much dishonored in my life wearing their clan symbol." Well, look who finally decided to wake up." I knew that voice instantly, it was Karia. She appeared out of the shadows." If you think I'm gonna join you and your father, your nuts karia." I snapped at her." Maybe I am but, your joining us weather you like it or not, turtle." She snapped back at me. If I wasn't chained up I would so kick her ass right now." I Love to see you try to make me." I snapped back, with a smirk on my face. Like she could convince me or pay me enough to join her stupid clan." Maybe this will change your mind." She said while bending my head over. I felt something pinch my neck. I think it's a mind control bug, but before I could stop her. My mind was into a new world that I couldn't escape. They released me off the chain." How May I be your service, karia?" I said while kneeling below her. Oh man I'm not liking this at all.

Venus Pov

I awaken from my deep sleep, to find myself in a bedroom. I looked around for an exit, I found a door. I tried to open it, but it was locked from the outside. I tried to pick the lock and even tried to run the door down. Nothing. I saw a robe on the edge of the bed, it had a note on top.' Venus, put this on it was your mother's. Love father.' I crushed the note. I have no love towards the devil. I'm only putting it on for my mother.

( venus mother's robe is like baby blue with pretty flowers on it.)

I looked in the mirror, I gotta give my mom some credit it was a beautiful robe and I love the color baby blue. I smiled a bit at the thought of my mother. I was interrupted by someone's foot step coming towards me. I turned around into a battle position. I turned to find my so called father." You're just a feisty as your mother and you look just as beautiful." He said with a smile. I knew it was a fake smile." Stop with your stupid pretty talk, saki." I snapped at him with a grin on my face. I wasn't happy with him." What do you want?" I demanded an explanation." I just want my daughter to know, she can trust me." He said acting all friendly." I'd be a fool if I ever trusted you." I practically yelled at his face. I wanted answers. I grabbed him by the collar of his robe and pinned him to the wall." Where am I? And what do you want?" I yelled at him. I was furious and angry." Alright, I'll tell you why you happen to be here and what I want." He said, surrendering. I released my hand and let him down." I want your powers to help me command the world and if you happen to ignore my offer I have your aunt, hopu on the line of that." He threatened. My eyes widen. I can't let him do this to hopu, she doesn't deserve this and she's done nothing wrong." If you put a finger on her, you'll be sorry you were ever born." I threaten back." I loved to see you try, I'll see you later tonight my little pet." He said as he slammed the door behind him and disappeared into the dark. I laid back down in bed, hopeless, and afraid of what he was planning to do with me. I only hope that leo and the others are safe and away from me. All I do is screw up everything. The whole reason why they are put into this is because of me.

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