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Long before the age of demons and necromancers, the power of the Laia ruled over all.

It was a carefree spirit which took pity on the people in the dying world and split into seven cores of Trait. These Traits provided an abundance of magic, encased in seven elemental grimoires grown from the Laia's very ether. The once dying world became overflowing with life as the people soon gained the power for themselves and became Traited, elemental beings of change.

From there, the Traited arose to praise the Laia: Fire provided warmth and hope for the future, Water helped growth and serenity, Earth was resourceful and steadfast while Air provided freedom and stability.

But, the three other tomes were somehow lost to the Laia's sanctuary, separated from the others by simply straying too far from its source.

Storm became Lightning, precise and unyielding. Life became Light, stubborn and unfaltering. Shade became Shadow, quick and cunning.

But still the Laia accepted all the tomes as her own. She created other races from the three Traits to protect and learn from each of the seven element as she had done so before. The Traited named these races: The Abnormals.

The devoted Traited could not accept these new races and their Traits. They learnt from only the four tomes and combined their Trait to cleanse the Laia of its impurities and destroy the tomes of Lightning, Light and Shadow.

The Laia was outraged, refusing to allow her precious tomes, parts of herself to be harmed and in her rage cast all of the seven tomes away so they could never be deprived of their knowledge again. Instead the Laia cursed the Traited with grimoires of their own forcing them to yield to the overwhelming grimoires they had intended to destroy.

She cursed them with a choice: unite with the other races of the Abnormal grimoires or die by their uncontrollable thirst for power.

One by one the Traited began to die out, refusing to cooperate. They swore against the word of the Laia they had once lived by. The Abnormals however, possessed unchanged grimoires of their own.

The Laia had disregarded her connection to the seven tomes from which they were created, instead cursing all who used the Seven Cores, that is the Traited, in this world.

The Abnormals were able to do what the Traited could not, unite with those of their own race and find the solution to connecting with those closest to them.

Soon only a few Traited remained. They were those who understood the righteous destruction of an angry spirit decided to venture too close to Abnormal territory and saw the winged demons of Hellgrind.

Afraid but desperate to stop their skin from turning to dust, they approached the demon and asked to know what could save them. In their desperation, one made the very first contract and shared the power of the Traited with another. Both Abnormal demon and hesitant Traited created a binding agreement under the Trait they had once refused to accept. The Laia saw the forging of Traited with Abnormal and aknowledged them as such by giving them a name in return.

The Night Rider.

Together, to keep the power the Traited had once coveted the first pair of Traited convinced their people to agree to the terms. To survive, a contract must be made.

The ritual known as an Oathed partnership became permenant in their fight for survival but soon the Traited rose against the Night Rider's creed to create a more temporary solution, the Agar contract. But despite their callous attempts, both contracts still led to the same outcome. Neither could fix the origin of their Trait and the grimoires that tied them together with the partners they chose. No longer would the Night Rider stand by them, betrayed by their own kind and shunned once again by the Traited that created them.

Now the world the Laia once loved is changing once again. With the Night Rider locked away in the demon realm of Hellgrind and the conflict of Oathed and Agars at breaking point, the Traited must unite once more to stop their own undoing before its too late.

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