I turned around and gasped shockingly when I heard wolves howling. Picking up speed, I ran as fast as I could to avoid being captured by them.

My heart fluttered wildly when I saw the outline of the road.

I will have you! You can't leave me!

My muscles ached as I stepped unto the dusty road and continued to ran towards the diner. The thundering of the wolves paws on the ground as they ran after me didn't match the sound of my heart pounding forcefully against my ribcage.

My eyes were growing weary that my vision blurred for a moment. I was exhausted and I dared to slow my pace but quickly regained speed when I looked back to see that the wolves were closing in from a far distance.

I squinted as I ran to see if the diner was close enough and surely, there it stood a few kilometres from where I was running.

Encouraging and willing myself to move faster, I yelped when I tripped over a huge branch that blocked half of the road.

I winced when I felt my ankle twist and a branch cut across it and groaned as tiny liquid streamed down my foot. But that didn't stop me from rising off the ground and running, no, rather limping towards the diner's silhouette that stood on the left side of the road.

I looked back again to see that the wolves were catching up to me fast. I cried out and turned forward, forcing my legs to move faster eventhough the pain I was feeling in my ankle was immense despite the cold air making me numb.

I had already broken that ankle before and it took a lot of time to heal. Now I had just made it worse.

But I wasn't too worried if there wasn't any hope left for redeeming my contorted ankle, I would think about that later. This time, I was worried about my survival. I could see vapour rapidly pouring out of my mouth whilst I gasped desperately for more air to fill my lungs.

A tear ran down my cheek as I reached the diner but it was swept away by the chill wind. My chest contricted painfully when I saw that the inside was dark and that the door was bolted when I jiggled the doorknob.

"Someone help me!" I pounded my fist on the door and yelled repeatedly, but deep down, I knew it was a lost cause.

Of course no one would come or hear my pleas. It was past freaking midnight!

Exhaustion hit my body full force when I realised that I was trapped but I brushed it away with all the strength I could muster and hastily made my way to the back of the building. Limping around the diner and praying that the back door was unlocked.

I limped to the back door, grabbed the door knob and twisted it.

When it made a silent click, I didn't even pause to breathe out a sigh of relief or wonder why the back door hadn't been locked to begin with. Seeing that as my only chance, I quickly darted into the diner and shut the door hurriedly behind me.

I turned to see that I just broke into the kitchen. Although it was dark, my eyes adjusted to the dim light in a manner of seconds and swiftly scanned the area to find a place to hide myself, pausing when they fell upon a moderate looking cupboard beneath a counter.

Without thinking, I ran towards it, opened the door to it and fixed my body inside the small space but being careful not to hurt my ankle further.

I choked at the lack of air in there when I closed the small double doors. I breathed loudly and breathlessly, my legs were sore from being crumped up in the small space and my arms itched from the walls of the cupboard as it made contact with them. Dust lingered around my nose and I refrained from sneezing.

Closing my eyes, I laid my head back against the wall of the cupboard and prayed silently. Finally giving in to exhaustion, I sighed in relief when my body slowly began to relax.

But my rest was short-lived when sudden fierce howls pierced through the silent air and as something banged against the door. I clasped my left hand tightly on my mouth to prevent any sound from escaping as the loud banging continued.

I heard the sound of angry wolves barking and growling as they proceeded to hit their bodies against the door until it finally made a loud 'crash' and broke off its hinges.

I held my breath and my body quivered as I sobbed silently. I stilled my body and didn't dare move a single muscle when I heard their paws thudding against the cold tiled floors.

Low growls broke out from their throats as they searched around the kitchen for me.

Come out, come out Phoebe.

My eyes widened a little and a soft cry escaped my throat before I could hold it in.

I know you're in here. I can smell you.

I refused to let fear take over as I heard faint steps moving towards the cupboard I was in but then froze when I saw a shadow linger at the edge of the door.

No, please. No.

The shadow stayed put for moment. I could see its legs swaying slightly before it moved away from its position.

I nearly cried out in relief but held it back in in case the noise caught the attention of the wolves outside. They had sharp hearing so I slightly doubted if they hadn't heard me already because my heart was thumping uncontrollably inside my chest.

Soon after, I heard the scrambling of feet out the back door. I waited for a few minutes in the dead silence before I hesitantly reached for the doors of the cupboard and pushed them slowly apart.

It made a shrieking sound but I tried as much as possible to control it and focus better on my surroundings. I swallowed in a chunk of fresh air before carefully moving out of the cupboard.

Being cautious not to make any further noise, I climbed out of the cupboard and tiptoed from the kitchen to find a better place to hide because staying in that small place had given me cramps and I wasn't going to stay there all night.

I hissed when my ankle scraped harshly against the wooden door but shut my mouth tight and gulped in the immense pain that was beating in my anklebone.

Walking between the rows of counters, stoves and sinks and wincing at every step, I finally caught sight of a door at the end of the last sink to the right.

Carefully, I made my way towards the door and gribbed the doorknob. Twisting it slowly in my hands and grimacing as the door made a soft creak, I opened it to a small gap and squeezed my body through it, shutting it gently in front of me.

I leaned my head against the door to release the breath that I'd been holding in and tried to calm my racing heart.

I turned around to study the room that I'd just entered but instead, I ended up screaming when my eyes saw red.


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