Road Trip Ch.19

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Percy's POV

I twisted the set of keys in the ignition handle. There was a rumble and car started up. The dashboard glowed, that was pretty cool. I shifted out of first gear.

Could I get arrested for this?

Nothing would be worse than coming back to camp unsuccessful and having Chiron chew us out, so I went along with it. I stepped on the gas pedal, the car lurched forwards. I stepped on the brakes, the car halted to a stop.

"Jeez, Percy do you even know how a car works?" Annabeth retorted from the passengers side.

"Nope, but I've played Mario Kart enough times to know how to use a steering wheel," I joked.

After backing out of the parking spot, which took multiple tries, we were on the open road! Checking that the gear was in the right place, I adjusted the mirror, and sat back.

"Think of it like a road trip!"

"This is nothing like a road trip, seaweed brain," Annabeth said.

The wind rushed in from the broken window making it very hard to talk. You pretty much had to shout or else your words would be blown away. 

After nearly crashing into multiple signposts and mailboxes we were cruising along. 

"Oh right, where is the Empire State Building anyways?" I asked.

Annabeth smacked her forehead. "Oh you idiot,"

She looked around the car for a GPS. There was none. Our luck had run out for today.

"I guess, find a highway and look around for a road sign. The Empire State Building is pretty popular so there would probably be indicators for tourists to find it," She suggested.

"Man, I'm going to ACE my drivers test,"

Alatar's POV

Shit, how does one drive a car? 

I realized that as I started to loose control of the vehicle. The wheel felt unfamiliar and the pedals never moved quite right. I wasn't sure if the gear was supposed to be that high, and I sure as hell don't have a drivers license.

The mist can only do so much, what if I were to just crash it into a house. Would the police think it was drunk driving? I chuckled at the thought.

It didn't matter anyways, my angsty villainous adrenaline had run out. I became increasing aware that I was going to get lost and had no means of transportation to get back if I did.

If I fail, why would I even want to go back?

Oh shit, there comes the angst again. 

I turned the wheel and rounded a corner, clipping the sidewalk as I did. 

It's not my fault if Annabeth chooses that walking piece of kelp. She had a chance, but she didn't heed the warnings.

I nearly crashed into a car as I drove down a road.

I did everything I can to keep him away. She always drifts back to him in the end. Like the tide and the shore. Gods, those two are really just made for each other aren't they?

Slamming down on the brakes I nearly ran a red light.

What am I? Chopped liver? She confided in me some of her secrets. The dreams she had, they worry me too. Does she not care?

I jerked the wheel right to enter the highway. My exit would be.. the 25 maybe 27 exit?

The driving went considerably well. I only lost a side mirror and busted a few scratches along the side of the vehicle.

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