Chapter 1

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When I got pregnant, I was scared out of my mind. I didn't think I could be responsible or even organized enough to take care of a mini version of myself. But it's been 6 months since I got pregnant and now I feel different about the whole situation. It's like I already know her, and I can't wait to hold her in my arms.

When I found out it is a girl, I think I screamed in excitement. My baby girl, whom I get to love with all of my heart and soul. It almost makes me cry just thinking about it.

The father is someone we don't speak of anymore, at least not his name. We prefer to just say "dad" if we ever speak of him, which is not much. I know it sound weird to call him dad before she even is born, but it's just something that happened, and I want her to get used to hearing the word dad. If she even can hear me, I don't know much about this stuff, I'm kinda just going with the flow.

Colby and I lost contact a long time ago, and I'm dating someone else now. I don't know if it's actually serious or not, I think Mason is slightly freaked out by the fact that I'm pregnant with someone else's baby, a person who used to mean the world to me. Therefore I'm not sure if it's going to last, we have fun and stuff, but I'm about to be a mother, life is not about games anymore, it's all about this baby.

Colby knows I'm pregnant, I told him a little while after I found out myself. Since I was unsure at the beginning if I wanted to keep it, I decided to wait until I was positive on keeping her. Colby has been with me to the doctor a few times, but after a while we just stopped talking. But when I got pregnant I think it gave him somewhat of a hope for us getting back together, but that's not exactly how it went down...


Colby sat down on his bed as I stood before him, just being near him made my heart sink. I didn't think I would be near him so soon after the breakup, it's been two weeks since we broke up and I found out I was pregnant with his baby, and he needs to at least know about it.

Colby looked up at me with eyes filled with sorrow, mine probably looked more heartbroken. "There is something I need to tell you, but I don't want you to get mad at me. All I want you to do is to listen until I'm done." I told him, Colby nodded and furrowed his brows.

I looked at him with unease, hoping he wouldn't take this the wrong way or get mad. That would be horrible for me. "I'm pregnant, and I know we used protection and all that stuff, but it happened somehow." I started and brushed my fingers through my hair. "We are still young, hell I'm still 19! But after a lot of crying and trying to decide on what to do, I'm choosing to keep this baby." I finally stopped my rant and looked at him, a small smile was plastered on his lips.

"Hayden, this might be a good thing." Colby said and looked up at me with loving eyes, I could see a hint of hope in them as well.

"I think it is, you can be as involved as you want to..." I stopped talking when he looked at me with the biggest smile ever, I sighed and slowly shook my head, his smile turned into a frown. "As I said, you can be involved when the baby comes out to the real world, but until then, nothing has changed between us." I looked at him with sad eyes which he returned.

"So what you're say is, I can be involved when the baby is born, but until then it's nothing?" He asked and the way the looked at me almost broke my heart.

Nodding I moved closer and put my hand on his cheek, Colby closed his eyes as I did so. "It's for the better, you'll understand that soon. It breaks my heart, but it's a reason we broke up Colby. I'm going to stick to that." I told him softly, he nodded, my hand was still on his cheek.

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