Figment of Your Imagination Ch.21

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Annabeth's POV

I ran to the sidewalk as the two  fought it out in the parking lot. To an outsider we must have looked like a group of thugs having a fist fight. 

What was even going on? 

The plan has barely been set into motion, yet everything had already spiraled out of control. Percy brandished Riptide while Alatar had his weapon. 

The two of them clashed around the parking lot. My part was to head inside the lobby when the building opened for the public. Standing still watching was probably the most difficult part.

All I could do was watch as Alatar ducked and struck Percy's leg. Percy staggered away, the gash in his leg now bleeding profusely.

"Bwa hah hah! Not so powerful when there isn't a body of water nearby huh?" Alatar laughed.

How much time left?

"I don't need a body of water," Percy responded.

I could tell he was focused, calling onto Poseidon's  powers.  (I'm about to die of laughter. I can't be serious.) As a bystander, observing their fight was difficult.

I couldn't tell what they were thinking or what was going on. All I could do was anxiously count down the seconds before an employee showed any signs of opening the doors.

Seconds felt like hours.  I've never noticed until now, but fighting was nothing like it was made out to be. 

It always seemed so threatening and epic, where the protagonist would get smacked around before going super sayan and winning the battle. But in reality sword fighting was more of a chaotic dance.

Imagine a fencing class. Each person would strike in a certain fashion. Thrust, slashes, and swipes. Step forward, step backward.

Percy and Alatar's feud was more like an angry street fight but with swords that will definitely kill you if you're not too careful.

 I checked up on Percy's condition. Never in my life had I been so grateful that he took a dip in the River Styx.

Alatar didn't look too bad though. If I had to judge, I would think they were near stalemate. But then it was time to pull out the big guns.

Alatar warped the mist, forming gigantic chasms in between himself and Percy. To which Percy responded by blasting him with a jet of water. 

The fight was starting to look like the extreme version of a water balloon battle.

Using the water gimmicks had drained Percy. (ba dum tsh)

Yet Alatar hap kept it up. The boy seemed to have endless stamina and resistance. Over and over again, Alatar bended the mist. Making all sorts of illusions to fool Percy.

As Percy appeared to stab Alatar, Alatar had dissipated and reappeared a few meters away, charging towards Percy to attack.

Drawing the fight out for the period of an hour was a tiring task. Not even a trained demigod like Percy could do it alone.

How much longer??

There was a rustle and a clank of a door opening and closing. 

The employee entrance maybe?

I readied myself to start running. After catching Percy's eye, the front lights flickered on, and the door locks jangled as the silhouette of a person unlocked the doors.

Percy nodded firmly and mouthed go. I edged down the side walk, careful not to draw too much attention to myself. When it was clear the building was open for buissness, I opened the double doors and stepped in.

A wave of cool air hit me as I stepped inside. The air conditioning was nice compared to the early muggy summer heat. 

The receptionist working at the desk glanced up in surprise. I walked hurriedly towards him, I need to get to the 600th floor.

He looked at me for a moment and I started to wonder if I had made a mistake coming this early. But to my relief, he nodded and passed me a thin red card. 

I waited impatiently for Percy to follow. After a moment, I pressed the up button for the elevators. As one dinged to signify arrival, Percy ran into the building. 

"Hurry. Get in!" I called out. He spotted me waiting by the elevator dock and ran across the lobby. Alatar coming in paces behind him. 

We ran inside the tiny elevator together and the door closed as Alatar drew near. Percy gasped, and bent over to catch his breath. I handed over the crumpled up ambrosia Nico had given me near the start of this adventure.

"Thanks," he muttered.

I slipped the red card into the slot embedded into the elevator wall. The card fit in perfectly before disappearing. The elevator jolted and started climbing upwards.

Homely elevator music did not fit the atmosphere at all. As we neared our final destination on the 600th floor, I couldn't help but start doubting our plan.

Author's Note: 

This chapter is a short boi. Sorry.

But at least it's here. Prepare thyself for the next update. For it is going to knock your sockos off.

Side by Side: PJO: AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя