"What is it?"

"Your daughter hasn't been taking her medication. The blood tests we took care back negative for any of the medications prescribed to her. As her father, you should be monitoring her medication intake and making sure she's taking them or she will be removed from your home and you will not be given costos y of her until she starts taking them."

"I wasn't aware of that. I will make sure she's taking all of her medications from now on."

"Zak." She mumbles.

"Does she do that often?" The doctor asks.

"Yeah. Ever since I had my half brother arrested." I explain.

Faith reaches up and grips my shirt.

"I'm almost there." She whispers

"Almost where, Faith?" The doctor asks her.

"Out. I'm almost out." Faith mumbles.

"Mr. Bagans, I would like to start these tests as soon as possible."

I nod. I look up at his name tag. Dr. Lyons.

"Can you call anyone who she holds dear to her heart?" Dr. Lyons asks me.

"Yeah. The rest of the family." I say.

I pull out my phone and text all the guys in the group chat we're in.

'Come to hospital. We're doing some tests. U guys need 2 b here'

Thirty minutes later, all the guys are walking into the new room. Aaron, Jay, Billy, Nick, and Dakota stand awkwardly in the corner as the doctor attaches wires to Faiths head.

The doctor gives us a minute to ourselves with Faith as he walked away to go get his clipboard. Dakota and I sit next to Faith. I take one of her hands and Dakota places his hand on her thigh. The doctor made her change into a hospital gown so the wires to the machines wouldn't get tangled.

"Is she going to be okay?" Dakota asks me

"I don't know. This is the fourth doctor we've been to and he's the only one who's thought of this." I tell him.

"I just want her back." Dakota whispers.

I place my hand on his shoulder.

"I was planning on proposing to her in Minnesota." Dakota says softly.

"What?" I ask looking at him.

Dakota rubs Faiths thigh and looks up.

"I wanted to propose to her. Ask her to marry me." Dakota says.

I sit there staring at him with my mouth open in shock. Dakota fucking Laden wants to ask my daughter to marry him. The only words that come out of my mouth sound incredibly stupid and rude.

"She's 18, you fucking pervert." I blurt.

Dakota stares at me. The rest of the guys stare at me. Even Faith stares at me and she doesn't know what's going on.

"Zak, we've been dating for nearly two years." Dakota says.

"Kota?" Faith says.

Dakota looks up at her.

"Yeah? What is it baby? I'm here." Dakota says.

"..... Kota. Dakota." Faith says.

"I'm here, baby. I'm here." Dakota says taking her hand in his.

"I'm sorry to interrupt this conversation but the tests are going to start." Dr. Lyons says from the door way.

Faiths eyebrows furrow. Her face then relaxes and stares off again.


*two weeks later*

(A/N: this is around the time she finally comes back. You'll get the escape scene so we can skip the gory stuff - C)

The guys and I have been in and out of the hospital for the past two weeks. The wedding she's supposed to be attending is coming closer and closer. We've made a real breakthrough. Everyday we come in and talk to her about things that happen. Just normal little things.

Today I'll tell her about her 17th birthday party which she nearly had a heart attack at.

"So there you were on your way home from school, when I call you, pretending to be angry, demanding you get home. You were so scared, oh my gosh. When you got home you fell right on your butt and screamed so loud when we all jumped out from behind random pieces of furniture. You were so happy that day though. I remember you cried so much, you fell asleep in my arms on the couch." I say holding her hand.

Faith is laying down and staring at the ceiling, lost in her own world. She's lost and confused. I just want my daughter back.


Next chapter is coming soon! Sorry I've been so busy! I haven't had much time to write! Please enjoy!!

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