Chapter 5

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It's Tuesday and the only plans I have today is to film with Sam. We recently just moved out of the trap house, so Sam and Jake now live in the same apartment complex as me. Which is nice after living with them for such a long time.

Jake had already gotten a noise complaint, but that is not really a surprise to me, he really is a noisy person. The only thing I mostly do now, is playing loud music, but I don't think anyone really care about that. I've heard the people in my floor also play loud music.

I looked over at the clock, it's was almost 12pm. Which meant I slept longer than I planned, yet again. I've been sleeping a lot lately, it's probably because of everything that have happened. I got a lot on my mind.

Groaning I stood up from my bed and walked over to my closet to find something I wear, I ended up with the usual ripped jeans and a merch hoodie.

After I ate some toast, I decided to call Sam to plan when we were going to meet up for the video. Too lazy to actually go over to his apartment.

"Hey man." Sam said as he answered his phone, he was shuffling around, probably fixing something in his apartment. As I said we just moved in.

"Hey, when are we going to meet up later?" I asked him as I sat down on my couch. Planning on just watching YouTube until we had to leave.

"I was thinking around 8 or something, it's probably better to do it when it's somewhat dark outside." He told me, finally stopping with what he was doing.

"Sounds good to me bro, I'll come over later." I said and hang up the phone.

After that I didn't really know what else to do, so I found my laptop and started watching random YouTube videos, maybe getting some inspiration from others as well.

I like to get ideas from myself, but sometimes it's interesting to see what people like to watch and maybe do the same thing. It's hard to find ideas that no one has done before, so sometimes I take the easy path.

I sat there watching YouTube for a few hours before I decided to get something to eat with Jake. He has been bugging me for the past half an hour, so I finally said yes.

After taking a quick shower and changed clothes, I started walking towards my door as I heard someone yell "oh my god" loudly. I frowned and walked outside to the hall.

A pregnant lady sat on her knees, clearly in pain. I started to walk fast towards her, as I got closer I noticed there was blood on her pants. Panic was beginning to settle in.

When I got in front of her I kneeled down to her as I dialed 911. As she finally looked up at my face, with a painful look, my heart sank.

"Holy shit, Hayden, are you alright?" I asked her in a panicked tone, she shook her head and grunted in pain.

"Whatever is happening, it really hurts." She said, and I grabbed her hand as I finally called 911.

I told them what was happening and they told me that a ambulance was sent out. I was really scared and didn't really know what was happening, but it scared the hell out of me. I knew this was something bad.

After that everything seemed like a big blur, the paramedics arrived and brought us to the hospital. I knew I couldn't leave her alone, therefore I went with her.

I knew she already knew what was happening, but I was clueless. I had no idea on how to help her, yet again I stood in front of her and didn't know what to do.

When we got to the hospital, I was told to wait in the waiting room until further notice, while Hayden was brought with a few nurses and a doctor.

My mind was spinning and I couldn't help but panic about the situation. I don't even know why I couldn't go with them, but I guess it's how they do it.

After waiting for a while I decided to call Amanda, it took me a while to get her phone number, but when I did, I called her right away.

"Um hello?" A confused voice asked, I knew it was Amanda. I recognized her voice.

"It's Colby. I'm with Hayden at the hospital, I just needed to let you know." I said fast, probably sounded really weird as I did so.

"What? Is she alright?" Amanda asked in a panicked tone, if only I knew.

"I have no idea, I'll text you when I know more, but I have to go. The doctor is walking towards me." I told her and hang up the phone.

I stood up as the doctor approached me, he had a sad look on his face, which made me nervous.

"Come with me, I'll explain everything to you in a moment." The doctor waved me forward and I nodded.

We walked down the long halls in silence, it was killing me. All I wanted to know was if Hayden was ok, and the baby. The blood really freaked me out, and by the look at the doctors face, I don't think something god happened.

"You're Cole Brock, the father?" He asked as we walked, I nodded and he wrote something down. "The thing is, your girlfriend had a miscarriage. We had to start the birth right away, I'm sorry this happened. We are trying to figure out what caused it."

Tears started to form in my eyes as he talked, it felt like someone had hit me with a rock. "Is Hayden alright?" I asked with tears streaming down my face. She must feel horrible and I want to be there with her.

"Hayden is fine, but I would go to her if I was you. Losing a child is one of the hardest things you can go through." The doctor said as he stopped outside a door, he nodded towards it and walked away to give us space.

I walked in with tears still rolling, when I saw her, both of us broke down. I rushed over to her and held her close, while she grabbed the t-shirt I was wearing and put her head on my chest.

My heart was aching and I didn't know what else to do at this moment, but hold her and cry. This is the hardest and most heartbreaking moment of my life, and I didn't think I would ever experience something like this.

So crying my heart out was all I could manage to do.


Ummmm so I did a thing😂

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