The Move

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A/N: Um, hey friendos, I hope you enjoy this chapter... Wait, no, that seems scary and crazy and like it might foreshadow something. Just enjoy, please, and if I make mistake correct me. I bet you won't cowards. (But seriously, please correct me.) ALRIGHT ON TO DA SHOW!


Virgil was squished in the back amongst all of his boxes, while Remy and Emile sat in the front. Like Remy had promised, they were helping him into his new apartment. They had stayed out all night watching the Light Sides find and arrest the goon and, of course, The Prince, one of the heroes on the Light Sides, managed to start a fire. Luckily, Logic, another hero on the Light Sides, put out the fire The Prince had caused using his psychokinesis.

If the Vigilantes are chaperones, then the Light Sides are definitely children.

But, it didn't matter now. All Virgil had to focus on was how his roommates would react to seeing him a day late. Would he seem like he didn't care? Because, truthfully, Virgil seemed to care a bit too much about how the others saw him. Nervously, he pulled his black and purple jacket sleeves over his hands.

"Hun, where is it again?" Remy asked, sipping a coffee from Dunkin' Donuts. He pushed his glasses up his nose as he turned around to look at Virgil. "You okay there, girl?"

"Remy, that isn't exactly the safest thing to do while driving-" Virgil started, soon to be interrupted by Remy. "Don't worry about it, my lovely emo. The question was, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Virgil stared at Remy. "Please turn back around."

"Alright, alright, alright," Remy commented, sipping his coffee and turning around. Emile looked between Remy and Virgil, giving Virgil a sympathetic look. "I believe Virgil said it was 1988 Morality St." Emile said, giving Remy a questioning look. The latter nodded, driving a tad faster than Virgil would have liked. He truly was in no rush to meet these new people.

"What do you think these people will be like?" Emile questioned, looking back at his emo friend. "Ooh! What are their names? I bet ya I can guess their characteristics!"

Virgil didn't really doubt that. Emile was a therapist, his whole job was to gather information about other people and guess why they acted or thought a certain way.

Virgil handed the empath his phone. On there was an email from one of his roommates explaining what their names was and how they were happy to have someone with them.


"Hey there, Kiddo! My name's Patton Hart. It's nice to have ya living with us! Roman is excited too, so is Logan! (Even if he doesn't show it!)

"Well I hope you the best, and we'll help ya move in if ya need. I'll be our pleasure!"

With Love,

Patton Hart

Logan Lojika

Roman Fantasioso


It was a small email, but strange all the same.

"Patton Hart, Logan Lojika, and Roman Fantasioso," Emile muttered quietly. "Well, seeing the way Patton Hart writes, he seems to be a bit childish. Probably ranging from the ages of 23-25 years of age. Assuming they all use he/him pronouns, most men tend to have children around that age, so he may be a bit paternal towards everyone he knows. He's a lover, clearly when he said, 'with love.' And he is the most friendly of the group.

"Logan Lojika, guessing from the name, is a stern and strict person, but very intelligent. He may be what some call a dork or nerd, but he was just raised this way by strict parents. Never quite learning or expressing himself one may as a child.

"Roman Fantasioso seems to be an... egomaniac, in a sense. He's one Patton may find attractive, but you'll most likely find him a tad annoying, but, with hope, you may eventually bond with one another."

As soon as Emile finished and handed back Virgil's phone, Remy announced that they had arrived, and that Virgil should close his gaping mouth before a fly flew in.

When they had parked in front of the house, a man in a bright blue shirt and gray cardigan with tan khakis came charging at them from across the yard. Emile looked back at Virgil and whispered, "That's Patton." Following, who Virgil and Emile were assuming Patton, were two other young men, on in a simple blue tie and black shirt and dark khakis, the other in a red and white jacket with a small crown sewed into it and he had seemed to pair it with denim jeans.

Patton smiled as he stood beside the car waving, bouncing on his toes. "Hiimpattonandijustcantwaittomeetyouandhowareyou?" Patton raced, with every word, or at least Virgil assumed they were words instead of plain gibberish, his smile seemed to grow. The fellow in the red and white jacket put his hand on Patton, whispering to him about slowing down or whatnot.

"Oh, sorry," Patton smiled apologetically as Virgil opened the car door and stepped. "I just get so excited, ya know?" Virgil smiled shyly and nodded. "So, I'm Patton, and welcome to your new home, Kiddo!" Patton pushed his big round glasses up his nose.

Virgil finally glanced at the apartment. It wasn't too bad, it wasn't shinning with happiness compared to Patton, but Virgil didn't believe anything could outshine Patton.

The man in the red and white stepped forward and stuck out his hand. "Hello, I'm Roman, your new companion and soon to be bestest friend!"

Emile was right. This dude is a bit full of himself, but Virgil grasped his hand and shook it. He then looked to the last man in the dark blue tie. His glasses were similar to Patton's but.. squarer? The man wasn't out of the ordinary, or extravagant, or anything that might make Virgil step back a bit, but still Virgil couldn't help but stare at him. He was just, to put it plainly, handsome.

"And, I'm Logan. Nice to meet you, Virgil." Logan didn't extend his hand in greeting, which Virgil was silently grateful for, instead he nodded slightly at him.

Virgil heard the car doors open and saw Remy and Emile carrying some boxes. Patton raced, with Roman not far from his tail, to help carry some boxes. Along the way he chatted with Emile about cartoons and other things, soon dragging Roman into the conversation. At one point Logan even looked at Virgil and rolled his eyes, jabbing his thumb to where the three stood holding boxes.

It made Virgil feel a little giddy.


Ya like? Maybe? It really was more of a filler chapter. I needed the push to get them together and friendly. I think some more chapters may be like that, but there will be plenty of long and juicy chapters, pinkie promise!

Once again, please tell me if I make a mistake! The whole point is for you guys to enjoy it, you can't enjoy it if you can't read it.

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