Hand Of The Queen

Start from the beginning


(After Jon Left)

Daario walked in with a smile "Your ships are nearly ready" he said before pouring himself a glass of wine "I saw them painting the sails, curious to see how the Dothraki do on the poison waters"

She took a deep breath "You're not coming with us"

He looked back confused "New Strategy? You want to the Second sons to attack from the west coast? If we take Casterly Rock, the Lannisters will have no where to run when you take Kings Landing"

"Your not going to Westeros, your staying here with the second sons, there is finally peace in Meereen, you will keep the peace while the people choose their own leaders" She said calmly

This caused Daario to frown and out down his glass "Fuck Meereen, Fuck the people, I am here for you not them."

"You promised me, 'My sword is yours; My life is yours', this is what I command. If I am going to rule in Westeros, I will need to make alliances and the best way to make alliances is through marriage."

"This is about him isn't it? What lands or titles does he hold that would make a good alliance?"

"He will take the North, the biggest Kingdom, and I am not only marrying him for the North, I love him, it is the perfect match. That means you can't be around. You will stay in Meereen and make sure the peace is kept, you will do as your Queen commands"

Daario looked angry and frustrated, but he didn't look surprised.

He moved forward and kneeled in front of her "I love you, and I make you happy, you know I do"

"You used to, when I was lonely you were here, and I am grateful for that. But I love him, and he makes me happy." She said firmly

He stood up looking like he would murder someone "Don't get angry" she said

"I am not angry I am just full of self-pity, who comes after you? Who can ever follow Daenerys Stormborn the Mother of dragons?"

"A great number of women I presume" she said remembering who Daario really is "specific orders will be left for you regarding the welfare of Meereen and the Bay of Dragons"

"Bay of Dragons?" he asked

"Well we can't call it Slavers Bay, anymore can we?" she said standing up and facing him

He nodded "You'll get that throne you want so badly, I know it, I hope it brings you happiness" he put down his glass and looked into her eyes "I pity the Lords of Westeros, they have no idea what's coming for them"

She smiled "Farewell Daario Naharis"

He nodded and did a slight bow before leaving the room. She sighed, she was glad that was over with.

She walked back to throne room and saw Tyrion sitting on a step drinking wine. Now was the perfect time to tell him.

"How did he take it?" He asked

"No tears" she replied 

"Does he know about Jon?"

"He does" she said quietly and sat down next to him

He smiled "How about the fact that this is actually happening, you have your armies you have your ships, you have your dragons and you have a man who loves you as much as you love him. Everything you've ever wanted, since you were old enough to want anything, its all yours for the taking"

She sat in silence at that "Are you afraid?" he asked gently

She nodded slightly, "Good, you're in the great game now, and the great game is terrifying. The only people who aren't afraid of failure are mad men like your father"

She looked at him "Do you know what frightens me? I said farewell to a man who loves me, a man I thought I cared for, and I felt nothing, just impatient to get on with it"

He smiled "My Queen you shouldn't be frightened by that, you love another it's as simple as that"

She stood up in front of him. 

"I have been told my whole life to believe in things, family, gods, kings, myself...it was often tempting, until I saw where belief got people" She frowned but he continued "So I said no thank you to belief" he stood up and faced her "And yet here I am" he moved closer "I believe in you. Its embarrassing really, I would swear you my sword, but I don't actually own a sword"

She smiled and almost giggled "It's your counsel I need"

He looked at her "Its yours, now and always"

"Good" she said with a smile making Tyrion smile "I had something made for you" She pulled out the Hand of the Queen pin "I am not sure if its right" she pinned to his chest, and he smiled at her, she smiled back and saw he was trying not to cry.

"Tyrion Lannister, I name you hand of the Queen"

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