Chapter 15

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I woke up in the middle of the night because of a loud scream, confused I turned on the lamp on my nightstand and sat up. Another scream was heard, it sounded like a boy. The more I thought about it, the more familiar it was.

Jake fucking Webber.

Extremely tired and angry I got up from the bed and without any second thought, I left the apartment and headed up to the forth floor. I had just gotten a couple of hours of sleep and I was pissed. Jake is that guy who is probably going to be kicked out, and I was going up there to yell at him.

I heard more noise as I walked up the stairs to the forth floor, it seemed like he had people over, but I didn't care. Jake Webber was going down. It's a Wednesday for Christ sake.

When I got to his apartment I knocked on the door and I heard a "oh shit" from the inside. I crossed my arms over my chest and just stood there until the familiar face of Jake appeared on the door way.

"Hayden? What are you doing here?" Jake asked confused and looked around the hallway, clearly not seeing my angry expression.

"Are you kidding? I was sleeping without a care in the world until SOMEONE decided to make a lot of noise at 3am!" I shouted, probably not making the other neighbors happy.

"Oh, you heard that?" He sheepishly said and scratched the back of his neck, I nodded and rolled my eyes. "Well I'm sorry, we tried to not make a lot of noise, but I guess that didn't work."

"The hell it didn't." I said and chuckled.

"Well since you're already here, want to come in?" Jake asked and I thought about it for a moment, I was still very tired and actually wanted to sleep.

"Sure." I said and ignored how tired I was, wouldn't be so bad would it.

When I walked inside I understood why he was making so much noise. On his couch sat Sam, Colby and Corey. I blinked a few times before I chuckled. "This explains everything." I said and Jake shot me a sheepish smile.

"Yeah we just got done filming a video." Sam said. Corey patted the spot beside him on the couch and I gladly took it.

Corey and I actually used to be very good when we lived across the street of each other. When i moved away we kinda lost contact as I did with the rest of the trap house. I guess when Colby and I broke up, I already knew that I would loose contact with most of them. Like Aaron, haven't seen that guy in forever.

When I sat down I suddenly felt uncomfortable, I only had on a pair of pajamas shorts and a tank top. So I was a bit underdressed for hanging out with a bunch of guys.

"What kind of a video were you filming?" I asked and leaned back on the couch, still tired, but trying to seem a somewhat awake.

"Just a intro for something we are working on." Sam said and winked at me, which made me burst out laughing. I might be a bit too tired to see Sam wink at me. "Hey! Stop laughing at me." Sam said with a grin, I coughed a few times to stop laughing.

"I'm sorry, but I'm tired." I said and he nodded, knowing very well why I was tired. My beauty sleep is important for me, if I don't sleep well I get really grumpy, so this might not be a good idea.

We all stayed around talking for a few more hours, we had a good time just catching up. Since I lived in the same building as Sam and Jake, we talked a few times if we bumped into each other, but other than that we didn't talk much.

Things aren't the same as it used to be and of course it's sad to think about, but sometimes you just have to live with the fact that nothing will stay the same. Things are always going to change, even if it's relationship or friendships.

Anyway, it felt nice to catch up and be with my old friends again. It made me miss all the fun we used to have at the trap house. Hopefully now that we have hung out, we might start seeing each other more.

"It's getting late, I'm going to sleep." Colby said and stood up, the rest nodded and we all got up from the comfortable couch.

Since Sam live on the same floor as Jake, he went straight to his apartment and that left me, Corey and Colby. Both me and Colby live on the floor below the others, so we decided to take the stairs. Corey joined but got inside the elevator as soon as we got to our floor and I started heading over to my own apartment.

"Hayden?" Colby asked, making me stop and look back at him. I raised my brows and waited for him to say something else. "I just wanted to know how you are doing." He said and took a few steps towards me.

"Better." I answered and shrugged. I guess I've been trying to get my head back to what it used to be, and it's getting better. Having people around me that cares, really helps a lot and the weight on my shoulders have been somewhat lifted.

"That's good." He nodded and looked at his feet. I nodded even though he couldn't see it, because I didn't know what to answer. "I guess I'll talk to you later." He said and started walking back to his apartment.

"Colby?" I asked, this time he was the one to turn around with a questionable look on his face. "Uh, do you want to spoon?" I made a weird face as I realized how stupid it was to ask something like that.

Colby laughed but nodded. "Sure, let's spoon." He grinned and so did I before walking over to him.

We entered his apartment and went straight to his bedroom. My eyelids felt heavy as I sat down on his bed, really feeling sleepy at this point. Colby changed into a pair of sweatpants and nothing else before he got into the bed. We laid down and he put his arm around me as my back was against him.

It didn't take long before both of us was sleeping.

Lol sorry this sucked, but hopefully you enjoyed it more than me:)))

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