To Olympus Ch.17

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Percy's POV

"Do you love me?" 

I stared at her in shock. Do I? Do I like Annabeth. I thought back to every quest. All the moments when we saved each other's buts. She's smart, strong, and smart. She's a dependable partner and one of the most beautiful people I know. I wanted a future when I gave up immortality, and I wanted a future with.. with Annabeth.

The words got caught in my throat. Even though I wanted to yell, even though I wanted to jump and shout and sing the words aloud.

"I... I.."

She looked me dead in the eyes. Her grey ones clouded and mesmerizing. I could get lost in them all day.

She clasped my hands. " Say it Percy, say what you want, "

"I do. I love you," I exhaled and the words rushed out of me.

"All the adventures we've had. The memories we've shared. Whatever else happens to us we can take it. Together. I love you Annabeth, I do," The words flooded out of me. Every suppressed emotion shown through in my voice.

Tears blossomed in the corner of Annabeth's eyes. I wiped them away with my thumb. Cradling her face and pressing my forehead to hers. We stayed in each others arms for a while.

"Thank you Percy. I have a plan." 

She leaned in even closer to me and our breaths mixed. She was a matching puzzle piece and lips interlocked. She was warm and reminded me of all the greatest moments we've had. I inhaled her scent, she smelled of strawberries. 

She pulled away, "Like I said, I have a plan. "

"Then tell me wise girl," I smiled.

"We're going to head to Olympus," 


Alatar's POV

They're gonna head to Olympus? To confront the gods? These two really are bold after all. I ran out of the cabin area and into the night. Harpies flew overhead looking like ravens hungry for their prey. 

The camp was deathly silent in the middle of the night. Every camper was sleeping peacefully in their beds. 

I had to beat the couple to Olympus. I need to stop them before they get there. I take the mist and the shadows of the night and blend them together to create monsters. Fangs, eyes, claws, and scales. They're under my order.

I place them around the camp. In front of cabins, behind trees, although I have to admit that wasn't the best hiding place. They weren't meant to attack any campers, just those who try and help Percy and Annabeth escape.

I lead multiple around the entrance/exit of the camp. Then, I dash out of the camp myself. I run, father and farther out not entirely sure where I was going. The mist will guide me. It will lead me to my location. 

Last time I checked Olympus was anchored above the empire state building in New York, NY. If I'm correct... Camp Half-Blood is at the tip of Long Island Sound. That's a long damn way to go.

I'll never reach there by foot. I'm going to tire out eventually...

I need a set of wheels. I stop and catch my breathe. I'm in a city somewhere along the coast. There are a couple of cars parked along the road. 

Perfect. I smile to myself.

To anyone viewing from the outside, I must have been quite an odd sight to see. A boy in the middle of night running down the street and approaching a car. However, what happened next would be explainable.

I tapped a car. I wasn't sure what color it was, as the night made it nearly impossible to see anything, but I found a window and smashed it. 

After crawling through, I looked around my new car. Bending the mist to my will I imagined what I wished to see... a pair of keys. After moments of concentration I held in my hand a shining new set of car keys.

According to what was in my hand I was driving a Toyota Camry.  Not to shabby. I placed the key into the ignition and turned. The car rumbled to life.

Off I go~

Author's Note:

Side by Side is ending soon! Drop a favorite, a comment, and do whatever else you'd like. It's twelve in the dead of night and I'm on my laptop. I'm going to go blind.

OH WELL. This was such a boring chapter, but doing worry. I'm rolling up my sleeves to prepare what comes next!

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