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I was whispered into the world
Given a silence to command,

So I seized it with with a cry

And over time I would fill it with the occasional laugh and mumbled word.

Then I started to speak,

Learnt how to embrace the emptiness of a room with conversation,

Which was okay

Until I was introduced to a world that spoke in a language that echoed acoustic violence down the chambers of ear drums.

A world that knew of no other way to communicate.

Pretty soon the little silence I had once commanded was completely overshadowed.

Lost in the noise...

My stolen bliss replaced with ships of lights in a sympathy of chaos.

The world was screaming and I became a little boy that missed the tender sweet sound of silence.

The way it would slow dance into a room and carry me gently down my thoughts.

The way it would displace the curtains of space and time leaving room for me to search within myself,

To find myself.

Now I have to find some way to leave without the silence.

Learn to hold self distraction on my fingers tips and still act like this world does not make me feel explosive.

I hate the noise...

But lately it's the only thing I seem capable of hearing,

My own heart beat has become a stranger to my hear drums.

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