Chapter 59 - Arbiter

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“You don’t know shit, Cullian.”

Mantis' stern voice faltered just a fraction, her hostile facade crumbling as she swore for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. She sounded tired, exasperated as if he could see her frustrated face in the flickering darkness even with everyone still on edge. But Cull’s expression was illuminated by his own Triad, a strange mix of worry, anger and regret.

The thoughts of betrayal filled the Mediator's thoughts, Cull’s menacing fire punctuating all the times they had hogtied him to the roof, punched him in the face, yelled and swore at him continuously to force him to work together with people he only just met. But he trusted Mantis’ judgement and allowed the two to work it out without interfering.

"Did you ever wonder why we were stuck together as a group, Manny? We're not exactly best buds and my sister couldn't even grow enough of a backbone to leave me in the dust with her Trait.” Cull said, trying to convince her despite the gruff tone he was using.

"Don't say that. You’re Trait is plenty…" Odi began but the comforting glare from the Fire Traited made her take a step back, allowing him to continue on.

Giving the dragon the first genuine smile he had seen from Cull since Blaize left him, his Triad struggling to maintain acting as a compass with his discord over Mantis’ predicament. The Forecaster gave the dragon a grateful pat, knowing she meant well and wanting her to know that even as he continued walking alongside them both.

“Hornet didn’t need to say much but I know enough to recognise a half elf with anger issues. But not one as powerful as you."

The group continued on at a stately pace, dawdling around the newly rebuilt Axis as the Fire Traited and half elf continued to confront each other even as they tried to look for Rin. The halo of dimming flame flickered in and out of focus, making Hawkins already blurry vision even blurrier. As he stared around the mystifying replication of Mantis’ Trait…Casting his eyes adjusted to the strange, new heat seeking Cull was now using to hunt for his sister.

The fading blue Trait lingering like vines on every interchanging piece of brickwork, interlocking together with a strange insignia matching the very familiar who now perched on Mantis’ shoulder without a care. Much like how her Windspell had reconstructed Axis the complex runes that were secretly embedded in every structure began to flare much like Hack’s mini earthquakes from his Trait when he was mad or upset.

Much like the ash stored within Sleek’s Flickerwick candle the Infernal Triad gravitated towards it like a magnet, the aura of burnt umber glowing dimly in the darkness. It reminded him of the colour of the Brinehearth festival lanterns mixing together like grains of peeling oil paint as it faded from murky orange to a deep mustard clinging to the mud. He’d bet money that it was showing him Hazard.

Just as quickly as Hawkins had found the shifting colours of Trait the paths diverged from amber to different hues of yellow: one for Blaize and one for Hazard following steadily behind her. The Infernal Triad began to drift haphazardly towards the left as Mantis’ cerulean Forecasting overwhelmed what little trail Rin had left for them as it tinged with purple and green.

Hack’s grimoire crossed his thoughts but as the trail went cold for several seconds the two definitive colours he could see flecks of bright amber as bright as the Hanging Sun and an sickeningly acidic, unchanging emerald green. He knew it wasn’t Rin’s Trait smothered in amber. He didn’t know who that belonged to. But as much as he hated to admit it Cricket’s Trait was far stronger and closer than ever before.

"Unlike our boss, I know how to keep my mouth shut and considering the sheer irony of her shoving us together…” Cull continued, folding his arms even as he tried to convince the most stubborn person in their group.

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