Surprises Ch.3

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Percy's POV

"I'm sorry," Annabeth choked out,

" Sorry for what? You never did anything wrong," I said concerned.

"No, you don't- sigh- I guess what I'm trying to say is nevermind," she said.

"Something's bothering you I can tell, you can trust me okay?" I said.

"No, it's nothing," she whispered softly.

We sat together in silence for a while. It became so tense I decided to break the ice,

" Y'know, as long as your here you can come up from that floor right?" I joked as I patted a spot for her to sit on the bed next to me.

" No, it's okay I should get going it's getting late, or, well, early," She replied.

" The patrol harpies are going to chew you out if they see you," I said, "It's better if you stay here with me, we can wait till breakfast,"

"I don't mean to be a drag, beside they'll never see me," She said. Then, she pulled on her New York Yankees cap and disappeared. I lied in bed for a little longer until the conch horn blew signaling that it was time for breakfast. I rolled out of bed and got hastily dressed, then i went to the dining pavilion.

Annabeth's POV

What happened the night before had been so embarrassing. I absentmindedly ran over to Percy's cabin, just on impulse I guess, but when I arrived I didn't know what to say. I dashed invisibly back to my cabin and lied down only to be called to breakfast a little while after. I stumbled out of bed and tried my best to make it look like I haven't been running over the camp at night, and headed down to breakfast.

" Gods almighty what happened to you?I mean you look even worse than usual," snarked Clarisse.

"Thanks Clarisse," I replied, I guess I hadn't dressed as well as I thought. As I walked into the dining pavilion and took my seat Malcom (a camper in the Athena cabin) raised an eyebrow but said nothing. I looked down at my eggs and bacon and thought about my dream from the night before.

I remembered what Poseidon had said. The visions that I saw was it true or was he calling my bluff? I guess I was scowling a bit, because Malcom asked,

" Um... Annabeth are you okay?"

"Hmm, oh yeah just fine," I lied. Then, I got up to make my burnt offering to the gods. I scraped most of my food into the fire and said, "Oh. Athena goddess of wisdom please help me escape Poseidon's wrath,and please help me with Percy," Then I left and sat back down.

Announcements went by as I poked and prodded my breakfast. There was a new camper, Alatar, (good luck pronouncing that name) and he was the son of Hecate. oh, I thought that's new, we've never had a son of Hecate before. He went over to sit with the Hermes cabin for the time while the Hecate cabin is still being constructed. But almost right afterwards when we were all dismissed, he started walking towards me. Please no, I prayed. But he walked on over to where I was standing and said,

" Are you Annabeth Chase? Chiron told me that you'd give me a tour of the camp,"

"Oh, yeah okay sure, but isn't Chiron himself supposed to do that?" I asked.

" Well, I'm sure he should, but Chiron addressed you, he also said he was busy because of after the war. I've heard a lot about you and your quest's too. Who's Percy? Is he your boyfriend?" He asked.

Touche. " No, he's a friend of mine," I replied, "Let's get started shall we?" Then I led him toward the cabins since they were the closest from the mess hall.

Authors note: Again I would really try to write in between my schedule, but testing is coming up and it would really help if I could know that there were more greek geeks out there that want to read my story.

XOX from somewhere over the rainbow. :)

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